
qì sāi
  • air lock;fipple
气塞 [qì sāi]
  • (1) [air lock]∶管道中能阻止液体流动的一个气囊或气泡

  • (2) [fipple]∶小直笛(whistle)风琴管或长笛吹口部分的栓塞(在长笛为唇尖)

气塞[qì sāi]
  1. 对工程中遇到的三例水系统气塞故障加以总结,分析其原因,认为气塞是建筑水系统常见故障,应从设计、施工、运行管理三方面加以重视。

    Sums up the causes of three air lock faults in projects . Considers that the air lock should not be ignored as a common faults of water system , and should be paid attention to during design , construction and operation management .

  2. 水系统中三例气塞故障的分析

    Analysis of three air lock faults in water systems

  3. 影响精炼冷却水系统正常运行的气塞现象

    Affecting refine - cooling water that the pipe clogged by gas

  4. 热管不凝气体气塞长度微机测试系统

    Microcomputer test system about length of non-freezing gas column in heat pipe

  5. 自动变形气塞压力成型多层管材技术

    Auto Deformation Gas Blockage Product Device of Multilayer Composite Tubes

  6. 采用自行设计的自动变形气塞定型装置生产了多层复合管材,调节自动气塞压力与成型压力的比值控制制品的质量。

    Multilayer composite tube was prepared using a self-designed auto deformation gas blockage stereotype device .

  7. 它的最大优点在于对固体颗粒不敏感,能适应气塞和液体段塞。

    The top advantage of the pump is its insensitive to solid particle and its adaptability to gas blockage and liquid slug .

  8. 同样,对四个城市的评估分析结果显示,当风压与热压对抗时,出现气塞现象是导致通风不良的重要原因之一。

    Similarly , the analysis on the four cities shows that when the counterwork appears , air stagnancy is an important reason for bad ventilation .

  9. 在含气量较大的油井中采用深井潜油电泵时,往往伴随有气塞或气蚀现象发生,造成间歇停机及泵排量的下降。

    When using submersible electric pump for deep well in an oil well with large gas content , the gas-bound or cavitation erosion is of frequent occurence .

  10. 他把救生圈拉到怀里,然后打开气塞,把救生圈里面的空气全部放光。

    He pulls one of these rings out and he pops open the air-stopper , and he begins to pat all the air out of the ring .

  11. 与密闭发酵容器(有气塞)相比这过程发生在缓慢速率因为某些酵母利用氧去得到更多的能。

    Compared to closed fermentation containers ( with an airlock ) this process occurs at a slower rate since some of the yeast will use oxygen to get more energy .

  12. 气塞有时发生在住房的水管中,特别是关上水管修理水笼头,然后再拧开水管时。

    An air lock sometimes happens in the water pipes of a house , especially if the water has been shut off to repair a tap , for example , and them turned on again .

  13. 采用充电效率高、析气量低的活性物质是实现密封和少维护的关键,电池结构的优化设计和阀控式气塞的应用是实现密封和少维护的重要技术措施。

    To develop sealed and low maintenance battery , adopting the active mass with high charge acceptance and low gassing rate is the key point , the optimal construction and regulating valve are also necessary .

  14. 分析了IFE与BODE公司的电控气动塞拉门的电气控制原理,并对如何实现不同型电控气动塞拉门列车统型编组进行了探讨

    The electrical and pneumatic control principles of the electrically controlled , pneumatically driven plug sliding doors of IFE and BODE Company are analyzed . It is discussed how to realize the uniform train marshalling of different types of the electrically controlled , pneumatically driven plug doors

  15. 电控气动塞拉门集中控制功能及其联调

    The Centralized Control Function of the Electrically Controlled Pneumatic Plug Door and Its Coordinated Adjustment

  16. 不同型铁路客车电控气动塞拉门集控探讨电控气动塞拉门的电气控制原理及流程

    Discussion on Centralized Control of the Electrically Controlled , Pneumatically Driven Plug Sliding Doors on Different Types of Railway Passenger Cars

  17. 中医普遍认为其原因是人参具有温燥之性,可能会导致机体气机塞滞,产生动血之患,从而限制了人参的应用。

    The reason is generally that ginseng drastic property , the body could lead to cypriot air-stagnation , a move from the blood , thereby limiting the application of ginseng .

  18. 然后这哥们把他弄醒,他要用气钉枪塞到他的鼻子里,然后把胶囊射到他的脑子里。之后Tom用这玩意把那哥们干掉了,就像坏蛋一样。

    And the guy wakes up , and he shoves this gun in his nose and shoots this little capsule into his brain that he 's going to use later to kill him , as bad guys do .

  19. 气箱排放塞〔开关〕工业污染源排污预测

    Air tank drain cock discharge prediction of industrial pollution sources

  20. 气箱排放塞〔开关〕排泄相对渗透率曲线

    Air tank drain cock drainage relative permeability curve

  21. 气-汽段塞驱是通过气-汽发生器装置,向生产井组的中心注入井注入温度250~300℃的烟道气和水蒸汽混合物的工艺技术,其主要成分为N2、CO2和水蒸汽。

    Gas steam slug drive uses gas steam generator to inject a mixture of flue gas and steam of 250 ~ 300 ℃, with N 2 , CO 2 and steam as major components , into the central injection well of a well block .

  22. 气-汽段塞驱改善油藏开采效果

    Improve recovery by gas - steam slug drive

  23. 水平管道油&气两相流段塞流特性的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Flow Characteristics of Oil-Gas Two-Phase Slug Flow in Horizontal Pipeline

  24. 慢速推进活性剂段塞气驱丙烷段塞采油法

    Slow surfactant slug gas-drive liquid propane method

  25. 气速诱导液塞会对立管底部产生很大的冲击,同时会对严重段塞流的周期特性产生影响。

    The abduction slug impacts on bottom of riser pipe heavily and influences the period characteristic of severe slugging .