
  • 网络Gasifier;Vaporizer;ORV;scv;IFV
  1. 太阳能在LPG气化器的应用

    Application of Solar Energy to LPG Vaporizer

  2. LPG气化器气化模型及热负荷计算

    Thermal Capacity Model For LPG Vaporizer

  3. 栅格式燃烧器冷风配气特性数值模拟LNG沉浸式燃烧型气化器数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation for Cold Blast Distribution Feature of Grid-type Burner of Hot Air Furnace ; Numerical Simulation of LNG Submerged-Combustion Vaporizer

  4. 气化器作为接收站的重要设备决定并影响着整个LNG接收站及输气管道的正常运行。

    The selection of good vaporizers as essential equipments for LNG receiving terminal is related to whether all operation works will be performed well or not .

  5. 气化器是LNG接收站中的关键设备,选择合适的气化器将对接收站的成本及性能有着重要的影响。

    Vaporizer is the key facility of the LNG terminal , and the type of the vaporizer will have great influence on the cost and operation of terminal .

  6. 进行了技术分析和经济分析,太阳能LPG气化器具有节能环保的优势,在应用上是经济可行的。

    Based on the techno-economic analysis , it is found that solar LPG vaporizer has advantages of energy saving and environmental protection , and is economically feasible for the application .

  7. 冷态灰熔聚流化床气化器内空隙率分布的数学模拟

    Mathematical simulation of porosity profiles in cold ash agglomerating fluidized-bed Gasifiers

  8. 空温式翅片管气化器在低温工况下的传热研究

    Research on Heat Transfer of Air-heated Finned-tube Vaporizer in Low-temperature Condition

  9. 热水循环式液化石油气气化器的仿真研究

    Theory study of hot water type liquefied petroleum gas vaporizer

  10. 环氧丙烷装置丙烯气化器故障的研究

    Study on breakdown of propene carburator of Propylene Oxide units

  11. 气化器工艺结构坚固耐用,并具有防腐蚀性能。

    Vaporizer technology durable structure , and has anti-corrosion .

  12. 对液化石油气气化器的气化过程进行了分析,合理的气化模型应是一种综合沸腾与加热蒸发的混合模型。

    Reasonable model for boiling process of LPG vaporizer is a hybrid model .

  13. 卵石床气化器传热特性研究

    Study on Heat-transfer Characteristic of Pebble-bed Gasifier

  14. 双浮子气化器有一个浮子室,它局部环绕着化油器的空气室。

    The dual carburetor has a float bowl that partly surrounds the carburetor air horn .

  15. 燃烧器和热解器、燃烧器和气化器之间的气氛独立分开。

    The atmosphere of combustor is isolated in relation to pyrolysis reactor and the gasifier .

  16. 液化石油气气化器是配气系统的重要组成部分。

    The gasification device of liquefied petroleum gas is the key element of gas mixture assembly .

  17. 新型灭蚊气化器及药效的研究引诱灯的作用是把蚊虫引向灭蚊灯。

    Research of the new killing mosquito vaporizer and its effect Lure lamp lured mosquitoes and insects .

  18. 所得的结论对翅片管气化器传热设计计算及优化提供了一定的指导意义。

    The conclusions provide some guiding significance for heat transfer calculation and design optimization of the finned-tube vaporizer .

  19. 在气化器中的旋转时的作用相当于节流阀的圆盘状的阀。

    A valve in a carburetor that consists of a disc that turns and acts as a throttle .

  20. 通过设计星型翅片管气化器以及实验验证得出了新的设计方案。

    A new design method is presented through the design of star-shaped fin-tube heat exchanger and an experimental confirmation .

  21. 安在发动机顶部上面的气化器是用来混合汽油和空气的。

    The carburetor , which sets on top of the engine , is used to mix gasoline and the air .

  22. 对一给定基本设计参数的翅片管气化器进行了设计,设计的目标是计算翅片管的长度。

    A fin-tube heat exchanger is designed with the given basic design parameter . The design goal is the length of fin-tube .

  23. 分析了生物质原料的化学和物理性质,指出了原料性质对固定床气化器中反应过程的影响。

    The chemical and physical properties of biomass materials and their influence for the react process in a solid bed gasifier were analyzed .

  24. 高温空气发生器试验研制与高温空气气化器设计

    Research and Development of High Temperature Air Generator and Design of High Temperature Air Gasifier ; High temperature oxidation of dichloromethane in air

  25. 当你打开这些车的前盖时,你可以看到气化器,这就是这些车里面最复杂的东西啦。

    You open the hood of those things , and there 's the carburetor , which is the most complicated thing in the whole engine .

  26. 在高温空气/蒸汽和低空气过剩系数条件下,气化器内发生高温空气气化主反应和高温蒸汽重整副反应。

    It gasified with high-temperature air / steam and low excess air ratio . High-temperature air gasification and high temperature steam reforming reaction take place inside the gasifier .

  27. 由于气化器工作时实际上大部分时间都是处于非稳态换热,故将换热过程视为稳态时计算得出的翅片管长度为最大值。

    Because of the fact that gasified process of cryogenic fluid is on the unsteady-state heat transfer condition in majority of time , the calculation result is a maximum value .

  28. 本文采用分段计算原理,以试算法为基础,选用各段合适的准则关联式,完成气化器的稳态传热设计。

    This article uses the subsection design principle and takes the trial calculation method as the foundation to complete the steady-state design of vaporizer by selecting the appropriate heat transfer corresponding formula .

  29. 文章首先介绍了国内外对空温式气化器和流体管内沸腾换热的研究现状,介绍了管内两相流和沸腾换热的理论知识。

    Firstly , the research status of AAVs and fluid flow boiling in domestic and abroad are introduced briefly , and the theory of two phase flow and boiling heat transfer are recommended .

  30. 介绍了主要设备卸料臂、低温潜液泵、闪蒸气压缩机、开架式海水气化器、浸没燃烧式气化器、海水泵的性能参数和结构特点;

    Then it introduces the specifications and structure features about the key equipments such as unloading arms , cryogenic submersible pumps , BOG compressors , ORV ( open rack vaporizers ), SCV ( submersible combustion vaporizer ), sea water pump , and so on .