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qì pò
  • boldness of vision;breadth of spirit;daring;courage;spirit;momentum;imposing manner;nerve;dash
气魄 [qì pò]
  • (1) [spirit]∶某人身上或行动上被激发出来的做事的魄力

  • 好大的气魄

  • (2) [boldness of vision]∶想象力或看法的大胆

  • 以革命家的气魄

  • (3) [momentum;imposing manner]∶气势

  • 天安门城楼的气魄十分雄伟

气魄[qì pò]
  1. 有男子汉气魄.有一定的文化素质。

    There is man boldness of vision . have the certain culture character .

  2. 他的全身的精力和气魄、生命和智慧就不复存在。

    His body of energy and boldness of vision , wisdom and life would not exist .

  3. 他有心胸,有气魄。

    He is a man of vision with high ambitions .

  4. 我们要以更宽的视野、更高的境界、更大的气魄,广开进贤之路,把各方面优秀干部及时发现出来、合理使用起来。

    We should open up , with greater vision , determination and courage , channels for recruiting talented personnel , quickly identify outstanding cadres in all fields and put them to good use .

  5. 坚强、自信、有气魄的郭振山,实在说,永远也不会向人低三下四啊

    Stubborn , self-confident Guo Zhenshan has never gone crawling to anyone .

  6. 另一种解决方案最早是由时任IMF第一副总裁的安妮克鲁格(AnneKrueger)提出的。这种方法更有气魄,主张建立一套主权债务重组机制(SDRM),为债务危机提供一个法定框架。

    The other solution , originally proposed by Anne Krueger , the then IMF first deputy managing director , was more ambitious : a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism that would provide a statutory framework for debt crises .

  7. 某些人有气魄可以打破陈规旧律。

    A person who has the guts to break a bad rule .

  8. 可是他还想要知道王和甫的气魄有多么大;

    Now he wanted to see whether Wang ho-fu was equally go-ahead .

  9. 再来一杯,它会使你有男子汉气魄。

    Have another drink . It 'll put hairs on your chest .

  10. 这就是唐代的气魄。

    That 's the style of Tang Dynasty architecture .

  11. 黄河水给予了黄河人豪迈的气魄,各种鼓乐活动异彩纷呈。

    The Yellow River water gives its drum playing people courage and generosity .

  12. 我们的军队在战斗中证明出强大的气魄。

    Our soldiery exhibited great bravery in the battle .

  13. 从这里看,陵墓更加有气魄。

    The tomb looks even more imposing from here .

  14. 山的宏伟气魄不禁使我们深受感触。

    We could not help being impressed by the majesty of the mountains .

  15. 这样气魄雄伟的工程,在世界历史上是一个伟大的奇迹。

    It is so magnificent that is known as the wonder of the world .

  16. 他的书写得相当有气魄。

    His book is written with considerable vigour .

  17. 这是真正的斗士的气魄。你的话很有气魄,朱迪思。

    That is the true gladiator feeling . These are brave words , Judith .

  18. 我没有那种气魄,没有那种勇气。

    I don 't have the strength . I don 't have the courage .

  19. 他们以极大的气魄表达了他们的意见。

    They expressed their opinions with great vigour .

  20. 这是真正的斗士的气魄。

    That is the true gladiator feeling .

  21. 你的话很有气魄,朱迪思。

    These are brave words , Judith .

  22. 在这场卑劣的争吵中,是什么给了《伊利亚特》里英雄人物那种宏伟的气魄呢?

    In this squalid quarrel , what gives the heroes of the iliad their grandeur ?

  23. 就要有这个气魄。

    We should have such courage .

  24. 蓝天白云已经展现出秀山人全力创建市级卫生县城的气魄。

    Blue sky and white cloud mountain people have shown to create municipal health county verve .

  25. 这是一次体验,伟大庄严的史诗气魄,令人惊异的情感力量,还有永无休止的动力。

    An experience of epic scope and grandeur , amazing emotional power , and relentless momentum .

  26. 亚当姆和乔尔男子汉气魄不够,不敢承认他们的错误。

    Adams and Joel were not man enough ( manly enough ) to admit their mistakes .

  27. 盛唐恢宏庞大的气魄消失殆尽,起而代之的是寻求精神世界的慰藉。

    Tang stirring tremendous vision vanish , and substituting from the spiritual world is to seek solace .

  28. 他的治史体现出崇高的精神境界,这就是研究历史是为了推动历史发展的气魄,治史中不断创新的器识以及世界史的胸怀。

    His studies reflect his noble spirit , that is to study history for urging history forward .

  29. 我们可以借助纪录片来传播民族文化,彰显民族气魄。

    We can disseminate our national culture and show our national soul with the help of documentary .

  30. 整座石窟气魄宏大,外观庄严,雕工细腻,主题突出。

    The whole breadth of great caves , look solemn , so exquisite , a prominent theme .