
  • 网络Proportional band;p-band
  1. 首先利用扩充临界比例带法将PID公式简化为只有一个控制参数Kp,然后通过模糊控制规则和模糊推理确定一张模糊控制表。

    First , the PID formula was simplified to one parameter Kp by adopting expanded critical proportional band , then a fuzzy control table was designed by using fuzzy control rule and fuzzy inference theory .

  2. 微型机控制的自动比例带选择和自动余差调节

    Auto proportional band selection and auto steady state error reduction temperature controlling using in Microcomputer

  3. 用变比例带和三冲量调节的方法实现的除氧器水位控制系统分析

    Analysis on Water Level Control System of Deaerator by Variable Ratio and Three-impulse Methods

  4. 一种失调电压补偿电容比例型带隙基准源设计

    Design of An Offset Voltage Compensation Ratio-Capacitance Bandgap Voltage Reference

  5. 本文通过两幢较大比例的带构造柱工业建筑模型的双向振动台模拟地震试验,研究了偏心砌体结构的双向地震破坏特征和扭转破坏特征。

    According to the bidirectional shaking table test of two industrial structural model with R / C column , the failure characteristic under bidirectional earthquake inputs and the torsional response characteristic of the eccentric structures are found .

  6. 双辊薄带凝固组织中柱状晶区所占比例对薄带质量有非常重要的影响。

    The quality of twin roll thin strip is greatly effected by the columnar zone proportion in solidification structure of thin strip .

  7. 淡色库蚊数量从9月上旬开始上升,10月份所占比例高于三带喙库蚊。

    Pipiens pallens started to increase from the first third of September and the proportion of it was higher than one of Cx .

  8. 本文介绍了造纸生产过程中气动纠偏系统的工作原理和为该系统研制的摆杆式比例阀和带排气口的遥控压力比例阀。

    This paper introduces the working principle of a pneumatic rectify deviation system in papermaking and two newly developed , oscillating proportional valve and remote proportional pressure valve with exhaust that used in this system .

  9. 对5种饵料的脂肪酸进行了分析,结果显示,饵料中高度不饱和脂肪酸DHA和EPA的含量之间的比例,对点带石斑鱼幼鱼的生长比其含量本身更加具有明显的影响。

    The fatty acid analysis of the 5 diets showed that the content ratios of DHA to EPA were more important factor to influence the growth speed of the fish .

  10. 结合工程实例,对采用比例压力控制的带混水回路的供热系统的技术经济性进行了分析。

    The economic efficiency of heat-supply system with mixing water loop which adopts proportional pressure control is analyzed .

  11. 轴向塑性变形消耗的能量与侧向塑性变形消耗的能量成正比,其比例系数与剪切带倾角有关;

    Dissipated energy due to axial plastic deformation is proportional to that of lateral plastic deformation and the proportional coefficient is dependent on inclination angle of shear band .