
zhènɡ xiànɡ fǎn yìnɡ
  • forward reaction
  1. 正向反应受K+激活。

    Activation by K ~ + was observed in the forward reaction .

  2. 九家引起正向反应的上市公司在事件发生日具有显著为正的市场反应。

    The six companies which cause negative market reaction have significant negative ARs and CARs , while the positive react is significant for the other nine companies .

  3. 期货市场与现货市场对于对方的冲击所作出的都是正向反应,现货市场对期货市场的冲击在当期就能迅速反应,但是期货市场的反应比较滞后。

    Futures market and spot market will both make the positive responses , when they are influenced by the others . The spot market will be able to respond in the current period , but the futures market response lags behind .

  4. 资本市场对无形资产做出显著的正向价格反应;

    And the security market has positively response ;

  5. 一种无意识的定向反应;对刺激源的正向或逆向反应。

    An involuntary orienting response ; positive or negative reaction to a stimulus source .

  6. 而反向阴燃的反应温度比正向阴燃的反应温度低。

    Conversely , the reaction temperature of the forward smolder is higher than that of the reverse one .

  7. 回归分析结果表明,企业社会责任报告的质量显著正向影响市场反应。

    Results of regression analysis show that the quality of social responsibility reports positive affect the market reaction significantly .

  8. 对低表像值的单词来说,正向翻译的反应速度显著慢于反向翻译。

    For low-imageable words , however , the latency of forward translation was significantly longer than that of backward translation .