
  • 网络Subdialect;subdialects
  1. 揭阳方言是现代汉语闽方言闽南次方言的一个小分支。

    Jieyang dialect is a small branch of Minnan sub-dialect of modern Chinese .

  2. 巫山话属于北方方言西南次方言。

    Wushan language belongs to south-west dialect which is included in north dialect .

  3. 闽语是汉藏语系汉语族中一种比较复杂的方言,内部各次方言既有一致性,也存在差异。

    There is not only commonness but also difference within the secondary Min dialect .

  4. 把赣方言看成是客赣语的一个次方言更有其合理性。

    Thus it is more suitable to regard Gan as a sub-category under the Hakka-Gan dialect .

  5. 实验结果表明这两支方言虽同处一个城市,但有很大不同,分属两个不同的次方言。

    The results show that the two dialects are different , though they coexist in one city .

  6. 浙北吴语是吴方言的次方言,嘉兴话是浙北吴语的重要一种。

    The Changxing dialect is one of the important dialects in the Wu speech of the north of Zhejiang Province .

  7. 两种次方言间词汇的相同率超过90%,可直接相互通话。

    The same rate of vocabularies of the two dialect is over 90 % , and they can speak to each other directly .

  8. 益阳方言和长沙话历来被归于同一个次方言下,可以作为湘语的代表方言之一。

    Yiyang dialect and Changsha dialect have always been attributed to the same sub-dialects , as the representative of Hunan dialect of the language .

  9. 安仁方言属于赣方言的一种次方言,主要通行于安仁县内,流通范围不广,使用人口也不多。

    Anren dialect belongs to a kind of Gan dialect , principally spoken in Anren , the distribution is not wide , and the use of population is not much .

  10. 衡阳方言与长沙话同属湘方言的一个次方言。

    Hengyang dialect and Changsha dialect belong to the same sub-xiang-dialects . This thesis is intended to study the grammatical system of Hengyang dialect , which is distributed in Hunan province .

  11. 在汉语史的研究中,如果把同一历史时期能体现不同地域方言特色的语料做比较,可以发现同一语言现象在不同方言或次方言中的表现异同。

    The similarities and differences of a linguistic phenomenon in a language can be found by comparing the language data representing the different dialect in the study of the history of Chinese language .

  12. 有关吴方言的研究一直是方言研究的重点之一,但是关于吴方言内部之间次方言的音系对比研究却很少。

    The Wu dialects have been one of the focuses in dialectal studies for many years , but few people have done researches on the comparison of phonological structures among different subsets of Wu dialects .

  13. 论文择取了龙山、花垣、古丈、凤凰四个县共七个次方言点的土家语与苗语,并结合了该地区的西南官话来与中古乃至上古汉语进行历史比较。

    This paper mainly selects seven dialect place of Miao and Tujia languages in Longshan 、 Guzhang 、 Fenghuang and Huayuan countries , combining Southwest Chinese in this place with the middle-age even ancient Chinese to compare historically .

  14. 毕节方言属北方方言中的西南次方言,以市区方言为代表,有韵母32个;

    The local dialect of Bijie belongs to the southwest sub-dialect of the north dialect area , the local dialect of the town is its representative , there are 32 " yun " & final part of a syllable in the local dialect of the town ;

  15. 因为这绝对是我第一次听说方言。

    For it was positively the first time I had ever heard a dialect .

  16. 本文通过田野调查,第一次对蒲城方言做了全面系统的记录。

    Through field work , investigate Pucheng dialect and record it widely for the first time .