
  • 网络climate impact;Climate change impacts
  1. 报告作者之一、德国波茨坦气候影响研究所(PotsdamInstituteforClimateImpactResearch)的奥特马尔•埃登霍费尔(OttmarEdenhofer)博士表示,这对部分国家来说仍意味着很高的要求。

    That still implies big demands on some nations , said a co-author of the report , Dr Ottmar Edenhofer from Germany 's Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research .

  2. 冬小麦气候影响评价方法和模式研究

    The Assessment Methods and Models of Climate Impact on Winter Wheat

  3. 这对容易受气候影响的国家至关重要。

    This is vital for climate-vulnerable nations .

  4. 争取到这些资金,并且明确资金募集者,对易受气候影响的国家的未来至关重要。

    Securing these funds , and establishing who is responsible for raising them will also be vital for the future of climate-vulnerable countries .

  5. 世界上最易受气候影响的国家对造成全球疾病责任较小,但现今他们却受到最大伤害。

    The most climate-vulnerable countries in the world have contributed very little to creating the global disease from which they now suffer the most .

  6. 世界上许多容易受气候影响的国家,大多数是非洲或小岛国家,制造了少量的排放气体。

    Many of the world 's most climate-vulnerable countries , the majority of which are African or small island states , produce a very small quantity of emissions .

  7. 如果我们想实现国家减排目标,同时帮助最易受气候影响的国家适应气候变伈,急霄有效地启动协议上概述的政策。

    There must urgently be a meaningful mobilisation of the policies outlined in the agreement if we are to achieve national emissions reductions while helping the most vulnerable countries adapt to climate change .

  8. 然而,根据英国林地信托的研究,绝大多数的原生林地状况很差,这是由于受到了一连串威胁的打击,包括气候影响、树木疾病以及住房和交通发展造成的林地流失。

    Yet , according to the Woodland Trust , the vast majority of our native woodlands are in a poor condition , hit by a barrage3 of threats including climate impacts , tree diseases , and loss to housing and transport developments .

  9. 关于ENSO事件及其对中国气候影响研究的综述

    A review of studys on the influence of ENSO events on the climate in China

  10. ITCZ对南海气候影响显著,主要表现在南海热带气旋的纬度和个数与500hPaITCZ的纬度和频率有着一致的逐月变化趋势;

    The ITCZ has obvious influence on the South China Sea 's climate in two ways . One is that the latitude and number of the South China Sea 's tropical cyclones have the same change tendency as those of the 500 hPa ITCZ by month .

  11. 土壤种类对气候影响的数值模拟

    A numerical simulations of the effects of soil species on climate

  12. 闽北邵武为盛夏干旱高温。气候影响最明显的时期为盛果期。

    The climate has the most effect on full fruiting period .

  13. 土壤类型变化对区域气候影响的数值试验

    Change numerical experiments with effect of soil types on regional climate

  14. 土地覆被对气候影响的数值模拟实验

    Numerical Experiments on the Impact of Land Cover on Climate

  15. 基于气候影响因素下的动态进度计划的编制方法

    A Dynamic Progress Schedule Based on the Effect of Weather

  16. 广东省公路沥青路面气候影响分区

    Regionalizing for Asphalt Pavement in Guangdong Province According to the Climate Influence

  17. 平流层臭氧的温室效应及其气候影响

    The greenhouse effect of stratospheric ozone and its climatic impact

  18. 纬度因素对佳木斯气候影响的分析

    The Influence of Latitude on the Weather in Jiamusi Area

  19. 受到热带的热情气候影响。

    Fall under the influence of this torrid tropical tempo .

  20. 温室效应及其对气候影响的最新研究

    Recent studies on the greenhouse effect and its impacts on the climate

  21. 关于微喷灌对田间小气候影响的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of the Effect of Micro-Spray Irrigation on Field Climate

  22. 同时,农业也是受天气气候影响最大的行业,气候变化历来是导致农业生产波动的重要原因。

    Meanwhile , agriculture is most influenced by weather .

  23. 泡桐林生产潜力估算及气候影响

    Evaluation of Paulownia forest potential productivity and climatic effect

  24. 鄱阳湖流域植被气孔阻抗变化对气候影响的探讨

    Impact of Stomata Resistance Variation of Vegetation on Climate in Poyang Lake Basin

  25. 当作物产量受气候影响大的时候,政府也计划实施人工降雨。

    The government also plans to carry out artificial precipitation when weather permits .

  26. 皮纳图博火山喷发对气候影响的数值试验

    Numerical Study on the Influence of Pinatubo Volcanic Eruption on Large Scale Climate

  27. 核燃料和煤燃料链对健康、环境和气候影响的比较

    Comparative assessment of health environment and climate change from coal and nuclear energy-chain

  28. 世界气候影响评估和反应战略方案

    World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Programme

  29. 极区大气臭氧变化对中国气候影响的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulations of Effects of Ozone Variation over Polar Regions on Climate of China

  30. 土壤湿度异常对区域短期气候影响的数值模拟试验

    A Numerical Study on Effects of the Soil Moisture upon the Regional Short-term Climate