
  • 网络pressure belts;zone of pressure
  1. 暖气流正从北海上空的另一个高气压带移动过来。

    Warm air is now being drawn in from another high pressure area over the North Sea .

  2. 由于暖湿空气被吸进雷暴中,雷暴经过之处就形成了低气压真空带。

    As the warm , moist air is pulled into a storm system , it leaves a low-pressure vacuum in its wake .

  3. 根据同样方法,将气压计带到屋顶,拴上一个长绳,直垂地面,像钟摆一样摆动。

    On this same tack , you could take the barometer to the top of the building , attach a long rope to it , lower it to just above the street , and then swing it as a pendulum .

  4. 用25点平滑算子对1999年8月11日受台风减弱成的低气压环流和西风带弱冷空气共同影响所造成的山东境内特大暴雨过程进行了滤波分析。

    In terms of 25-dot filtering operator , filter analyse were carried out for a extremely rainstorm result from interaction of low press circulation of typhoon and westerly trough on 11th August , 1999 in Shandong province .