
  1. 水利水电工程设计概算标准软件(V3.0)简介

    Introduction of Standard Software ( V3 . 0 ) for Design Estimate of Water Conservancy & Hydropower Engineering

  2. 中国加入WTO之后,随着设计咨询市场的进一步开放,以水利水电工程设计咨询为主业的长江设计院面临着市场、服务、技术等方面激烈的竞争。

    After China entered the WTO , with the further opening of design and consulting market , the Changjiang Design Institute with the design and consulting of water resources and hydropower project as its major business is facing the sharp competition in terms of market , service and technology .

  3. 水利水电工程设计管理工作浅谈

    Elementary Discussion on Management for Design of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects

  4. 对我国水利水电工程设计洪水标准存在问题的认识

    About Problems with Design Flood Standard at Water Conservation and Electric Power Engineering

  5. 水利水电工程设计项目汇报系统制作技巧的探讨

    On Making Technique of Reporting System on Design of Water and Water Power Projects

  6. 近十几年来,水力过渡过程数值模拟己成为水利水电工程设计中不可或缺的有力工具。

    In recent years , numerical simulation for hydraulic transient process has been a kind of powerful tool in the design of hydraulic and hydropower engineering .

  7. 国外水利水电工程设计中地震动参数(地震加速度)同样是很重要的资料,其取值的方法和原则与中国内地有很大的不同。

    The seismic dynamic parameter ( seismic acceleration ) is similarly an important one in design of the foreign hydro projects but the method and principle of selecting its value are quite different .

  8. 实验表明,该程序可以大大缩短Y型月牙肋岔管的设计周期,在水利水电工程设计中具有较大的使用价值。

    The test shows that this program can greatly reduce the design cycle of the Y-shaped crescent rib bifurcation . Consequently , this program is of great value in water conservancy and hydropower project design .

  9. 并将这一管理方法在水电施工企业中的成功应用,对水电施工企业项目管理工作有着积极的指导意义。施工组织设计和工程概预算是水利水电工程设计文件的重要组成部分。

    Its successful application in the water power engineering company can facilitate the project management . The construction organization plan and the preliminary estimate are the main components of the design documents of the hydraulic and waterpower engineering .

  10. 施工组织设计是水利水电工程设计文件的重要组成部分,是编制工程投资估算、总概算和招标文件的重要依据;

    Construction design is an important component of documents on water conservancy and hydropower project design , and is also an important basis for formulating investment estimate , general budget estimate and bid invitation documents of a project .

  11. 水文预报是水资源安全利用的重要技术支撑,是防洪调度决策、生态环境保护、水资源综合开发利用以及水利水电工程设计、施工、调度、管理等的重要依据。

    Hydrological forecasting is the basis of water resources secure utilization , in terms of flood control operation decision-making , ecological environment protection , and water resources development , management and utilization in the water resources and hydropower engineerings .

  12. 该项研究为复杂大型工程施工组织设计提供了科学的理论方法和先进的技术手段,大大地提高了水利水电工程设计与管理的现代化水平。

    The study provides a scientific theory or method and advanced technology for the construction organization and design of a complex large-scale project , which has greatly upgraded the modernization level of water and hydropower project design and management .

  13. 因此,这些极值变量,均是近于或属于严重风暴潮条件,则外延稀遇频率的设计潮位成果,较为合理可靠,可供大中型水利水电工程设计研究参考。

    Since the extreme variables are all near or belongs to the heavy storm surge conditions , the extended rare occurrence frequency result , which is reasonable and reliable , can be used as the study reference for the design of large or middle hydro projects .

  14. 水利水电工程围堰设计导则

    Guide for design of cofferdam for hydropower and water conservancy project

  15. 水利水电工程初步设计报告编制规程

    Specification for compiling primary design report of hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering

  16. 水利水电工程通信设计技术规程

    Technical specification for design of communication for water conservancy and hydropower projects

  17. 水利水电地下工程设计理论发展

    The Development of Design Theory for Hydropower Underground Project

  18. 建议一种确定水利水电工程最佳设计洪水标准的方法

    Suggesting a Method to Define Optimal Design Flood Standard for Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering

  19. 消防队员将水龙头管对准火焰浇水。水利水电工程防火设计规范

    The fireman directed his hose at the flames . Code for design of fire protection of hydraulic engineering

  20. 这些结果已有效和方便地用于中小型水利水电工程的设计和施工方面。

    It is very convenient and effective this results will be used in the design and construction of medium-sized and small structures of water conservancy and hydroelectric power .

  21. 大型水利水电工程实行设计总成有利于勘测设计科研工作的延续性。

    For a large scale water conservancy & hydropower project , to implement the design integration system is favorable for continuity of investigation , design and scientific research work .

  22. 随着电力需求的高速增长和电力建设体制改革的不断深入,水利水电工程勘察设计企业的环境发生了较大变化。

    With rapid growth of the power demand and the in-depth reform of power-station construction management , changes also took place in the industry environment of the investigation and design sector .

  23. 大型工程(如水利水电工程)设计是一项复杂而又艰巨的工作,利用计算机进行辅助设计是人们一直来追求的目标。

    The design of huge engineering , such as hydroelectric engineering , is a complex and hard work . Using computer to aid design is the objective which people have being pursuit for .

  24. 对水电站工程采用电站装机容量单一指标计算设计费的现行水利水电工程勘测设计收费定额,不适于综合利用水利枢纽,造成水利枢纽设计取费偏低。

    Design collecting fee quota for water and hydropower project based on single index of hydroelectric power installation applies not to multipurpose water complex , it causes design collecting fees less for multipurpose water project .

  25. 堤防:用来防止淹水的堤坝;一个连续的围堰或土坎(地表)为阻止灌溉区被洪水泛滥。水利水电工程围堰设计导则

    Levee : An embankment for preventing flooding ; a continuous dike or ridge ( as of earth ) for confining the irrigation areas of land to be flooded . Guide for design of cofferdam for hydropower and water conservancy project

  26. VISUALBASIC在水利水电工程应用程序设计中的技巧

    Skill of Visual Basic in Program Design of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Projects

  27. 然后采用JC法对《水利水电工程钢闸门设计规范》中闸门面板的可靠度进行了校准计算和分析。

    Then , employing JC method the gate faceplate reliability in Hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering specification for design of steel gate was calibrated and analyzed .

  28. 水利水电工程钢闸门设计规范

    Code for design of steel gate in hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering

  29. 梯级水利水电工程施工导流设计标准及流量确定的探讨

    Discussion on construction diversion design standard and discharge in cascade hydropower projects

  30. 水利水电工程安全监测设计优化的研究

    Brief introduction to achievements in optimization of safety monitoring design for hydropower projects