- 网络EOF;pod

This paper also discusses the necessity of POD and describes the reason that one can obtain the approximate solution quickly with some least-square methods .
Research on Optimum Aerodynamic Design Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm and POD
Look vector 's orthogonal decomposition algorithms for topographic reconstruction by InSAR
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Its Application in EEG Signal Analysis
A Novel Ground Moving Target Detector in Dual-channel SAR Images Based on Adjacent Average and Orthogonal Projection
The Reconstruction of ECG on SVD
A Study on Applications of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition to Wind Load and Wind-induced Response of Buildings
Perturbation of Frames and Riesz Bases for Hilbert Spaces and Their Orthogonal Decomposition
Proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) is an effective technique for data reduction and feature extraction of a random field .
An investigation to reconstruction and prediction of wind pressure field on roof with proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) is presented .
Zonal Wavelets on the Heisenberg Group and the Orthogonal Decomposition for the Function Space
The random wind pressure field of a pitched roof is predicted in terms of the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) technique .
A series of known approximate flow field solutions are reassembled into basic modes based on the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) .
Aero-optical aberration wavefront can be represented as a multiplicative summation of the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) basis functions and time coefficients .
Earlier studies have applied the proper orthogonal decornposition ( POD ) technique to such random wind pressure fields to identify hidden deterministic structures .
Empirical orthogonal function ( E OF ) has been applied in typhoon track forecasting .
Glottal Flow Derivative Conversion from Source Speaker to Target Speaker Based on Legendre Orthogonal Decomposition
Proper orthogonal decompostion ( POD ) was used to predict the wind pressure time series on the locations where the pressure taps are not distributed .
In this paper we propose a modified SQP method which is based on orthogonal decomposition .
This paper discusses the application of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition ( POD ) to the reconstruction of the random wind pressure field acting on a pitched roof .
In addition , it forecasts the wind pressure coefficient of the non-arrangement pressure points under the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) method and the original wind field theory .
In the second piece of writing , a new constructing method of orthogonal arrays by orthogonal decompositions of projection matrices is proposed , called MI construction ( Matrix Image Construction ), which gives us a way to construct a lot of orthogonal arrays used in GL Algorithm .
Implementation and error analysis of X-R orthogonal decomposer for eddy current testing
Wind pressures acting on buildings are complicated functions of both time and space . The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition ( POD ) technique has been applied to decompose and reconstruct wind pressure fields in earlier studies .
Seasonal , annual and decadal variations of air-sea heat-fluxes over the Northern Pacific , ocean are analyzed based on the COADS dataset .
The space vector used to generate the first Lanczos vector or block lanczos is obtained from the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) of the wind pressure field of roof .
The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition ( POD ) is an optimal decomposition of random fields in terms of an energy representation . The principle of POD is deduced by the concept of Rayleigh quotient and its extreme property .
Proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) of random multivariate processes was defined firstly . Then , a series of practical expression of the spectral representation method on the basis of POD was given , which can be accelerated by FFT .
A scheme to resolve the problem of decomposing Gabor filters with arbitrary angles in quadrature is also mentioned . When condition of decomposing in quadrature is not contented , an image can be rotated to be filtered .
POD based on power spectral density matrix of stochastic vector process is introduced to replace Cholesky decomposition , which resulted in so-called the spectral proper transformation ( SPT ) technique .