
Field soil in Yongshou Shaanxi province is calcium soil with a high carbonate content , a high pH , and a low organic matter content , and soil availability of Se and Zn is very low .
Study on the Growth Principle of Seabuckthorn Plantation in Yongshou County
The Occurrence Factors and Control Measures of Wheat Leaf Rust
The approaches of developing and utilizing the grassland resources in Yongshou district
Chapter ⅲ, Protective development and utilization on Yongshou ancient-Town .
In such a backdrop , Yongshou actually have an optimal period of Agriculture Structure adjustment .
Status , Problems and Countermeasures of Agricultural Industry Development in Xianyang & A Case of Yongshou County
Today is the day you were married , I congratulate you on behalf of my family , I wish you both happy and long marriage Yongshou !
Yongshou town is located Weibei Plateau of hilly and gully region , is typically a major agricultural town in the level of economic development in underdeveloped areas belonging .
Fong Yong highway as an example to investigate and study the highway situation , and will unify the modern machinery equipment management theory the method to carry on the analysis .
The first section contains the yearning for a better life , love and desire for human justice , as well as black gauze cap and wealth and the pursuit of longevity .
Pot experiments were conducted with maize , soybean , wheat and rape as test crops to study the effects of application of Se , Zn and Fe on crop yields and nutritional quality on selenium deficient soil .
The chapter elaborates from three aspects of Yongshou ancient-town . They are the planning characteristics of Yongshou Ruins and traditional dwellings , diverse cultural landscape . According to a complete cognition , we shall form a whole understanding .
Alike degree of rodent community in scrub open forest and rodent community in desolate slope is higher , with the community alike degree , the rodent community in linyou reuse farmland is low , but the community in yongshou is high ;
Dealing with the effect of rainfall and infiltration on runoff in gently sloping farmland , on the basis of 598 groups data of runoff plots nearly 30 years from Bin county , Yongshou , Huanglong , Xifeng and Chunhua station . Some results are given out .