
mín bàn xué xiào
  • Private schools;non-governmental school
  1. 民办学校教师权益保障的地方政策创新及反思

    Innovation and Reflection on Local Policy about Protecting Non-governmental School Teachers ' Rights and Interests

  2. 数据显示,2020年,全国共有民办学校18.67万所,占全国各级各类学校总数的比例超过1/3;在校生5564余万人,占比接近1/5。

    China has 186700 private schools as of 2020 , accounting .

  3. 此外,针对民办学校和教育培训机构责任人,还可采取依法罚没违法所得、责令停止招生,以及吊销从业许可证等问责方式。

    In addition to those punishments , private schools and tutoring institutions can be fined , ordered to stop student enrollment8 , and have their operating permits and business licenses9 revoked10 .

  4. 郑州市某民办学校学生HBsAg阳性率和抗-HBs水平分析

    Analysis on the positive rate of HBsAg and anti-HBs level among students of a voluntary school in Zhengzhou City

  5. 近年来,在河南省政府的正确领导和支持下,Z市的民办学校的队伍也在不断地发展和壮大,有效地缓解了Z市的高中阶段入学的问题。

    In recent years , under the correct leadership and support of the Henan Provincial Government , private schools continue to be growing and developed in Z City , which eased the problem of senior student for going to school efficiently .

  6. 民办学校经营的竞争力困境及对策研究

    Private Schools Run by the Competitiveness of the Plight and Countermeasures

  7. 民办学校的产权问题

    The Question of the Property Right of Civilian - run Schools

  8. 中国民办学校发展轨迹

    The Path of Development of the Nongovernmental Schools in China

  9. 对民办学校产权制度若干问题的思考与建议

    The Study and Suggestions about Property System in Private Universities

  10. 浅谈完善民办学校报酬管理

    A Brief Talk on Perfecting Payment Administration in Private Schools

  11. 关于民办学校师资队伍建设的探讨

    A Research on the Construction of the Private School Teachers

  12. 树人中学成立于1995年,是一所民办学校。

    Founded in 1995 , Shuren High School is a private institution .

  13. 中国民办学校发展历程的历史性思考

    Historical Consideration to the Development of Private Schools in China

  14. 应对转型期民办学校要把握发展战略

    The Development Strategy of Private Universities in the Transiting Period

  15. 论民办学校的范畴和性质

    On the Category and Character of Schools Run by the Local People

  16. 民办学校产权模式新视角&椒江“教育股份制”实践价值的再认识

    A New Perspective of the Property Model of Non-state-sponsored Schools

  17. 民办学校应当贯彻教育与宗教相分离的原则。

    Privately-run schools shall implement the principle of separating education from religion .

  18. 基于动态能力的弱势民办学校持续成长研究

    Research on Vulnerable Private Schools ' Sustainable Growth Based on Dynamic Capabilities

  19. 民办学校企业性质的经济学分析

    The Economics Analysis with the Firm 's Nature of the Private School

  20. 民办学校的治理结构

    The Structure of Governance on Non - government School

  21. 构建民办学校学生合法权益的保障机制

    Constructing the Security Mechanism for the Legal Rights of Students in Non-governmental Schools

  22. 浙江民办学校领导体育理念探析

    On the Sport Concept of Leaders of Schools run by Local Zhejiang People

  23. 浅谈民办学校的图书馆利用教育

    Brief Discussion of Education for the Using of Library Resources in Non-Government Schools

  24. 提高民办学校教学质量的若干思考

    Teaching Quality of Local Schools : Several Thoughts

  25. 凤凰大学的发展给我国非义务阶段民办学校的启示

    The Revelation of Development of Phoenix University to the Private Schools at Non-obligatory Stage

  26. 很多民办学校沦为文凭工厂。

    Many private universities are simply diploma mills .

  27. 民办学校教师专业发展的困境与对策研究

    Research on Dilemma and Countermeasure of the Teachers ' Professional Development of Private Schools

  28. 民办学校教师作为民办学校的主体,在民办教育的发展过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    As the main part , teachers play a significant role in private education .

  29. 从民办学校法律属性谈起,引出民办学校具有破产能力。

    From the private school law attribute about private schools , lead with bankruptcy ability .

  30. 对民办学校的教师流动的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on the flow of teachers in high school run by local people