
  • 网络Sparkling Wine;Cava
  1. 概念:使用冷冻葡萄汁,在灌装前和气泡酒混合。

    Keep the grape juice frozen and blend it with sparkling wine before bottling .

  2. 在香槟地区,黑皮诺向世人证明了其是酿制高质量的气泡酒理想的葡萄。

    In Champagne , Pinot Noir has proven itself to be the ideal black grape for making top quality sparkling wine .

  3. omelet:煎蛋卷,炒鸡蛋Alfonso给我做了蛋饼,Bellini:(带有气泡酒及桃泥制成的)鸡尾酒,贝利尼饮料我可能喝了一两杯,贝里尼酒把它灌下去了。

    Chuck : Alfonso made me an omelet . I may have washed it down with a bellini or two . -

  4. 每位父亲还可获得一杯免费气泡酒。

    All fathers will receive a complimentary glass of sparkling wine .

  5. 冰镇气泡酒的味道让我感觉好像已经回到了德国。

    Cold sparkling made me feel to have been back in Deutschland .

  6. 这款气泡酒带有新鲜的热带水果的香气如香蕉、菠萝的香味。并具有柔和的奶油味。

    The rich fruit flavours of this Pinot Noir Chardonnay are complemented by a soft creamy complexity .

  7. 烤面包味:形容来自葡萄酒所用的陈酿木桶的风味。同时也指有时在气泡酒里逐步展现的一个特征。

    Toasty : Describes a flavor derived from the oak barrels in which wines are aged . Also , a character that sometimes develops in sparkling wines .

  8. 他说,目前中国对于气泡酒的需求还很小,大约只占到葡萄酒总消费的2%,而在成熟的市场,气泡酒消费占葡萄酒总消费的9%。

    Today , Chinese demand for sparkling wines is tiny - roughly 2 percent of total wine consumption , he says , compared with 9 percent for mature markets .

  9. 这处位于法国东北部的地区,于今年7月被联合国教科文组织评为了世界遗产,此时要倒来畅饮以庆祝这一新头衔所用的佳酿,自然得是世界上最优雅也最昂贵的气泡酒。

    When this region of northeastern France was awarded World Heritage status by Unesco in July , there was no doubt what quaff would be poured to celebrate the new designation - the world 's most elegant and expensive sparkling wine .

  10. 酩悦在宁夏酒庄的经理沈旸指着去年生产了5万箱酒的巨大容器说,酩悦正在进行一项长期投资,目的是要让中国懂葡萄酒的白领人士能够喝到更多的气泡酒,目前正进行到第一阶段。

    Pointing out the giant tanks used to produce 50000 cases last year , the estate director , Shen Yang , says Chandon is in the first phase of a long-term investment aimed at getting China 's white-collar professionals to drink more sparkling wine .

  11. 特色:爽口的酸度、怡人的果香构成了本款气泡酒相当平衡的酒体,口感圆润丰美,气泡持久细腻。气味:细致,气泡持久。带有精致的山楂,杏仁和烤面包味道。

    Refreshing acidity and pleasing scent make the sparking wine comparatively balanceable . It tastes abundant , the alveoli is indissoluble and delicate . Bouquet : Delicate , Persistent Beading , rich yet subtle bouquet with hints of hawthorn , almonds , and toast .

  12. 用梨子汁制成的发酵并经常有气泡的酒饮料;相似口味的发酵苹果汁。

    A fermented and often effervescent beverage made from juice of pears ; similar in taste to hard cider .

  13. 真正的香槟酒只出自于法国的一个地区,可是其他地区冒气泡的酒也常叫作香槟酒。

    True champagne comes only from one area of France , but sparkling wine from other places is often called champagne , too .