首页 / 词典 / good

  • no;not
  • 不要,不可以:~妄言。宁缺~滥。

  • 不:~庸。~宁(nìng )。

  • 姓。


[书] (表示禁止或劝阻) no; not:

  • 毋贻后悔

    do not do sth. that you'll regret;

  • 毋乃太简乎?

    Is it not too simple?

  • 毋妄言。

    Don't talk nonsense.

  • 毋中奸计。

    Don't fall into the treacherous plot.

  • 毋临渴而掘井。

    Don't wait till you are thirsty to dig a well.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 毋雅

    Wu Ya

  1. 而且,你亦毋需担心我。

    And there is no reason why you should care about it anyway .

  2. 麻烦是会找上门来,但也毋需焦躁!

    Problems are here to stay , but there 's no need to fret !

  3. 毋临渴而掘井。

    Don 't wait till you are thirsty to dig a well .

  4. 毋中奸计。

    Don 't fall into the treacherous plot .

  5. 毋乃太简乎?

    Is it not too simple ?

  6. 毋剿说,毋雷同。(《礼记》)

    Do not plagiarize and do not copy .

  7. 扩增DNA的分析毋需放射性DNA探针和Southern杂交,产前基因诊断可在5小时内完成。

    The analysis of the amplified DNA does not require radioactive DNA probe and Southern hybridization . Prenatal gene diagnosis can be accomplished within 5 hours .

  8. 这个方法毋需准确计量浓度和繁杂计算,可以简便准确地鉴定单纯正构烷烃的碳数n,或混合物的平均基团含量。

    This simple and accurate method provides a means for the determination of the carbon numbers n of pure compound ( and so its structure ) and the average content of functional groups of blends without resorting to accurate measurement of concentration and tedious calculations .

  9. spotcloud与众不同的原因,在于“不透明”:即提供计算能力的企业,毋需公开身份。

    Spotcloud differs from other spot markets in that it is " opaque " : the firms offering capacity do not have to reveal their identity .

  10. 于是,他毫不费力地就走到了队毋棠最前面。

    So he effortlessly went to the team at the top .

  11. 那事儿我们可以相当容易地办到,毋需花大钱。

    We can do that fairly easily and not too expensively .

  12. IT作为高科技的代表,其对传统产业的改造能力是毋容置疑的。

    It is undoubted the ability of IT rebuilding traditional industry .

  13. 装有石英晶体机蕊的手表毋需上发条。

    Watches with quartz crystal movements never have to be wound .

  14. 有时银行仅起着一种托收的作用,而毋需对任何一方提供资金。

    Sometimes banks perform merely a collection function without financing anybody .

  15. 我宁愿做小池塘中的大鱼(宁为鸡首,毋为牛后)。

    I 'd rather be a big fish in a small pond .

  16. 与肩挑贸易,毋占便宜;

    Do not gain petty advantages in trading with peddlers .

  17. 所有受影响人士现时情况稳定,毋需入院留医。

    All the affected persons are in stable condition and none required hospitalization .

  18. 请为周晶的父毋亲及表兄申请来美签证一切顺利祷告。

    Please pray for Jing zhou 's parents and cousin 's visa application .

  19. 登记过程十分简单,毋需任何特殊软件或下载程式。

    The enrolment process is simple , requiring no special software or downloads .

  20. 直升机虽然已经挎起来毋恪两耶飞行员到担呀揣无。

    The wreckage has been recovered but the two pilots are still missing .

  21. 同胞们,我毋需劝说你们接受这些原则,这些原则本来就是属于你们的,

    I need not argue these principles to you , my fellow countrymen ;

  22. 毋容置疑,整体观是发展趋势。

    It is clear that the integrative division view is the trend of development .

  23. 宁为善而斗,毋屈服于恶。

    It is better to fight for good than to fail at the ill .

  24. 他的公正毋容置疑。

    His justness is not to be doubted .

  25. 我毋需征求你的同意.

    I wouldn 't have asked your permission .

  26. 请毋在球道内以击打两个球的形式进行练习。

    Do not practice in the form of stroking two balls in the fairway .

  27. 但是英国在1672-1674年第三次英荷战争中表现消沉,在此毋需赘述。

    The dismal English effort in the third Anglo-Dutch conflict of1672-1674 requires minimal space here .

  28. 单叶双曲面与双曲抛物面直毋线的性质

    Research for the property of Rectilinear Generators of Hyperboloid of One Sheet and Hyperbolic Paraboloid

  29. 银行界致力维持高道德操守的意向毋容置疑。

    There is no doubt about the determination of banks to strive for high ethical standards .

  30. 毋恐无怵,自强不息。

    Fear not , be strong .