
shuǐ tǔ bǎo chí
  • water and soil conservation;soil and water conservation;conservation of water and soil;soil retention
水土保持 [shuǐ tǔ bǎo chí]
  • [the conservation of soil and water] 一种采用增加土地吸水能力、防止土壤被自然力量侵蚀冲刷的方法以克服水旱等自然灾害的措施。如人工造林,种草以增加地面植被,修梯田、水库、沟渠等增加蓄水能力等

  1. 高速公路建设水土保持问题的研究

    Study of the Conservation of Water and Soil in Highway Construction

  2. 加强水土保持,发展宁夏黄河农业

    Enhancing conservation of water and soil to develop Yellow River agriculture

  3. 湖北省水土保持动态监测WebGIS系统的设计及实现

    A Web GIS system for Hubei water and soil preservation dynamic monitor

  4. 基于GIS的丰都三合水土保持生态园区土壤侵蚀危险性评价

    Assessment on Danger of Soil Erosion in Sanhe Ecological Orchard Based on GIS

  5. GIS在农业气候区划中的应用东北黑土区地域界定及其水土保持区划探析

    Application of GIS in Agricultural Climatic Zoning Defining of Chernozem Area and Zoning of Soil and Water Conservation in Northeastern China

  6. 讨论了GIS在水土保持中的应用、小流域水土保持信息系统的系统架构设计、系统功能设计与数据库设计;

    It discusses combination modes of GIS and soil and water conservation , the design of framework , functions and database of the system .

  7. 3S技术在水土保持预测预报模型中的应用

    Application of 3S technology in the forecasting models in soil and water conservation

  8. 水土保持规划设计中AutoCAD与Word的联合应用之初探&以卧管正视图从AutoCAD向Word中的转化为例

    Application of Combination of AutoCAD and Word in Water and Soil Conservation Planning and Design-case Studies on Transformation from AutoCAD to Word of Lie

  9. 我国水土保持管理领域中3S技术的应用与发展方向

    The 3S technologies in soil and water conservation management in China : Applications and development hotspots

  10. 本文选取了提高农民健康水平、减少二氧化碳和二氧化硫排放量等要素建立计量模型;将保护森林的效益分为涵养水源、水土保持、制造氧气、吸收CO2和SO2、防风固沙和净化大气效益等。

    Divided the benefits to water-holding , soil and water conservation , oxygen-making , carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide absorbing and atmosphere purification benefit .

  11. 基于ArcObjects的GIS系统的二次开发&以济源市水土保持决策支持系统为例

    Secondary Development Based on GIS System of ArcObjects & Water Conservancy Decision Support System of Jiyuan City as An Example

  12. 油松(PinusTabulaeformisCarr.)在我国分布广泛,也是北方营造水源涵养林、水土保持林及用材林的主要树种之一。

    Pinus tabulaeformis Carr . is a widespread main wood species in China , used for soil and water conservation forest in north of China .

  13. 水土保持项目与企业的合作方式包括与交易关联的推广、共同主题的联合推广、授权或许可、信托以及BOT等。

    The ways of collaboration between the project and enterprises include business correlation popularization , joint extension of common subject , authorization or permission , trust and BOT .

  14. 利用美国水土保持局提出的降雨SCS计算模型对因子径流场径流量进行了分析计算。

    It can be attained easily and observed simply . Using SCS model proposed by Water and Soil Administration of USA calculated runoff yield of factorial runoff plot .

  15. 地理信息系统(GIS)作为集计算机科学、地理学、环境科学、城市科学、空间科学、信息科学和管理科学为一体的学科,可为水土保持规划设计与管理提供强有力的技术手段支持。

    Being as an integrated discipline of incorporating the sciences of computer , geography , environment , urban , space , information and management , GIS can provide powerful technical support for the planning , design and management of soil and water conservation .

  16. 根据目标驱动-数据驱动的GIS应用模式,本文讨论了目标驱动下流域水土保持决策系统的规划定义,以及数据驱动下的GIS操作过程。

    According to a GIS application model named " target-driven & data driven ", both the planning and definition of DSS ( Decision-making Support System ) for a basin by target-driven , and the GIS operation processes by data-driven are discussed in this paper .

  17. 分别介绍了RS、GPS和GIS三种技术在水土保持动态监测中的应用,并对3S技术在水土保持动态监测方面的应用前景进行了展望。

    The authors describe three kinds of techniques of RS , GPS and GIS respectively in the water and soil conservation dynamic monitor of application , and prospect the applied foreground of the 3S technique in dynamic monitoring conservation of the water and soil .

  18. 结果表明,穴垦整地(40cm×40cm×30cm)马尾松工程幼林地具有显著的水土保持效益。

    The results showed that Pinus massoniana engineering young plantation with hole preparation ( 40cm × 40cm × 30cm ) has obvious soil and water conservation effects .

  19. 本文在Arc/Info、ArcView和VB等软件的支持下,进行南京市水土保持GIS研制及其规划。

    In this study , geographical information system of soil and water conservation is established supported by Arc / Info 、 ArcView and VB software , and programming of soil and water conservation in Nanjing City is carried out .

  20. 根据水土保持治理工程项目验收的工作特点,对水土保持验收内容进行分类,确定信息采集标准,以3S技术和计算机技术为基础,进行数据采集、预处理,建立数据库;

    According to the characteristic of the soil and water conservation working that project confirms , the authors classify the content of soil and water conservation acceptance , confirm the standard of information . based on 3S technologies and computer technology , gathering , pretreatment and setting up the database .

  21. 通过500kV增城至东莞Ⅱ回送电线路工程实例,介绍送电线路水土保持的具体措施及发展动向。

    Taking the 500 kV Zengcheng ~ Dongguan two circuits power transmission line project as an example , the introduction is made to the detailed measures and development trends of water and soil conservation in power line projects .

  22. 扶芳藤(Euonymusfortunei)为卫矛科卫矛属藤本状灌木植物。因其四季常绿、可塑性好和抗逆能力强而广泛应用于园林绿化、沙漠防治和水土保持。

    Support the Euonymus fortunei is a kind of good park green turn 、 desert prevention and the water and soil conservation plant , get the extensive application because of it all the year round often green , plasticity good , resistance is strong .

  23. 适于风景区水土保持的景观建设技术

    Landscape Building Technology for Soil and Water Conservation of Scenic Spots

  24. 延寿县的水土保持与生态环境建设

    Water and soil conservation and ecology environment construction in Yanshou County

  25. 广东省水土保持工作的经验与成就

    Experiences and Achievements of Soil and Water Conservation in Guangdong Province

  26. 免耕种植、梯田种植、鱼鳞坑造林等水土保持措施有效的减弱径流氮磷的流失;

    No tillage can decrease the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus ;

  27. 百喜草不同种植模式的水土保持效应初探

    Effects of Bahiagrass different planting modes on water and soil conservation

  28. 水土保持专家系统的探索与试验

    The Exploration and Experiment of Water and Soil Conservation Expert System

  29. 转变水土保持方案审批观念

    Converting review and approval concept for water and soil conservation scheme

  30. 水土保持项目对社会资源利用的研究

    Study on Social Resources Utilization through Soil and Water Conservation Projects