
shuǐ shī
  • navy in ancient times;navy;boatman
水师 [shuǐ shī]
  • (1) [navy]∶水军

  • 可克日于玄武湖大阅水师,并巡 江右,讲武校猎。--《宋书.武帝纪》

  • (2) [boatman]∶船工;渔夫

  • 而渔工水师虽知而不能言。--宋. 苏轼《石钟山记》

水师[shuǐ shī]
  1. 对,是你们水师从营中偷出来。

    Right ! The Navy stole them from their camps .

  2. 北洋水师让当时的中国人感到无比自豪。

    The Northern Navy made Chinese people at the time feel extremely proud .

  3. 不要忘了,水师是你的娘家。

    Remember you 're always one of us .

  4. 而东方戴维营所处的水师营区域位于旅顺的中心地带。

    Camp David and the Eastern region in which naval business center is located in Lushun .

  5. 这儿就是当年的北洋水师提督署,俗称水师衙门。

    This was the Northern Navy commander 's office , or commonly known as the Navy Yamen .

  6. 分析其深层次原因,主要是水师生活所迫,制度中的漏洞,以及社会腐败之风影响。

    To analyse of their deep-seated reasons , it mainly because the navy life force , the system of loopholes and social corruption .

  7. 史料记载,这就是民族英雄郑成功当年训练水师的水操台。

    According to historical documents , this was where Zheng chenggong , the Ming Dynasty hero , oversaw the training of his navy .

  8. 明清的中后期,福建水师基本处于衰落的状态,留下不少教训。

    During the Late Ming and Qing Dynasties , Fujian Navy was on the wane and left some lessons for people to learn .

  9. 虽然长江水师没有转化成近代化的军队,但在近代中国历史上还是发挥了很大作用。

    Although the Yangtze River Army was not transformed into the modernized forces , he still played an important role in Chinese modern history .

  10. 太平军因为以苏南为主攻方向,以及在水师方面明显的战术劣势,对镇江的进攻便只能停留在战术牵制的水平。

    Because of Taiping 's main object on South Jiangsu and the weakness of the navy , the attack on Zhenjiang simply remained curbing enemy .

  11. 其实以前我们采访过的也曾任职于北京王府井希尔顿的荐水师赵强在某种意义上来说也是一位侍酒师。

    In fact , the water sommelier Zhao Qiang of Hilton Beijing Wangfujing , whom we interviewed before , is a wine sommelier to some degree .

  12. 另外,作为旅顺区政府的所在地,水师营镇周边的生活、教育、交通等配套设施也日臻成熟和完善。

    In addition , as the seat of Government Lushun , navy life around town , education , transportation and other facilities are also becoming more mature and improve .

  13. 长江水师建立后,其官兵人数变化不大,武器装备长期没有更新,木质师船伴随其始终,前装洋枪炮、旧式鸟枪以及刀矛等冷兵器更新缓慢。

    After the Changjiang River naval forces was founded , there was not much change in the number of officers and men and the weaponry wasn 't also renewed for years .

  14. 严复任职北洋水师学堂期间与李鸿章的关系曾引起人们的关注,一般以“怀才不遇”说明严复的悲剧,但此说不能真实反映出大器晚成的思想家严复的成长境遇。

    Although the popular view of " unrecognized talent " could explain his tragedy , it couldn 't really reflect his growth situation as a thinker with great talent matures slowly .

  15. 最主要的原因是风气越来越坏,人心思变,不安心工作的现象普遍存在,这样下去就和北洋水师差不多了。

    The most important reason is that has become increasingly worse , the people wanted change , not to work in widespread , so go on , and northern naval almost the same .

  16. 中国正告索马里海盗,称其水师舰艇将奔赴亚丁湾。中国已做好利用武力的准备,来袭击骚动扰攘侵犯国际海运的海盗举动。

    China warned Somali pirates on Tuesday it was prepared to use force when its navy ships arrive in the Gulf of Aden to combat a wave of piracy that has disrupted international shipping , AFP reported .

  17. 第二部分主要探讨在湘军创建期间,幕僚对湘军陆师、水师创建及筹饷的影响。

    In the second part , it main discussion in Xiang army foundation period , the aides and staff have an effect on found Xiang army , in the aspects of army and naval together with raises funds .

  18. 宋代曾公亮在《武经总要》中提到中国为加强南海海防,设立巡海水师,巡视南海。

    It is mentioned in Zeng Gongliang 's Wujing Zongyao ( Outline Record of Military Affairs ) that , in order to strengthen defense in the South China Sea , China established naval units to conduct patrols therein .

  19. 明代的东南水师是为了维护国家的海洋权益而创立,其在布防、巡哨等方面具有时代特色。维护妇女权益的斗士

    The Southeast Naval Force in the Ming Dynasty , with its distinguishing feature of the times on its disposition and patrolling , was founded to safeguard country ? s maritime rights . a soldier on the cause of women 's rights

  20. 历史上,中国通过行政设治、水师巡视、资源开发、天文测量、地理调查等手段,对南海诸岛和相关海域进行了持续、和平、有效的管辖。

    In history , China has exercised jurisdiction in a continuous , peaceful and effective manner over Nanhai Zhudao and in relevant waters through measures such as establishment of administrative setups , naval patrols , resources development , astronomical observation and geographical survey .

  21. 由于清廷在海疆管理政策、海防战略、水师的建构及组织建设等方面存在种种失误,导致清代海防建设远远落后于同时期的欧、美国家。

    Since the Qing court in the territorial waters management policy , coastal defense strategy , the construction and organization of naval construction , there is all kinds of mistakes , leading to construction of coastal policy far behind the same period of European and American countries .

  22. 本文拟通过探讨::明清时期海疆危机中,福建水师的发展及阶段性变化,从中总结经验教训,祈望对我国当代海军的发展建设提供历史的借鉴。

    This paper is going to analyze the development of Fujian Navy and stage changes by looking into the strategies they used to solve the coastal crisis . To learn a lesson from this history , it can help to provide historical references for our modern Navy .

  23. 福建水师是旧式水师中发展最突出的,福建又是近代海军萌芽之地。因此明清时期福建水师起着承上启下的作用。

    It represents a most developed Navy among the old Navy during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and also an Navy grew up in Fujian which was a initial stage of neoteric of Navy . So , Fujian Navy is a connecting link between the preceding and the following .