
  • 网络Vishnu;Visnu;Lord Vishnu
  1. 守护之神毗湿奴化身为下界的一位国王。

    The god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king .

  2. 毗湿奴挺身拯救了普拉拉德,而邪恶的霍利嘉则被毁灭。

    Vishnu intervened to save Prahlad and evil Holika perished instead .

  3. 毗湿奴,梵语神话中的创造与维持之神。

    Vishnu , the Supreme God of creation and preservation .

  4. 印度教的主神有梵天、毗湿奴和湿婆。

    The most important Hindu gods are brahma , Vishnu and shiva .

  5. 毗湿奴和湿婆取代了他,成为最重要的神灵。

    He was supplanted by Vishnu and Shiva as the most important of gods .

  6. 然而,这个暴君的儿子普拉拉德却是毗湿奴的忠实信徒。

    The demon however , had a son named Prahlad who was ardent devotee of Vishnu .

  7. 他想为遭毗湿奴杀害的弟弟报仇。

    He wanted to avenge the death of his younger brother , who had been killed by Vishnu .

  8. 三个主要的神是创造之神梵天、守护之神毗湿奴和破坏之神湿婆。

    The three main god figures are Brahma the creator , Vishnu the preserver and Siva the destroyer .

  9. 在大毗湿奴时代的末期,那些掌握着这样的立场的人碎裂并死亡。

    At the end of the era of the Mahavishnu , those who held such positions fractured and died .

  10. 作为佛教的创立者和始祖,佛陀据称是大神毗湿奴的化身。

    The founder and father of the Buddhist religion , Buddha was said to have been an Avatar of the great god Vishnu .

  11. 然而,由于集中在毗湿奴和湿婆两位神身上有神论趋向在发展,正统宗教本身在这个时期正经历着变化。

    The orthodox religion itself was undergoing change at this time , however , because of the development of theistic tendencies that centred around the gods Vishnu and Siva .

  12. 但是依我看来你的宝剑是更美的,那弯弯的闪光像毗湿奴的神鸟展开的翅翼,完美地平悬在落日怒发的红光里。

    But more beautiful to me thy sword with its curve of lightning like the outspread wings of the divine bird of vishnu , perfectly poised in the angry red light of the sunset .

  13. 这座神殿专门供奉印度教的主神毗湿奴,是在高棉帝国的统治者苏利耶跋摩二世的授意下建造的,据估计共花费30年的时间建成。

    It is estimated that it took 30 years to build the temple dedicated to the Hindu deity , Vishnu , at the behest of King Suryavarman II , the ruler of the Khmer Empire

  14. 居民主要供奉三大天神(梵天、毗湿奴、湿婆神)和佛教的释迦牟尼,还祭拜太阳神、水神、火神、风神等。

    Residents of the three main worship God ( Fantian , Visnu , the god Shiva ) and Buddhism Sakyamuni , also worship the sun god , the god of water , Vulcan , such as the winds .

  15. 受印度神毗湿奴、湿婆和梵天(分别代表保持、毁灭和创造)的启发,他表示,企业必须把核心业务归入第一个盒子,把他们需要忘记、出售或关闭的业务放入第二个盒子,在第三个盒子里发展未来。

    Inspired by the Hindu gods Vishnu , Shiva and Brahma , who stand respectively for preservation , destruction and creation , he says companies must assign core operations to box one , put stuff they need to forget , sell or close in box two , and develop the future in box three .