
  • 网络Adjacent area;contiguous zone
  1. 豫陕鄂毗邻区旅游联动发展分析与战略构建

    Analysis and Strategy Construction for the Regional Tourism Combined Development of YU-SHAN-E Adjoining District

  2. 闽、浙、赣三省毗邻区跨区域合作的机制研究

    Institutional Research of the Regional Cooperation at the Junction of Fujian , Zhejiang and Jiangxi Province

  3. “欠发展区域”是指发展不够或发展滞后的县域或县域毗邻区,即一个以上的欠发展县或欠发展地区。

    This paper gives the definition of under-developed regions which include under-developed or stagnant counties or their adjacencies .

  4. 毗邻区扬子地台,为古老的稳定克拉通,极有利于原生金刚石矿床的形成。

    The adjacent area in Yangtze platform is an ancient stable craton , very advantageous to form primary diamond deposits .

  5. 而神农架群、板溪群、下江群与丹洲群,均属毗邻区地台之第一个盖层。

    Shennongjia Group , Banxi Group , Xiajiang Group and Danzhou Group all belong to the first cover of Yangtze platform .

  6. 鄂豫陕毗邻区地层、岩相建造及沉积盆地的控矿作用

    Study on strata , sedimentary sequence , sedimentary basins and their ore-control significance in the adjacent area of hubei , henan and Shanxi Province

  7. 它们是:(1)早震旦世长安组里的冰碛层,分布于湘、黔、桂毗邻区;

    They are : ( 1 ) the tillite beds of Changan Formation of Lower Sinian from the juncture of Hunan , Guizhou and Guangxi ;

  8. 省际边缘区,又称省际边境区或省际毗邻区,它位于省与省的交界的地方。

    Provincial border-region also known as inter-provincial border area or adjacent districtprovince , which is located in the province and the provincial phase of place .

  9. 文化表述与地域社会:宋元以来闽粤赣毗邻区的族群研究

    Cultural Representation and the Region Society : A Study of Ethnic Groups after Song & Yuan Dynasty in the Boundary among Min , Yue and Gan

  10. 王朝大酒店以四星级标准建造,座落于市区繁华地段,毗邻商业区和客运中心。

    Dynasty hotel was built according to 4-star standard and it is situated in the downtown area neighboring commercial district and passenger transportation center .

  11. 保税物流园区是指经国务院批准在保税区的规划面积或者毗邻保税区的特定港区内设立的,专门发展现代国际物流业的海关特殊监管区域。

    Bonded Logistics Zone ( BLZ ) is that the customhouse who refers to the job approved by State Council , setting up , developing specially modern international logistics within the bonded zone plan area or the specially appointed harbour district being adjacent to a bonded zone oversees area peculiarly .

  12. 福州市及毗邻地区鸟类区系分析

    A Avifauna Survey on Birds of Fuzhou and Neighboring Areas

  13. 浙江北部沿海岛屿与毗邻地区植物区系的亲缘关系研究

    A Study on the Floristic Relationships Between the Coastal Islands of North Zhejiang and Adjacent Regions

  14. 酒店座落于成都市市中区,毗邻繁华商业区,商务休闲购物方便快捷。

    Minshan is located in central Chengdu near the downtown , which is convenient for commerce , leisure and shopping .

  15. 毗邻的台东区(Toyokan)现代结构展在2013年重新开放,包括一些整修后的画廊,其中的亚洲手工艺展品中有一些古代中国的人像,以及一具令人毛骨悚然的木乃伊。

    The adjacent modernist structure Toyokan , which reopened in 2013 , contains refurbished galleries filled with early Chinese icons and a grisly mummy , among the Asian artifacts .

  16. 喜马拉雅山毗邻南亚季风区,该地区的地气交换过程也可能受到南亚季风活动的影响。

    Besides , the Himalayas is adjacent to the South Asian monsoon regions , the air mass exchange between the surface and free atmosphere could also be affected by the monsoon evolution .

  17. 毗邻栈桥风景区,小青岛,天主教堂,原德国总督大楼等著名景点散布四周,位置独特,温馨舒适。

    Adjacent to the trestle scenic , small Qingdao , the Catholic Church , the former German Government Building and other famous scenic spots scattered around the unique location , warm and comfortable .

  18. 麦宁文:我们酒店坐落于延安西路,毗邻市中心商业区,周边交通便捷,这成为许多商旅客人选择我们酒店的原因。

    Neil : Business travellers choose our hotel due in part , I think , to our premium location in West Yan'an Road , next door to the central business district and easy to reach .

  19. 新疆及其毗邻地区荒漠昆虫区系的形成与演变

    Formation and Evolution of Desert Insects in Xinjiang and Its Adjacent Regions

  20. 黄河口毗邻渤海陆架区悬浮体成分

    Compositions of suspended matter on the southern Bohai shelf adjacent to the Yellow River Estuary

  21. 县(区)级区域经济差异初步研究&以苏皖毗邻四县(区)为例

    Preliminary study on county regional economic inequalities & with four adjacent counties of Jiangsu and Anhui Province as an example

  22. 新疆额尔齐斯河流域及其毗邻山地蜱螨区系调查

    The Fauna of Ticks and Medical Mites in the Ertix River Valley and Its Neighboring Mountainous Areas in Xinjiang , China