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  • secondary bond
  1. 次级键受pH值、离子强度、温度等影响较大,而主级键基本不受pH值、离子强度、温度等影响。

    The secondary bond was greatly influenced by pH , ionic strength and temperature , while the primary bond was essentially not affected by these factors .

  2. 次级键与晶体中锑(III)螯合物配位多面体研究

    Study on the Scondary Bonding and Coordination Polyhedra in Crystal of Antimony ( III ) Complexonate Family

  3. 上述结果表明,或许正是这种链间的次级键相互作用,才使A、B链之巯基有可能正确配对,重组成有生物活力的胰岛素分子。

    It is this interaction which forms the basis of a correct pairing of the chains and a satisfactory yield during reconstitution of insulin from its A and B chains .

  4. 74kD蛋白与p53蛋白以次级键结合,并与NPC患者血清产生微弱的阳性反应。

    The 74 kD protein bound to p53 protein by secondary bonds in NPC cells and weakly reacted with NPC patient 's serum .

  5. 目的:确定水飞蓟宾卵磷脂复合物(SLC)中水飞蓟宾与卵磷脂之间是以共价键还是以其他次级键结合。

    Objective : To confirm whether silybin lecithin complex ( SLC ) is combined by covalent bonds or other sub bonds .