
  • 网络water and electrolytes balance
  1. 边缘前脑内很多区参与情绪反应,水和电解质平衡失调引起的血流动力学变化。

    The limbic forebrain plays an importent role in regulation of emotion and stress , water-and electrolyte-balance .

  2. 研究发现肾脏与耳这两个相距较远的器官,在解剖组织和酶的含量与分布方面,在水和电解质平衡生理机制及两个器官对某些药物的药理反应上均有类似之处。

    The research indicates that the location-distant anatomical organ , have some similarities in organization and enzyme content and distribution , in water and electrolyte balance and physiological mechanism of certain drugs and two organs on the pharmacological response are similar .

  3. 在人体适应航天环境中,水和电解质的平衡发生了变化。

    The balance of water and electrolytes plays an important role in enabling the human body to adapt to spaceflight .