
shuǐ wén kē xué
  • water science
  1. 变化环境下的水循环研究是全球水系统计划(GWSP)的核心科学问题,也是当前水文科学的热点问题之一。

    Research on the hydrological cycle under changing environment is one of the key scientific questions addressed by the Global Water System Project ( GWSP ) and one of the current hot issues in the hydrology science as well .

  2. 水文科学研究的世纪回眸与展望

    Century 's retrospect and looking into the future of hydrological science

  3. 水文科学在北京师范大学:回顾、机会与挑战

    Hydrological Sciences in Beijing Normal university : perspective , opportunity and challenge

  4. 全球变化与水文科学新的进展与挑战

    Hydrological science towards global change : progress and challenge

  5. 我国水文科学新进展及其展望

    New Development and Prospect of Hydrological Science in China

  6. 对国际水资源范围的界定,主要是以水文科学为依据。

    The definition of the scope of international water resources depends on hydrogeological science .

  7. 我国水文科学进入20世纪以来,水文事业经历了曲折的发展过程。

    China has undergone difficult experiences in the field of hydrology in 20 century .

  8. 对21世纪水文科学的发展进行了展望。

    There are opportunities and challenges on hydrological science in the 21 Century of China .

  9. 资源水利与水文科学

    Relationship Between Water Resources and Hydrological Science

  10. 国际水文科学研究的新进展

    Advances in International Hydrological Science Research

  11. 在农业科学、水文科学和气象科学等领域中,土壤含水量是一个十分重要的指标。

    Soil water content is a crucial important parameter in agricultural , hydrological and meteorological science .

  12. 生态水文科学研究的现状与展望生态农业发展现状及对策研究&以安徽省池州市为例

    CURRENT SITUATION AND PROSPECT OF THE ECOLOGICAL HYDROLOGY Present Condition of Ecological Agriculture Development and the Countermeasure

  13. 根据水文科学的现实,地表水和地下水的利用应受相同的法律原则和制度的约束。

    The utilization of surface water and groundwater is subject to the same legal principles and systems in accordance with hydrogeological science .

  14. 尺度一直是水文科学乃至地理科学关注的焦点问题之一。尺度包括空间尺度、时间尺度与属性尺度。

    Always being one of the central issues of hydrology and geography , scale is classified into three categories : spatial scale , temporal scale and attribute scale .

  15. 20世纪以前世界水文科学的历史中,古代中国做了巨大的贡献。

    This thesis is an initiative research on the history of hydrology . In the long history , China has made great efforts and contributions to hydrology before 20 century .

  16. 在国家大力发展蓝水海军的在背景下,在水文科学领域,水声遥控得到了系统的研究并取得了丰硕的成果,使得水声遥控系统得到了广泛的应用。

    In the background of the country to develop blue-water navy , in the hydrological sciences , water-sound remote control system has been studied and achieved fruitful results , making underwater acoustic remote control system has been widely used .

  17. 最大熵原理在水文水资源科学中的应用

    Principle of Maximum Entropy and Its Application in Hydrology and Water Resources

  18. 国际水文计划的科学成就

    The Scientific Achievements of the International Hydrological Programme

  19. 另一方面,在水文与环境科学中湖泊、水库的水温分布也是影响许多水质指标的关键因素。

    On the other hand , the distribution of water temperature is the key factor which influences the quality of water among hydrology and environmental science .

  20. 潜水器可以用来监测海洋环境和生物、水文测量、科学采样、海底搜索和水下采矿等,其已成为水下作业不可或缺的重要工具。

    Because of the functions of environmental and biological monitoring , hydrographic surveys , scientific sampling , undersea search and mining , AUV become an indispensable tool in underwater operations .

  21. HIS是矿井安全生产和矿井水文地质资料的科学管理的有效途径和方法。

    HIS is the valid method in the mine safe production and scientific administering of the mine hydrogeology data .

  22. 条带采煤法是目前实现保水采煤的一种行之有效的方法,关键技术是根据具体的水文地质条件,科学设计开采煤层的采留比参数。

    Strip mining is an effective method for mining without destroying water resource currently . Its key technique is that the ratio of mining and remaining is designed reasonably on the basis of real hydrogeology conditions .

  23. 黑河上游为黑河流域重要的水源涵养区,研究黑河上游生态-水文过程能为科学的水资源管理决策做出重要贡献。

    The upper reaches of the Heihe River is the significant water conservation area in the Heihe River Basin . Studying the upper reaches of the Heihe River Eco-hydrological processes make an important contribution for scientific water management .

  24. 研究降水规律,监测其在时空上的分布,为水文气象预报和水文科学研究提供科学依据。

    Study of precipitation patterns , to monitor their distribution in space and time for the hydro-meteorological forecasts and hydrological research to provide scientific basis .

  25. 流域水文模型的研制是水文科学中最重要的分支之一。

    Hydrological modeling is one of the most important branches in the hydrology science .

  26. 水文尺度分析是当前水文科学的热点之一,为国内外水文学者关注和重视。

    Hydrologic analysis in scale is one of the major issues of hydrology at the present time .

  27. 事实初步证明,以信息化带动水文科技现代化将会给水文科学的发展增添无限生机。

    Practices show that the modernization of hydrological science and technology driven by informationization will promote the development of hydrology .

  28. 在水文领域引入数据挖掘的理论与技术,为解决水文科学研究面临的问题提供了新的思路。

    The introduction of data mining theories and technologies to hydrological area provides a new way to settle the problems that the hydrological science confronts with .

  29. 水文模型作为预报洪水的一个重要方法,一直是水文科学研究的重要分支。

    Hydrological model as an important method of flood forecasting , has been an important branch of the hydrological science .

  30. 显然,模糊水文学的主要任务在于根据模糊集有关理论考虑水文学科领域内现象的模糊特性,使水文学更好地用于实践,促使水文科学进一步发展。

    Obviously , the main tasks of the fuzzy hydrology are those for studying the fuzzy characteristics in the field of hydrological science by means of the theory of fuzzy sets and developing hydrological science in practice .