
zhǐ hàn yào
  • Antiperspirant;anhydrotic;anhidrotic;anidrotic
止汗药 [zhǐ hàn yào]
  • [anhidrotic] 止汗的药剂

止汗药[zhǐ hàn yào]
  1. 天气阴冷的月份或周末不要使用止汗药,即使这能给你带来些许舒适。

    Don 't use antiperspirant during cooler months or on weekends when it doesn 't matter if you sweat a little .

  2. 比如,切半个柠檬涂抹在腋下,将有助于杀死导致体味的细菌,同时也可以避免由于止汗药里的铝与汗液作用而在白色衣服上造成的黄色斑迹。

    Half a lemon wiped on the armpits , for example , helps kill the bacteria that causes body odour as well as eliminating those ruining yellow stains on white garments created by the reaction between sweat and the aluminium in antiperspirants .