- 名mercury thermometer

This paper introduces a new technique using CCD to graduate mercury thermometer at high accuracy , mainly describes CCD judgement of reading system , priciple of signal processing and design of software .
A mercury thermometer that measures small differences or changes in temperature .
Signal Processing for the System Using CCD for High Accuracy Judgement of Reading
In order to carry out the measurement by use of linear CCD , the images of the multiple parallel objects can be lined up in a straight line . The method can be applied to the automatic testing system for the standard mercury thermometers .
Another 75 mice were selected and assigned into five groups respectively as well as the above-mentioned grouping . Pain models of mice were made by GJ-8402 hot plate at ( 55.0 ± 0.5 )℃ confirmed with a mercurial thermomete .
Heavy metals waste : such as broken mercury thermometers .
Thermometer : index value of0.2 degrees total immersion thermometer .
Mercury thermometers are Class II devices , and most get quick reviews .
Standard Mercury Thermometers for 300 - 500 ℃
Cause of Error and Treatment for the Indicating Calibration of Second-class Standard Mercury Thermometer
The equipment required consists of two mercury thermometers , and one cloth wick .
Error and Correction of Measuring Indoor Air Temperature by Utilizing Mercury Thermometers in Heating Systems
Amending Verification Regulation of Standard Mercury-in-glass Thermoneters ( Grade ⅱ) and Assessing It 's Indetermination
There shall be automatic temperate recording equipment , and non-mercury thermometers shall be set up in the storehouse .
And that property could be the volume , like if you have a mercury thermometer , the volume of the mercury .
We added a digital thermometer probe in the design of the experimental device . At last , it investigated the changing relation between the refractive index of distilled water and ethanol with temperature .
This paper introduces that the temperature measured in the thermocouple was calibrated by the temperature measured in higher precise mercury thermometer regarded as the standard temperature , and presents the method of the establishment of revised formula by the Least Squares Method .
The accuracy of the measurement system was evaluated by comparing the rectal mercury thermometer reading with the machine measured value right after the completion of heating . Results The deviation between the values read by rectal mercury thermometer and the machine was 0.1 0.7 ?