
  1. 陕西永寿属石灰性土壤,碳酸盐含量和pH较高,土壤有机质含量低,土壤中硒、锌有效性低。

    Field soil in Yongshou Shaanxi province is calcium soil with a high carbonate content , a high pH , and a low organic matter content , and soil availability of Se and Zn is very low .

  2. 永寿县沙棘人工林生长规律初探

    Study on the Growth Principle of Seabuckthorn Plantation in Yongshou County

  3. 永寿县小麦叶锈病的发生因素与防治对策

    The Occurrence Factors and Control Measures of Wheat Leaf Rust

  4. 永寿草地资源开发利用途径

    The approaches of developing and utilizing the grassland resources in Yongshou district

  5. 第三章,永寿县古城镇的保护性开发与再利用。

    Chapter ⅲ, Protective development and utilization on Yongshou ancient-Town .

  6. 在这样一个大环境下,永寿县自然也存在一个农业结构调整的优化期。

    In such a backdrop , Yongshou actually have an optimal period of Agriculture Structure adjustment .

  7. 咸阳农业产业发展现状问题及对策研究&以咸阳市永寿县为例

    Status , Problems and Countermeasures of Agricultural Industry Development in Xianyang & A Case of Yongshou County

  8. 今天是你们喜结良缘的日子,我代表我家人祝贺你们,祝你俩幸福美满,永寿偕老!

    Today is the day you were married , I congratulate you on behalf of my family , I wish you both happy and long marriage Yongshou !

  9. 永寿县豆家镇位于渭北旱塬丘陵沟壑区,属于典型的农业大镇,在经济发展水平上属于欠发达地区。

    Yongshou town is located Weibei Plateau of hilly and gully region , is typically a major agricultural town in the level of economic development in underdeveloped areas belonging .

  10. 以陕西凤翔路口至永寿高速公路为例,通过实地调研凤永高速公路建设情况,并运用现代施工机械设备管理理论进行分析。

    Fong Yong highway as an example to investigate and study the highway situation , and will unify the modern machinery equipment management theory the method to carry on the analysis .

  11. 第一节主要阐述变形中蕴含对美好生活的向往,它包含对爱情和人间正义的渴望,以及对乌纱、财富和长生永寿的追求。

    The first section contains the yearning for a better life , love and desire for human justice , as well as black gauze cap and wealth and the pursuit of longevity .

  12. 本文以陕西永寿低硒区土壤为供试土壤,种植玉米、大豆、油菜和小麦,研究硒锌铁对作物产量和营养品质的影响。

    Pot experiments were conducted with maize , soybean , wheat and rape as test crops to study the effects of application of Se , Zn and Fe on crop yields and nutritional quality on selenium deficient soil .

  13. 分别从永寿故城的规划特色、传统民居和多元的文化景观三个方面来展示永寿县的特色风貌,并形成一个整体认识。

    The chapter elaborates from three aspects of Yongshou ancient-town . They are the planning characteristics of Yongshou Ruins and traditional dwellings , diverse cultural landscape . According to a complete cognition , we shall form a whole understanding .

  14. 灌木疏林地啮齿动物群落类型与荒坡林地啮齿动物群落类型的相似度较高,与退耕林地啮齿动物群落类型的相似度麟游群落的相似度低,而永寿的相似度高;

    Alike degree of rodent community in scrub open forest and rodent community in desolate slope is higher , with the community alike degree , the rodent community in linyou reuse farmland is low , but the community in yongshou is high ;

  15. 以彬县、永寿、西峰、黄龙和淳化径流场近30年的598组小区观测资料为样本,对缓坡耕地降雨、入渗与产流的关系进行了统计分析。

    Dealing with the effect of rainfall and infiltration on runoff in gently sloping farmland , on the basis of 598 groups data of runoff plots nearly 30 years from Bin county , Yongshou , Huanglong , Xifeng and Chunhua station . Some results are given out .