
  • 网络normally consolidated soil;normally-consolidated soil;normal consolidated soil
  1. 基于现场载荷试验的变形计算公式,推导了一种新的正常固结土静止侧压力系数计算公式,并进一步讨论了超固结土静止侧压力系数计算方法。

    Based on the deformation formula of Loading Test in site , the coefficient of lateral pressure'at rest ' for normally consolidated soil is developed .

  2. 计算软土次固结的常用方法没有反映荷载变化的影响,实际上只适用于正常固结土。

    The conventional method to compute secondary consolidation of soft soils does not reflect the influence of load . It is only applicable to the normally consolidated soils actually .

  3. 正常固结土与超固结土主要力学特性的比较

    Comparison of Characteristics Between Normal Consolidated Soil and Over - consolidated Soil

  4. 正常固结土与超固结土的一些特性及其应力历史的确定

    Some Properties of Normally-consolidated Soils and Overconsolidated Soils and Determination of Its Stress History

  5. 提出了一种新的、适用于正常固结土在静荷作用下的应力矢量型非线性本构模型。

    A new non linear constitutive model for normal consolidation soil under static loading condition is presented .

  6. 从超固结土与正常固结土的应力关系开始,分析卸载对土的大小主应力的影响,得到考虑卸载影响和不考虑卸载影响2种情况下土的抗剪强度差值。

    In consideration of stresses relation between over-consolidated soils and normal consolidated soils , the effect of unloading on major stresses was analyzed .

  7. 结合前人对正常固结土冻融过程中应力状态变化的分析,综合电镜扫描图像的定量分析和冻融过程中的变形时程,对超固结土强度的变化提出了新的机理解释。

    Novel explanations on the mechanism of the changes were given by using SEM quantitative analysis and according to the deforming process during freezing-thawing .

  8. 对于正常固结土中的预埋锚板来说,分开和始终粘结情况下抗拔承载力系数都是随着上拔位移的增加而增加。

    For pre-embedded anchor in NC clay , the pullout capacity factors increase with the increasing of the uplift displacement for both attached and vented base .

  9. 本文中建议了一个包含塑性体应变和偏应变两个硬化参数的封闭屈服面模型,可以同时应用于正常固结土和超固结土。

    In this paper a double hardening model with two hardening parameters ( i.e. plastic volumetric strain and shear strain ) and a single smooth yield function has been proposed .

  10. 介绍了正常固结土和超固结土的排水强度、变形、孔隙水压力和静止侧压力系数等主要力学性质,并对其进行了比较。

    In this article are introduced some primary mechanical properties of the normal consolidated soil and over-consolidated soil : drain density , distortion , pore water pressure and static lateral pressure coefficient etc , and comparison is made between them .

  11. 正常固结软土渗透系数与固结应力关系研究

    Research on relationship between permeability coefficient and consolidation stress of normal consolidation clay

  12. 一些山区用地就地取材,填谷中的土体经常混有许多小石块,这就造成了此类堆填场地的填土与正常固结的土有着很大的差别。

    People lived in some mountain areas used local resources which mixed with many small stones in the valley soil , which resulted a large different between such landfill sites filling and normal consolidation of soil .

  13. 正常固结饱和地基土的总应力强度指标

    Strength indexes of total stress of normally - consolidated and saturated soils