
  • 网络Research on Ethnic Education;Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
  1. 云南与周边国家跨境民族教育研究现状述评

    Comments on the Cross-border Ethnic Education in Yunnan and Peripheral Countries

  2. 我国民族教育研究中的几个问题

    Several Questions in Search of Education for Ethnic Minorities of China

  3. 试论加强少数民族教育研究的重要意义

    On the Significance of Strengthening Educational Studies in Minority Nationality Regions

  4. 西北少数民族教育研究20年

    Twenty Years of Study on Education for Ethnic Minorities in the Northwest

  5. 试析多元文化视野下民族教育研究存在的问题

    Analysis on the Problems in Ethnic Education under Multi-Cultural Perspective

  6. 第四章民族教育研究的发展趋势、问题与对策。

    Part IV Development Trend , Problems and Solution of Minority Education Research .

  7. 论我国少数民族教育研究工作的原则与任务

    Principles and Missions for Minority Education Research in China

  8. 近20年云南民族教育研究综述

    A Summary of the Research on the Yunnan Minority Education in Recent 20 Years

  9. 20世纪80年代后的中国民族教育研究发展综述

    Summarization of the Ethnic Education Research in China Since 20 's of the Last Century

  10. 中国的民族教育研究可以追溯到20世纪初,其发展已近百年。

    The study of China 's national education started in the early 20th century , nearly 100 years ago .

  11. 我国民族教育研究的任务是通过实现我国少数民族教育的现代化来促进各少数民族文化的现代化转型。

    It is a branch of education . Its mission is realizing modernization of culture of ethnic minorities by realizing modernization of education for ethnic minorities .

  12. 加强少数民族教育研究具有特别重要的意义:科学地服务于民族教育实践、中国教育事业以及国家全局的和谐发展;

    It is of great significance to strengthen educational studies in minority nationalities . Firstly , it will contribute to the development of minority nationality edueation ;

  13. 本文论述《五指山基业》是海南少数民族教育研究的重要成果。

    The paper shows that the book The Foundation of the Five-finger Mountain is the important achievement of the educational study of minority nationalities in Hainan .

  14. 浅析高校周边环境规划设计和教育环境的特色化建设的关系云南与周边国家跨境民族教育研究现状述评

    An Analysis of the Relation of Environment Layout in School Around and Education Environment Features ; Comments on the Cross-border Ethnic Education in Yunnan and Peripheral Countries

  15. 其中重点介绍了少数民族教育研究的主要研究内容,包括教育现状研究、少数民族地区女童失辍学成因研究、以及改善少数民族女童教育的对策研究。

    The author highlighted the main content of education of ethnic minority , including present education , the reasons of girls ' school failure in ethnic minority areas and the strategic improvement of the education of girls in minority .

  16. 文化人类学的一个理论流派&文化传播学派中的一些观点,对教育学中的比较教育研究、民族教育研究、教育研究方法以及创新教育理念都能获得重要启示。

    In this paper , some ideas of the school of cultural diffusion-a school of cultural anthropology-is introduced briefly , to enlighten the comparison education research , ethnic education research , innovation of education research methods and some education principles .

  17. 第五部分,台湾原住民族教育立法研究。

    The fifth is the research on Taiwan aboriginal education legislation .

  18. 中国民族预科教育研究文献计量分析

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Literature on Ethnic Preparatory Education in China

  19. 台湾原住民族教育立法研究

    The Research On Taiwan Aboriginal Education Legislation

  20. 我国民族教育课程研究:回顾与前瞻

    The Research on the Courses of Ethnic Education : A Back Review and a Prospect

  21. 民族教育经济研究成果为民族地区教育事业改革和发展作出了重大理论贡献。

    The achievements have made significant theoretic contribution to the reform and development of education in ethnic groups'area .

  22. 从实求知的研究原则不排除民族教育田野研究的理论指导。

    This principle requires that the field work must be based on the fundamental purpose of pursuing the knowledge and the law .

  23. 回族大学生心理特点的探讨及心理健康水平的提高,是民族高等教育研究的重要课题。

    It is a key subject how to ascertain the Hui College students'mental traits and improve their health in the research of higher education for ethnic minority groups .

  24. 坚持从实求知的研究原则,要求民族教育田野研究从民族教育实际出发收集研究资料。

    Persisting in the principle of field work , we need to gather data on the reality of ethnic groups ' education and comply with the theoretical guidance .

  25. 检索了近年来发表在国内主要学术刊物上关于少数民族教育心理研究的论文和研究报告,并对学者们所使用的研究方法、研究的主题以及研究的范围进行了系统的分析。

    In this paper , there is an index of the papers and research reports which pay attention to the psychological development and education of Chinese minority published on domestic issues in recent years .

  26. 其三,将少数民族教育史研究与当前民族地区教育发展的需要具体、有机地结合起来,展示了少数民族教育史研究的重要现实意义。

    Thirdly , combining the study of educational history in ethnic areas with the need of educational development in the areas and demonstrated the important significance of the study on the history of ethnic education .

  27. 20多年来,西北少数民族教育发展研究经历了起步、发展、繁荣三个阶段,取得了丰硕的研究成果,对进一步促进西部少数民族教育研究工作具有重要意义。

    Over 20 years , the Research Center for the Educational Development of Minorities has gone through three stages of beginning , developing and flourishing with abundant achievements in research . It is of great significance to the further promotion of education for ethnic minorities in the western regions .

  28. 少数民族地区双语教育研究的心理学反思

    Reflection on Psychology of " Bilingual " Education in Minority Areas

  29. 二十世纪新疆少数民族高等教育发研究

    The Study on the Higher Education of Xinjiang Minorities in Twenty Century

  30. 物理学科教育与民族精神教育整合研究

    Research on Conformity between National Spirit Education and Physics Teaching