
qì kǒnɡ zǔ lì
  • stomatal resistance
  1. 用药后10&30天内,多效唑处哩的油菜叶片,气孔阻力降低,胞间CO2浓度提高,光合速率增强;

    During 10-30 th days after MET treatment , the rapeseed leaves showed a decreased stomatal resistance , increased CO_2 concentration in intercellular space as well as an enhanced photosynthetic rate .

  2. CO2浓度升高使枇杷叶片气孔阻力增加,气孔导度降低,蒸腾速率下降,水分利用率(WUE)约提高2.5倍。

    High CO2 condition raised stomatal resistance and water use efficiency ( WUE ) increased by 2.5 , whereas decreased stomatal conductance ( Gs ) & transpiration rate ( Tr ) .

  3. 运用气孔阻力监测大气TSP污染及其监测机理研究

    Research on the application and mechanism of stomatic resistance assessment in monitoring air TSP pollution

  4. 气孔阻力由昼低夜高转变成昼高夜低,但PEP羧化酶活性无明显变化。

    But the activity of PEP Carboxylase have no marked variation .

  5. CO2浓度升高,气孔阻力增大,蒸腾速率下降。

    With the CO 2 concentration enrichment , the stoma resistance will be increased , but the transpiration will be decreased .

  6. CO2浓度升高和干旱胁迫均使叶片气孔阻力增大,蒸腾速率下降。

    With the in crease of CO 2 concentration and drought stress , the leaf stoma resistance increase and transpiration rate decrease .

  7. 在分蘖盛期考察了DH群体的单位面积叶绿素含量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔阻力,并用该群体构建的分子图谱进行数量性状座位(QTL)分析。

    The quantitative trait loci ( QTLs ) for each trait were analyzed based on the constructed molecular linkage map of this population .

  8. 对乌拉苔草叶片的蒸腾速率、气孔阻力、光合有效辐射、空气温度、叶片温度、相对湿度、风速及大气中CO2的体积分数等指标进行了测定。

    The transpiration rate , stomatal resistance , temperature of leaves of Carex meyeriana as well as photosynthetically available radiation ( PAR ), air temperature , relative humidity , wind speed , atmospheric CO_2 concentration were determined .

  9. 植物叶片硫含量与大气SO2和气孔阻力的回归模型说明,以污染状态进入植物体的硫,主要通过气孔进入;

    The best regression models ( e.g.Ulmus pumila ) of leaf content against air SO2 and leaf stomatic resistance could explain that the sulfur acted as pollutant entered plant mainly through stoma .

  10. 结果表明:高湿弱光导致葡萄叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2浓度和水分利用效率下降,气孔阻力上升。

    The results showed that high humidity and poor light resulted in decreases in net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ), transpiration rate ( Tr ), water use efficiency ( WUE ), and intracellular CO_2 concentrations , and increase in stomatal resistance ( Sr ) .

  11. CO2施肥升高使甜瓜叶片气孔阻力增加,气孔导度降低,蒸腾速率下降,水分利用率和胞间CO2浓度显著提高,说明气孔并不是光合作用的制约因素。

    CO_2 fertilizer makes the muskmelon leaf stoma resistance to increase , the stoma leads to reduce , the transpiration speed drops , the moisture content use factor and the CO_2 concentration of the cell remarkable enhancement , the explanation stoma certainly is not the photosynthesis restriction factor .

  12. 低温胁迫下,NP、Zn~(++)及BR处理均能降低叶细胞质膜透性,增加叶绿素含量,降低气孔阻力,使光合速率有所提高,单株籽粒产量增加。

    Compared with the control , under cold-stress environment , these treatments could all reduce protoplasmic membrane permeability of leaf cell , also increase the chlorophyll content and decrease stomatic resistance , thus increasing photosynthetic rate and adding kernel yield per plant .

  13. HA复合肥能够促进葡萄生长,提高叶片中叶绿素的含量,促进其合成代谢,并可以降低葡萄叶片气孔阻力,提高蒸腾速率,增加叶片中SOD、POD的活性。

    The effects of HA compound fertilizer on the growth of grape were realized by HA regulation a series of physiology activity of gape , such as improving activity of SOD and POD activities , increasing transpiration rate and decreasing stomatic diffuse resistance , raising chlorophyll contents of grape leaves .

  14. 叶片气孔阻力随棉苗的病情发展呈显著增加趋势(P<0.05)。

    Stomatal resistance of leaf was significantly increased with disease developing .

  15. 温度高气孔阻力减少、蒸腾强度加大。

    Stomatal resistance decreased and transpiration rate increased with increasing of the temperature .

  16. 大豆不同品种的叶片蒸腾速率和气孔阻力

    Study on the leaf transpiration rate and stomata resistance of Different Soybean Cultivars

  17. 光合作用速率和气孔阻力增加,蒸腾速率减小;

    The photosynthesis rate and stoma resistance increase , and transpiration rate decreases .

  18. 蒸腾速率与气孔阻力呈显著负相关。

    Negative correlation between the transpiration rate and the stoma resistance also ex-isted .

  19. 黑土区水肥耦合对气孔阻力的影响

    Effects of Interaction between Water and Fertilizer on Stomatal Resistance in Black Soil

  20. 嫩叶的气孔阻力小于成熟叶的气孔阻力。

    The stomatic resistance of the tender leaf is less than the mature leaf .

  21. 其次是光量子通量密度、空气相对湿度、气孔阻力。灰色关联度分析与多元回归分析结论基本一致。

    The conclusions of multiple regression analysis and grey relation grades analysis were unanimous .

  22. 不同生育期水稻气孔阻力日变化规律研究

    Study on the Diurnal Variation of Paddy Rice Canopy Resistance at Different Growth Stages

  23. 夏玉米叶片气孔阻力与冠层阻力估算模型的研究

    Studies on The Estimating Models of Leaf Stomatal Resistance and Canopy Resistance for Summer Corn

  24. 两个品种的叶片气孔阻力没有明显区别。

    And no remarkable difference of leaf stomatal resistance was found between the two cultivars .

  25. 叶片气孔阻力对光合速率有一定负效应,而叶片蒸腾对光合速率则有一定正效应。

    While leaf stomatal resistance had negative effects on photosynthesis , transpiration rate had positive effects .

  26. 两种植物气孔阻力的季节变化格局在不同水分处理间大体相似。

    Seasonal patterns of stomatal resistance were similar for both species under varying degrees of drought stress .

  27. 冬小麦叶片水势、气孔阻力、蒸腾速率与环境因素的关系

    Relations Between Leaf Water Potential , Stomatal Resistance and Transpiration Rate of winter wheat , and Environmental Factors

  28. 叶片叶绿素含量及气孔阻力的测定结果部分解释了上述现象。

    The determinations of the chlorophyll content and stoma resistance of Fuji apple leaves could partly interpret this result .

  29. 光照强度、气温、湿度和气孔阻力等因子对光合作用产生显著影响。

    There is a great effect between photosynthetic speed and light intensity , air temperature , relative humidity and stomatal resistance .

  30. 以'新9号'扁桃为试材,对其主要光合特性及其影响因子进行了研究,结果表明,旱作扁桃的光合作用受叶片内部气孔阻力和蒸腾速率及外部光量子通量密度等因子的影响。

    The leaf of almond under no water condition was regulated by stoma and transpiration rate and affected by photon flux density .