
  • 网络fluid inclusion;gas-liquid inclusion;gas liquid inclusion
  1. 从邓2井的油砂分析出发,测定其气液包裹体的均一化温度和爆裂温度,判定油藏形成的温度范围;

    Based on the oil sand analysis of Deng 2 well , measure the gas-liquid inclusion homogenization and bursting temperature and define the temperature at which the reservoir formed .

  2. 根据流体包裹体的成分和盐度的不同,可以划分出至少五种类型不同的气液包裹体:(1)N2包裹体;

    At least five types of fluid inclusions can be identified by microthermometry and Raman analysis : ( 1 ) pure N 2 ;

  3. 人造气液包裹体方法及其在研究热液性质中的应用

    Applications of synthetic fluid inclusions to researches on hydrothermal fluids

  4. 矿物气液包裹体中气相成分的质谱分析

    Mass spectrometric analysis of gas composition in fluid inclusions

  5. 矿体石英中流体包裹体较为发育,以气液包裹体为主。

    Fluid inclusions in quartz develop well , are mainly gas & liquid inclusions .

  6. 气液包裹体微量气体快速分析

    Fast gas microanalysis for gas-liquid inclusions in mineral

  7. 华东某含水晶石英脉中气液包裹体特征及形成温度的研究

    Characteristics of fluid inclusions and their formation temperature of a certain quartz vein in eastern China

  8. 某玢岩铁矿床中气液包裹体特征和成矿温度

    Some features of the fluid inclusions and the ore-forming temperature of a certain PORPHYRITE-TYPE iron deposit

  9. 流体包裹体主要分为四类,以气液包裹体最多。

    Fluid inclusions are classified into four mian types . These inclusions are mainly LV inclusions .

  10. 应用真空电磁破碎装置,进行了提取盐岩颗粒中气液包裹体的实验研究。

    Utilizing a vacuum-electric-magnetic breaker system to crush the salt deposit sample and extract the liquid and gaseous inclusion in the salt deposit .

  11. 气液包裹体稳定同位素样品制备及与气液相成分联测方法

    A combined method for the preparation of samples for stable isotopic analysis and the compositional analysis of gas and liquid phases in fluid inclusions

  12. α石英转变为β石英时的爆裂频度曲线波幅比(波长/波高)值和石英与气液包裹体中的不同充填物间的相对光密度,可以指示石英脉中金矿化的好坏;

    The wave amplitude ratios ( wavelength / wave crest ) of the decrepitation frequency curve during α - β quartz inversion , optical densities be - tween quartz and different fillings in fluid inclusions may indicate the degree of gold mineralization in quartz veins ;

  13. 气液包裹体研究结果爆裂温度在152-335℃之间,相应压力为180-291.15Pa,反映成矿温度属于中温,深度在1千米以内。

    From the study of gas-liquid enclosure , we know that the crack temperature is between 152 and 335 degree , the pressure is between 180 and 291.15 Pa. that is to say , the temperature of mineralization belongs to middle degree , the deep is about 1000 kilometers .

  14. 激光拉曼光谱分析表明,液相H2O包裹体和气液H2O包裹体的液相和气相组分均主要为水。

    Laser Raman Spectroscopic Analyses shows that the component of either the liquid state inclusion or the gas-liquid inclusion mainly is water .

  15. 气液流体包裹体捕获热液阶段时的流体,捕获温度大于310~360℃(均无压力校正)。

    Gas-liquid fluid inclusions caught a fluid during hydrothermal stage , and trapped a temperature of over 310-360 ℃ .

  16. 研究结果表明:气体包裹体含量以及气液两相包裹体的气液比,从南向北呈现出逐渐降低的规律。

    The amount of gas inclusions and the ratios of liquid to gas in aqueous inclusions are decreasing from the south to the north in the basin .

  17. 矿物流体包裹体的研究表明:(1)以气液两相包裹体为主,由孤立的原生包裹体和沿裂隙成串分布的次生包裹体构成;

    The study of the fluid inclusions from the deposit reveals that : ( 1 ) most of them are two-phase isolated primary inclusions and chained secondary inclusions along fractures in minerals ;

  18. 气液态烃包裹体;

    Liquid vapor two phases organic inclusion ;

  19. 讨论了中国主要类型锑矿床矿物包裹体形态、大小、气液比值、包裹体爆裂温度、均一化温度和盐度。

    Deals with the form , size , gas / liquid ratio , explosion and homogenization temperature , and salinity of the inclusions of minerals in main type antimony deposits in China .