
zhān fáng
  • yurt
毡房 [zhān fáng]
  • [yurt] 圆顶帐篷,用木条做骨架,上蒙毡子

毡房[zhān fáng]
  1. 他们好像正往我住的那个毡房跑呢。

    They seem to be running toward the yurt where I am staying .

  2. 而毡房已成为旅游,骑马成为一种体验。

    While yurt has become travel , horse riding has become a kind of experience .

  3. 毡房星罗棋布,玛尼堆旁

    Yurts stud everywhere and beside Mani Stones

  4. 在一个毡房里,主人给我们端上来奶茶、奶油和干酪。

    In one of the yurts , the host served us with tea , cream and cheese .

  5. 只要是远道而来的客人,这里的牧民都会像对待自己家里人一样,帮他们搭毡房送食物。

    As long as there are guests coming from afar , the nomads here would treat them like their own loved ones , helping them set up their felt yurts and offering them food .