
  1. 本文针对七一八研究所水电解制氢温度控制对象的特点,提出了一种带史密斯预估的模糊自适应PID集成控制系统。

    Aiming at the features of existing temperature control loop for hydrogen generation by water electrolysis , one kind of fuzzy self-adaptive PID integrated control loop with Smith prediction is put forward .

  2. 介绍了采用粉煤纯氧气化同水电解制氢,达到CO2零排放的煤制甲醇大型装置单元组合;

    Using pulverized coal pure oxygen gasification and producing hydrogen by water electrolysis were introduced , to reach an unit combination of large-sized plant of methanol produced by coal with a zero discharge of CO_2 ;

  3. 固体燃料-水电解制氢的研究

    Preparation of hydrogen by electrolysis of solid fuel & water system

  4. 中压水电解制氢装置控制系统设计方案的实现与比较

    Realization and Comparison of Control System for Medium Pressure Hydro-electrolytic Hydrogen Producers

  5. 水电解制氢设备在使用中应注意的问题

    Issues to Be Noted in Using of Water Electrolysis Hydrogen Preparation Equipment

  6. 水电解制氢设备的碱液配制方法

    Preparation Method of Alkali Solution for water Electrolysis Hydrogen - Producing Equipment

  7. 浅谈中压水电解制氢工艺系统的改进

    A Brief Discussion on Improvement of Medium Pressure Water Electrolytic Hydrogen Manufacturing Procedure

  8. 水电解制氢温度模糊控制系统的设计

    Design of Fuzzy Control Loop on Temperature for Hydrogen Generation System by Water Electrolysis

  9. 水电解制氢设备气体纯度下降的原因剖析

    Reason for Gas purity worse of water Electrolyse

  10. 水电解制氢装置液位偏差成因及其处理措施

    Reason of level imbalance and deal with step about hydrogen production plant by water electrolysis

  11. 水电解制氢(氧)装置补水故障分析及设计计算

    The design calculation and failure analysis of feed-water in hydrogen generating system by water electrolysis

  12. 水电解制氢微机控制系统的抗干扰问题

    Research on Anti-interference Problem of Single Chip Microcomputer Controls System for Making Hydrogen by Electrolysis Water

  13. 低压和中压水电解制氢装置在火电厂中的应用比较

    Comparison of Application of Low Pressure and Medium Pressure Water Electrolytic Hydrogen Producers in Thermal Power Plants

  14. 煤-水电解制氢是1979年开始出现的新工艺研究。

    The preparation of hydrogen by electrolysis of coal-water system isa new technology for saving electrical power .

  15. 并强调在大型粉末冶金企业中,该制氢工艺完全可以取代水电解制氢工艺。

    The process can take the place of hydrolytic and electrolytic hydrogen making in large P / M plants .

  16. 当该膜制作工艺完成优化并实现工业化生产后,该水电解制氢设备可具有大规模的工业化应用的前景。

    Optimization and industrialization of processing of the membrane might make the hydrogen generator with cation membrane used in large-scale .

  17. 粉煤气化同水电解制氢合成甲醇工艺技术综述(下)

    Comprehensive Commentary for Methanol Synthesis Process Technology of Pulverized Coal Gasification with Hydrogen Produced by Water Electrolysis ( Second Part )

  18. 在有关水电解制氢装置的各种设计计算中,换热部分的计算是比较繁琐的。

    The calculation of heat exchanger is a sophisticated work in all kinds of calculations of hydrogen generator by water electrolysis .

  19. 介绍了水电解制氢和天然气重整制氢技术的原理及其工艺流程。

    The paper describes the principles and process flowsheet of hydrolytic and electrolytic hydrogen making and hydrogen making by natural gas reformation .

  20. 重点提出了水电解制氢在煤炭气化制甲醇工艺中的应用。

    Emphatically the article puts forth the application of hydrogen production with water electrolyzing in methanol synthesis process by syngas from coal gasification .

  21. 因此水电解制氢适合电力资源如水电、风能、地热能、潮汐能以及核能比较丰富的地区。

    It is a good alterative for those places of rich power resources such as hydropower , wind energy , ground thermal energy , tide energy and nuclear energy .

  22. 根据制氢装置的生产情况,对制氢设备工艺系统进行了改进,提高了工艺系统的自动化水平。改进方法有:就地测量仪表的改进;水电解制氢设备的碱液配制方法

    Based on the production status , the technical process of hydrogen generator is improved and the automation level upgraded . Preparation Method of Alkali Solution for water Electrolysis Hydrogen - Producing Equipment

  23. 本文依据水电解制氢设备工作的实际,讨论了雷电参数、雷击选择性、雷害的种类。

    This article discussed the lightning parameters , the lightning strike selectivity , the lightning calamity kinds according to the fact work of the equipment which made hydrogen by hydrolysis and electrolysis equipment .

  24. 介绍了水电解制氢工艺的开发历程、工艺技术和工业化电解槽的设计,阐述了现代水电解技术的改进和研究进展状况。

    Developing progress for hydrogen making process by water electrolysis , its process technology and the design of industrialized electrolyzer were introduced ; the progressive situation for improvement and study of modern electrolytic technology was described .

  25. 水电解制氢技术是比较成熟的氢气获取技术之一,具有工艺流程简单、环境污染小、氢气纯度高等特点,因而广泛应用在电力、冶炼、化工、食品、电子等行业。

    Hydrogen production from water electrolysis has been extensively used in the fields of chemical engineering , food , electronics and others , due to its simple process , low environmental pollution and high gas purity .

  26. 但氢气具有易燃易爆的危险性,要求装置安全稳定运行,并对突发事件能够迅速反应,因此对水电解制氢装置的工艺流程和控制系统设计提出了较高的要求。

    But hydrogen is very easy to burn and explosive , which requests the water electrolysis apparatus operated in safe and stability . Therefore , it is very important for the design of flow diagram and controlling system of this apparatus .

  27. 水电解制氢是重要的制氢方法之一,它广泛用于热电厂、核电站以及核潜艇、航天空间站等密闭空间人员供氧。

    Hydrogen generating system by water electrolysis is one of the most important hydrogen generating methods , and the system is widely used for thermal power plant , nuclear power plant , and for feed-oxygen in obturating space such as nuclear submarines and space station .

  28. 这个加氢站是利用太阳能,通过所谓的水电解工艺来制氢的。

    The sunhydro station makes its hydrogen on site with solar power through a process called water electrolysis .