
  • 网络mill scale;scale;rolling scale
  1. 超薄热带氧化铁皮生成分析及消除措施

    A Formation Analysis and its Avoid Step for Hot Iron Scale in Ultra-thin Line

  2. 氧化铁皮缺陷是影响热轧带钢表面质量的重要因素之一。

    Scale is one of the important factors which affect the surface quality of the hot rolling strip .

  3. 利用X射线衍射仪与扫描电镜对薄板表面氧化铁皮进行观察分析,以探讨其形貌、微区成分、物相结构及含量对氧化铁皮与基体结合力的影响。

    With the utilization of the X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscope in the iron oxide scale on the surface of the steel sheet .

  4. 此外,含Ni、Cu合金元素板坯在均热炉内加热时会产生很粘的氧化铁皮,影响钢材表面质量。

    Moreover , sheet billet containing Cu , Ni will bring about a layer of viscous iron oxide scale when heated in soaking furnace that resulted in influence on the surface quality of steel product .

  5. 以氧化铁皮为原料,采用有机粘结剂CC和以皂土为粘结剂,生产球团作对比试验。

    This paper compared " CC " - pellets ( pellet with organic material as binder ), using roll scale as raw material and low cost coal as reductant .

  6. 本文就坡口上的氧化铁皮对CO2半自动陶质衬垫单面焊气孔倾向的影响进行了试验研究,利用X射线检测、OM、SEM、EDX和XRD等方法对焊道进行了宏观及徽观分析。

    The experimental investigation of the influence of iron oxide skins on the groove surface on formating porosity was carried out in one-side semiautomatic CO_2 welding . The macro and micro structure of the one-side weld bead was analyzed by means of OM , SEM , EDX and XRD .

  7. 该体系预制块由钛白粉、钛铁粉、铝粉、碳粉和氧化铁皮组成;(2)Ti-C-Al-(Ti-Fe)体系。

    The preform in this system is consisted of titanium dioxide , ferro-titanium , aluminum , carbon and iron oxide powders ; ( 2 ) Ti-C-Al - ( Ti-Fe ) system .

  8. 结果表明,两种工艺下的热轧板表面氧化铁皮结构均由三种铁的氧化物FeO、Fe3O4和Fe2O3构成;

    The results show that the iron oxide scales on the surface of the hot rolled steel plate are comprised of three types of iron oxides , named FeO , Fe 3O 4 and Fe 2O 3 in both processes ;

  9. 在靠近基板到表层的氧化铁皮中三种铁的氧化物按FeO,Fe3O4和Fe2O3顺序逐渐增多,且内层的结构成分以氧化亚铁为主。

    In the area from the base plate to the surface , FeO , Fe 3O 4 and Fe 2O 3 are ascent ordered by the quantity in the iron oxide scales , while the inner portion is mainly comprised of FeO .

  10. 利用氧化铁皮烧结矿做炼钢氧化剂的探讨

    Discussion on ways of using scale agglomerate as oxidant in steel-making

  11. 表面光滑,氧化铁皮少,易酸洗。

    Smooth surface , less scale , easy to be pickled .

  12. 氧化铁皮与烟道灰的合适配比为1∶4;

    The appropriate ration of scale and dust is 1 ∶ 4 ;

  13. 冷轧板夹杂与氧化铁皮压入的原因与形貌辨析

    Cause and Morphology of Inclusion and Pressed in Scale in Cold Rolled Strip

  14. 薄板氧化铁皮组织结构分析

    Analysis on iron oxide scale structure of steel sheet

  15. 影响热轧带钢氧化铁皮酸洗质量和速度的因素

    Factors Influencing Pickling Quality and Speed of Oxide Scale on Hot Rolled Strip

  16. 分析了中厚板辊底式热处理炉辊面结瘤产生的原因,是由钢板表面的氧化铁皮经累积、叠加、碾压后粘附在辊面上而造成的。

    The causes of furnace sow of roller-hearth furnace for heavy plate were analyzed .

  17. 生铁异标校正红外吸收法测定硅锰中碳、硫红外吸收法测定氧化铁皮中硫含量的研究

    Study on Determination of sulfur in scale with infrared absorption carbon - sulfur analysis instrument

  18. 热轧硅钢片在生产过程中不可避免地会产生氧化铁皮。

    It 's inevitable for-hot-rolled silicon steel sheets to produce oxidized scale in the process .

  19. 该装置能对自动对号牌进行冲洗和旋转去氧化铁皮。

    This unit is also capable of rinsing out the marked number and descaling automatically .

  20. 喷硼砂系统就是用于去除毛管内氧化铁皮的装置。

    Spraying borax system is a kind of device , used for removing iron oxide scale .

  21. 精轧区热轧带钢表面氧化铁皮缺陷成因与预防

    Formation causes of surface scale of hot rolled strip in finishing stands and its prevention measures

  22. 热轧带钢冷轧前需要进行酸洗以去除带钢表面的氧化铁皮。

    Prior to cold rolling , hot rolled strip needs to be pickled for descalingfrom strip surface .

  23. 扫描电镜在热轧板表面氧化铁皮分析中的应用

    The application of scanning electron microscope in the analysis on iron oxide scale on the surface of hot rolled steel plate

  24. 热轧带钢表面常常存在氧化铁皮、翘皮、辊印等缺陷。

    Defects such as scales , patterns , roll marks and so on are unavoidable on the hot strip steel surface .

  25. 热连轧无缝钢管内氧化铁皮的产生严重影响了管材的合格率。

    The iron oxide scale which produced in the hot rolling seamless pipe have a serious impact on the pipe qualified rate .

  26. 结合工业生产,通过合理调整生产工艺,可以消除热轧带钢表面色差和红色氧化铁皮缺陷。

    Combined with industrial production , after the process adjusted , the color difference defect and red scale defect could be eliminated .

  27. 改造后基本消除了氧化铁皮压入热轧板的现象,取得了较好的效果。

    After the reformation phenomenon of oxidized iron sheet pressed into heat rolling plates is basically eliminated and better effects are obtained .

  28. 这为掌握热连轧过程中氧化铁皮厚度演变规律,调整生产工艺参数、抑制氧化铁皮生长提供了参考。

    The simulation method is useful for mastering the evolution rules of oxide scales , adjusting rolling parameters to control oxide scales growth .

  29. 热轧带肋钢筋表面氧化铁皮“起泡”现象,严重影响产品外观和防锈效果。

    The bubbles on the surface have bad effect on the appearance quality and further resistance of rusting of hot rolled ribbed bar .

  30. 冷轧含油乳化液废水处理新思路探究冷却水和氧化铁皮对轧辊辊耗的影响

    Discussion on New Thought for Disposal of Oil-containing Emulsion Waste Water from Cold Rolling Effect of cooling water and iron scale on roll wear