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  1. 实验中在氧化气氛中烧成,釉烧温度一般在850℃左右,烧成周期30-60分钟,高火保温时间2-3分钟。

    Experiments doing in oxygen gases . has a burning temperature ordinary 850 degree about , Burning period 30-60 minutes , high temperature preservation 2-3 minutes .

  2. 唐代、金代及现代样品均在氧化气氛下烧成,而五代样品的烧制是在先期氧化、后期还原的气氛下烧制而成。

    The Tang , Jing and Modern samples were made in oxidicatmosphere , but the sample of Wu dynasty was made in oxidic atmosphere in first and then in reducing atmosphere .