
  • 网络horizonal pattern;Horizontal pattern;Horizontal patttern
  1. 典范趋势面分析及其在山西省沙棘灌丛水平格局分析中的应用

    Canonical trend surface analysis and its application in a horizonal pattern analysis of form . Hippophae rhamnoides in Shanxi Province

  2. 羊草草原群落水平格局研究Ⅰ.二维网函数插值法

    Studies on spatial pattern in Aneurolepidium chinensis steppe community ⅱ . 2-dimensional net function interpolation method

  3. 在研究环境因子对鸟类群落的影响时,主要考虑的因子为植被的垂直格局和水平格局、植被演替、生境类型、栖息地结构、海拔、景观破碎、生态交错带等。

    Many factors have a great effect on bird community , such as elevation , vegetation variation , type of habitat , human disturbance and ecotone .

  4. 以水盐为主导生态因子,分析了黄河下游湿地芦苇(Phragmitesaustralis)种群形态变异的水平与格局。

    In this paper , the level and pattern of morphological variation of Phragmites australis in the Yellow River downstream wetland has been studied when water and salinity were considered as dominant ecological factors .

  5. 第三,能源价格的跃升改变了全球需求的水平和格局。

    Third , energy price jumps alter the level and distribution of global demand .

  6. 而树干流改变降雨水平空间格局,影响水分入渗以及土壤水源涵养。

    Stemflow altered the spatial pattern of rainfall below the canopy , influenced infiltrating water and conservation of water supply .

  7. 对调整天然次生林水平分布格局,改善林木竞争关系的要求有一定的理论和现实意义。

    It has a certain degree of theoretical and practical significance to adjust the level distribution pattern of natural secondary forest and improve the competitiveness relationship requirement between trees .

  8. 但在实践观察中发现:在低密度(或覆盖度)时,灌丛的水平分布格局对固定流沙和阻止风沙流的作用差异显著。

    However , in practice it has been found that at low vegetation coverage , the horizontal distribution pattern of shrubs can have marked effects on fixation of shifting sands .

  9. 在汉江上游与下游各江段,群落水平分布格局为斑块状,不象湖泊或池塘系统那样表现出明显的均匀分布或带状分布特征,而在中游局部江段中表现为小范围的带状分布。

    The results indicated that the horizontal structure of communities in the upper and lower reaches of the Hanjiang River showed a patchy distribution which differed from the apparent uniform or strip distribution in lake or pond systems .

  10. 反映出在低覆盖度时,灌丛的水平分布格局成为制约固沙林沙防风效果的重要因素,行带式配置具有显著的防风效果;

    This shows that when vegetation cover is sparse , the horizontal distribution pattern of shrubs becomes an important factor for restricting windbreak effect , and that the belt scheme is the most effective plantation in the windbreak effect .

  11. 基于GIS的黑龙江省耕地集约利用水平的空间格局分析

    Spatial Pattern Analysis of Intensive Use of Cultivated Land in Heilongjiang Province Based on GIS

  12. 从大的方面来说,全国存在着东部、中部和西部之间发展水平的梯度格局。

    Generally speaking , there are gradient patterns from east region to middle to west of the whole country .

  13. 中国入境旅游经济发展水平的空间格局演变及成因&基于入境旅游经济区位熵的分析

    The spatial pattern evolution of the inbound tourism economic development level and the causes in China & Based on the inbound tourism economic entropy analysis

  14. 从面积和人口比例上看,安徽省人居硬环境水平空间分布格局与安徽省人口空间分布格局基本协调。

    From the proportion of the area and population of view , the spatial distribution of residential hard environment level is basically coordinate with the spatial distribution of population in Anhui Province .

  15. 研究结果表明:第一,甘肃省区域经济发展水平总体空间格局为西部高,东部低;

    The result of the study shows : First , the overall space pattern of the regional economic development level in Gansu province is high for west , while the east is low .

  16. 虽然有些学者于10年前对黑龙江省的野生莲做过资源调查和形态方面的观测,但对整个黑龙江流域野生莲的资源现状、遗传多样性的水平及分布格局等方面的研究仍为空白。

    Although some studies did on field surveys and morphology observations on the wild lotus in Heilongjiang Province ten years ago , we only know little on its status , genetic diversity level and distribution pattern .

  17. 本文从论述欧盟市场具有的显著特点:水平分工的市场格局、一体化程度最高的市场体系、双层次性的市场体制和排外性的市场运作方式入手;

    This article analyses the characters , the division of labor , the market system of the Europe union .

  18. 结果表明,所用方法能够模拟作物各个级别的生产力水平及其空间分布格局。

    Results showed that the methods we adopted in this paper could simulate the productivity at each level and its spatial distribution patterns .

  19. 但由于区位、地貌、人口及历史等多方面原因,我国形成了东、中、西三个不同经济发展水平区域共存的格局,地区间发展极不平衡。

    However , due to the distinctness of location , topography , population , history and so on , three different regions which are eastern , central and western regions coexisted in China .

  20. 结果表明,该害虫主要在玉米秸的穗节处越冬,在垂直方向和水平方向的空间格局均为聚集分布,这种聚集主要由环境因素引起。

    The results showed that the pest hibernates mostly in ear joint of corn and its spatial pattern belonged to the aggregated distribution both in vertical and horizontal direction . The aggregation was caused by the environmental factors .

  21. 区域水平的土地利用格局、动态以及预测性研究;(3)进行区域可持续景观生态规划,建立区域优化生态生产范式,最终实现可持续发展目标。

    These include ( 1 ) ecological suitability assessment , ( 2 ) analysis of current land use pattern , its dynamics , and land use development prediction at regional level , and ( 3 ) sustainable landscape ecological planning .

  22. 采用景观动态度模型、转移矩阵及景观格局分析方法,获得保护区景观类型变化及景观水平和斑块类型水平的景观格局变化信息,并分析其驱动力因素及可能存在的现状景观问题。

    Using the landscape dynamic model , transfer matrix and landscape index , the information of landscape pattern changes , its driving factors and landscape pattern problems were all analyzed .

  23. 草地土壤全氮水平空间异质性低,水平空间分布格局比较均匀,而耕地土壤全氮水平空间异质性高,水平空间分布格局明显。

    There existed a clear horizontal spatial structure heterogeneity and spatial distribution pattern in the arable land , while in the grassland , the horizontal spatial structure heterogeneity was very low , and the horizontal spatial distribution pattern was random and uniform .

  24. 对水产品进出口贸易规模和特征的研究表明,中国水产品贸易的发展水平滞后于水产业发展的总体水平,同时贸易格局、贸易方式等也不尽合理。

    The development of the aquatic product international trade is behind of the aquatic production . The trade structure of area and mode is not still affair .