
dú wù
  • poisonous fog/mist/etc.
毒雾 [dú wù]
  • [poison fog] 有毒的烟雾

  1. 你们听到过有人把他说成是一个从地狱里喷出来的最黑暗毒雾中一身是罪的产儿。

    You have heard him called a crime-soaked product of the darkest vomiting of hell .

  2. 锐利之眼会对毒和毒雾造成影响吗?

    Are Poison and Poison mist affected by Sharp Eyes ?

  3. 毒雾已经成为过去时

    Toxic fogs were a thing of the past

  4. 那有个杀虫专家他带来的毒雾会把我们都杀死的

    The exterminator 's here . He brings death clouds that will destroy us all ...

  5. 产生可控制的致命腐败毒雾,对作用范围内的任何敌军步兵造成伤害。

    Spawn a controllable cloud of death and decay , dealing damage to any enemy infantry within it .

  6. 毒雾,若将此魔法施于特定生物,在这个生物的周围总是跟随着绿色毒气。

    Poisonous fog , if this sorcery in particular living creature , the biologic surroundings always follows behind green poisonous gas here .

  7. 鸦片成为近代中国社会的一种习俗,吸鸦片作为一种生活方式而存在,无数的中国人迷失在白色毒雾里。

    Shortly after , opium became a kind of custom in modern China society . Meanwhile , addicting to opium existed as a way of life . Millions of Chinese people were absorbed in opium in that time .

  8. 地处江南沿海、经济发达、文化繁荣、交通便利的天堂苏州也较早地陷于黑色毒雾之中。

    Suzhou , well-known as the paradise in China , which is located in the coastal regions in the South of the Yangtze River and characterized by developed economy , prosperous culture , and convenient location , was trapped in drug abuse very early .

  9. 一些外国人搬到了中国的商业首都——上海,希望在那里可以躲过雾霾弥漫的末日审判。但最近几周,上海同样被这种北京民众已见怪不怪的黄褐色毒雾所笼罩。

    Some moved to Shanghai , where they hoped they would be able to avoid the hazy day of judgment , but in recent weeks China 's commercial capital has been enveloped in the same yellow-brown toxic blanket that has become commonplace in the capital .