
ɡē dé
  • praise sb.'s virtues/achievements
  • Goethe (German poet/dramatist)
  1. 这本书一开头引用了歌德的隽语。

    The book began with a quotation from Goethe .

  2. 她的文章多处引用了歌德的作品。

    There were dozens of citations from the works of Goethe in her essay .

  3. 歌德学院和德国总领事馆展出了照片,现代博物馆在播放关于柏林的电影,P。

    The Goethe-Institut and the German consulate-general are showing photographs , the Museum of Modern Art is screening films about Berlin and the P.

  4. 正如歌德(Goethe)所说:许多人大多数时间的工作仅仅是为了生存。

    As Goethe said : Most people work the greater part of their time for a mere living .

  5. 德国电影节基本上由中国的歌德学院(Goethe-InstitutChina)主办,施隆多夫作品的回顾展是本届电影节的重头戏。

    The German film festival , largely organized by the Goethe-Institut China , had as its centerpiece a retrospective of Mr. Schl ? ndorff 's films .

  6. 缔造它们的是有信心的男男女女,他们理解歌德(Goethe)的格言:不管你能做什么,或者梦想能做什么,开始去做吧。

    They are made by confident men and women who understand Goethe 's maxim : Whatever you can do , or dream you can , begin it .

  7. 巴勒莫(Palermo)——歌德曾称之为拥有无法形容之美的城市——或许是目前西欧唯一能让你走在二战瓦砾堆中感受发展状况的城市。

    Palermo - a city Goethe once claimed was possessed of an impossible-to-describe beauty - may now be the only city in Western Europe where you can still find yourself picking your steps through World War II rubble , just to give a sense of development here .

  8. “但我会。”说完,歌德退到一旁。

    " But I will ," with that Goethe retreated aside .

  9. 三个哲学诗人:卢克莱修,但丁和歌德

    " Three philosophical poets : lucretius , Dante and coethe "

  10. 歌德在中国的传播与接受

    The Acceptation and Spread of Goethe and His Works in China

  11. 罗肯歌德的妈妈将为他进行辩护。

    Lokensgard 's gotta have his mommy stick up for him .

  12. (德国诗人、戏剧家歌德)

    ( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German Poet and dramatist )

  13. 歌德有他自己的哲学思想和神学思想。

    Goethe had his own philosophical thought and theological thought .

  14. 舒伯特把歌德的一些抒情诗谱成了歌曲。

    Schubert set some of Goethe 's lyrics to music .

  15. 歌德和欧里庇得斯笔下的伊菲革涅亚形象比较

    Comparison between Iphigenia 's Images by Goethe and the One by Euripides

  16. 对于歌德来说,梦具有一种治愈力。

    For Goethe , dreams had the power to heal .

  17. 我们从圣·歌德这个地方,获得了同意。

    First here has the Gold Saint 's approval from this group .

  18. 《浮士德》&歌德的精神自传

    Faust : An Autobiography of Goethe s Inner World

  19. 文学翻译与世界文学&再论歌德笔下的中国女诗人

    Literature Translation and World Literature-Further Remarks on Goethe 's " Chinese Poetess "

  20. 接近歌德的天才思索&《浮士德》的艺术、哲学和宗教

    A Genius Thinking of Goethe : Arts , Philosophy and Religion in Faust

  21. 歌德采用了特殊的处理方法来提高材料的孔隙度。

    Grado utilizes a special processing method to increase the material 's porosity .

  22. 歌德被拥戴为德国最伟大的诗人。

    Goethe is acclaimed as germany 's greatest poet .

  23. 他结束时引用了一段歌德的话。

    He concluded by quoting a passage from goethe .

  24. 《你懂我的心》--贝婷·布伦塔诺致歌德

    You Know My Heart -- Bettine Brentano to Goethe

  25. 歌德,1817年,《自然科学原理》。

    J.W.Goethe , 1817 , Principles of Natural Science .

  26. 歌德《浮士德》的悲、喜剧精神之辨

    The Dispute on the Spirit between Tragedy and Comedy in Goethe 's Faustus

  27. 惟有在真理中才能找到智慧。&歌德

    Wisdom is only found in truth . - Goethe

  28. 1949年是歌德诞生二百周年。

    1949 was the bicentenary of Goethe 's birth .

  29. 歌德可能借用了大革命中法国的经历。

    Goethe probably drew on experiences of revolutionary France .

  30. 歌德有一次讲到拿破仑,便对厄克尔曼说:

    When Goethe on one occasion said to Eckermann with reference to Napoleon :