
zhèng guī
  • regular;normal;standard
正规 [zhèng guī]
  • [regular;standard] 合乎规定或标准的

  • 遵循立法的正规程序

正规[zhèng guī]
  1. 代表们还讨论了把他们从游击队武装改造为正规军的问题。

    Delegates also discussed transforming them from a guerrilla force into a regular army .

  2. 我没有受过正规教育。

    I had no regular education .

  3. 幼儿有时早在四岁时就开始接受正规教育。

    Young children are beginning their formal education sometimes as early as four years old .

  4. 他没有正规的教学资历证明。

    He has no formal teaching qualifications .

  5. 没有正规的厕所,只有一个位于室外的茅坑。

    There were no proper toilets , but only an outdoor latrine

  6. 史蒂夫没能接受正规的大学教育。

    Steve didn 't have the benefit of a formal college education

  7. 你会受到正规训练的,别担心。

    You 'll get the right training , never fear .

  8. 至少有17个非正规军部队参战。

    At least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war .

  9. 勒罗伊没受过任何正规的舞蹈训练。

    Leroy didn 't have any formal dance training .

  10. 肯尼迪没有接受过做油漆匠的正规培训。

    Kennedy had no formal training as a decorator .

  11. 尽管小学毕业后就再没有受过正规的教育,他却十分爱读书。

    Although his formal education stopped after primary school , he was an avid reader

  12. 他超级整洁的形象使其新设的专业骗局看起来很正规很体面。

    His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up .

  13. 彼得是受过正规训练的钢琴家。

    Peter is a classically trained pianist .

  14. 虽然他没有接受过正规工科训练,但却是个天生好学的学生。

    Although he had had no formal engineering training he was a natural and willing pupil .

  15. 这部尚未定名的正规长度影片将包括对他们的采访和他们现场表演的片段。

    The full-length feature , as yet untitled , will include interviews plus footage of their live gigs .

  16. 据我了解,目前对该问题尚未进行过正规的调查。

    So far as I am aware , no proper investigation has ever been carried out into the subject .

  17. 如果可能的话,选用正规的吃鱼刀叉,因为它们是专门设计来切开鱼肉而又不会切断鱼骨的。

    Use a proper fish knife and fork if possible as they are designed to cut through the flesh but not the bones

  18. 这种非正规打仗的责任是很大的。

    This irregular fighting was a thing of much responsibility .

  19. 博物馆和其他非正规学习机构可能比中小学更适合教授这种技能。

    Museums and other institutions of informal learning may be better suited to teach this skill than elementary and secondary schools .

  20. 职业顾问说,正规教育很重要,但是真实的生活经历通常甚至更有价值。

    Formal education matters , career counselors say , but real - life experience is often even more valuable .

  21. 这一视频引来一些Instagram用户的嘲讽,认为这种不正规的敬礼方式“有失总统风范”。

    The video drew ridicule5 from some Instagram users , who saw the unorthodox salute as " un-presidential . "

  22. 他在大学受了四年正规教育。

    He received four years of normal edication at college .

  23. 做出非正规的评价,让人不能接受

    Make off the cuff remarks that are often seen as personal prods .

  24. 想要进入门萨俱乐部,申请者必须接受正规的智力测试并答对至少98%的题目。阿斯瓦尔说:“门萨俱乐部测试了她的接受性记忆力、认知技能和逻辑推理能力。”

    To qualify for Mensa membership , applicants skills and logical reasoning , " Athwal said .

  25. “粘地板”指的是一种不正规的商业惯例,让员工长年累月地拿着很低的薪水而又不给其任何晋升机会。

    Sticky floor refers to unofficial business practices that keep workers in low-paying jobs that offer little chance for personal advancement1 .

  26. 议员们主张说,中性词汇会加大学习正规法语的难度,甚至可能威胁到整门语言。

    The MPs argue that the gender inclusive nouns make learning proper French more difficult and could even endanger the entire language .

  27. 虽说报纸上开设正规的社论版已经有几百年的历史了,不过现代报纸评论版的鼻祖却在1921年才出现,是由《纽约世界晚报》的赫伯特•贝亚德•斯沃普开创的。

    Although standard editorial pages have been printed by newspapers for many centuries , the direct ancestor to the modern op-ed page was created in 1921 by Herbert Bayard Swope of The New York Evening World .

  28. 正规随机Fuzzy集及其性质

    Normal Random Fuzzy sets and their properties

  29. Fuzzy子群和拟Fuzzy正规子群

    Fuzzy Subgroup and Quasi-Fuzzy Normal Subgroup

  30. 正规环的Fuzzy双侧理想

    Fuzzy Bi-ideals in Regular Ring