首页 / 词典 / good

  • plant;grow;cultivate;establish
  • 栽种:种~。培~。栽~。~树。

  • 树立:~立。~志(立志)。

  • 戮住,竖起:~耳。

  • 生物的一大类,谷类、花草、树木等的统称:~物。~被。~保。

  • 古代军中监督工事的将官:“华元为~,巡功。”


(栽种) plant; grow; cultivate:

  • 移植


  • 培植


  • 栽花植木

    plant flowers and trees;

  • 山坡上植了茶树。

    The slopes of the hills were planted with tea bushes.


(树立) establish; set up:

  • 植基

    establish foundation


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 植远

    Zhi Yuan

  1. 枯草芽孢杆菌G3防治植病盆栽试验

    Pot tests on plant disease control with Bacillus subtilis g_3 strain

  2. 玉米转座因子Ac/Ds导入水稻花药悬浮细胞并再生成植株

    Introduction of Maize Transposable element Ac / Ds into Rice Anther-derived Suspension Cells and Plant Regeneration

  3. 这一排排树篱是用榆树植成的。

    The hedgerows were planted with elm .

  4. 山坡上植了茶树。

    The slopes of the hills were planted with tea bushes .

  5. 中国的《神农本草经》是世界上最古的本草书。写于2,000多年前,记载了300多种动植矿物。

    “ The Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing ”, written more than 2,000 years ago , was the earliest book on materia medica in the world . Recorded in the book are over 300 kinds of animals , plants , and minerals used for medication .

  6. 适宜植于空旷地。水边或建筑物旁

    Appropriate establish at edge of hollowness ground , water or building by .

  7. 还有一款新的榛子味植脂末,灵感来自星巴克的榛果拿铁,我打算一整个秋天都在咖啡里加这个。

    You can also find a new non-dairy Hazelnut Flavored Creamer , inspired by Starbucks ' Hazelnut Latte , which I will be adding to my coffee all autumn long .

  8. 新的奶精有两种口味,一款是焦糖味植脂末,灵感来自星巴克焦糖玛奇朵,是用奶油焦糖做成的,有淡淡的香草味,喝起来很舒服。

    These new creamers will come in two different flavors , with the first being Caramel Flavored Non-Dairy Creamer , which is inspired by Starbucks Caramel Macchiato . It 's made with notes of buttery caramel and hints of vanilla .

  9. 结果表明,茶园土壤的酸化程度随植茶年龄的增加而加重,土壤有效态N以NO-3N为主。

    The results showed that soil acidification of tea gardens increased significantly with tea bush age .

  10. DNA多态性分析技术检测异基因造血干细胞移植后植活的证据

    Study on DNA Polymorphism Analysis Technique as an Evidence of Engraftment Status after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

  11. 对南阳烟区植烟土壤519个混合土样进行了分析,结果表明,南阳烟区土壤的pH值平均为7.23,有93.8%的土壤处在5.8~8.0之间;

    The nutrients in 519 soil samples collected from tobacco growing areas in Nanyang were analyzed .

  12. 将每只动物双侧前肢随机分入开放植骨术组(A组)和微创植骨术组(B组)。

    All cases were randomized into open grafting group ( Group A ) and minimally invasive grafting group ( Group B ) .

  13. 基于遥感和GIS的汉江上游植被与土壤侵蚀动态监测研究

    Research on Vegetation and Soil Erosion Dynamic Monitor of upper Reaches of Hanjiang River Based on RS and GIS

  14. 骨粒植骨在胸腰椎CD系统手术中的应用

    Application of granular bone graft in the CD operation of thoracolumbar vertebrae The Surgical Navigation System

  15. 前路病灶清除、植骨和U形钛板固定治疗腰骶段脊柱结核

    The application of U shape titanium plate in surgical treatment of lumbar and sacrum spinal tuberculosis

  16. 4与最佳植茶区相比较,适宜区存在一些轻度限制因子,主要包括土壤pH,碱解氮、速效钾含量;

    Compared with the first class , soil pH , available nitrogen and potassium were the slightly limited factors of the second class .

  17. 采用GPS和GIS技术研究了云南省玉溪市红塔区植烟土壤养分分布状况和施肥分区。

    The spacial distribution of soil nutrients was studied at Hongta district of Yuxi city , Yunnan province by applying GPS and GIS technique .

  18. C煤层沉积处在海进的初期,它为富含多门类海相动物化石的原地树皮残植煤。

    C seam was deposited in the initial period of transgression . It is a kind of in-situ bark liptobiolites containing a large quantities of marine animal fossils of different phylum .

  19. 另外,覆盖栽培增强了旱植水稻对营养元素N、P、K的吸收能力,其中以地膜覆盖处理最为明显。

    Otherwise , mulching cultivation enhanced the absorption ability to N , P and K , among them , the treatment of plastic film mulching was most obvious . 6 .

  20. 高位LeFortⅠ型截骨同期牙槽嵴裂植骨矫治唇腭裂术后面中部畸形

    High level Le Fort ⅰ osteotomy and bone grafting for correction of secondary mid-face deformities in cleft patients

  21. 目的研究高表达吲哚胺2,3-二氧化酶(in-doleamine2,3-dioxygenase,IDO)的树突状细胞(Dendriticcells,DC)对角膜植片存活时间的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of dendritic cells ( DCs ) with high expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase ( IDO ) on corneal allografts .

  22. 苜蓿种子田适宜的建植密度应在5.55万株/hm2左右。

    The suitable density for alfalfa seed production field should be around 55 550 plants / ha .

  23. 联合PTK的全厚植片深板层角膜移植术临床及实验研究

    Clinical and laboratory study of full-thickness lamellar keratoplasty combined with PTK

  24. 目的探讨运用Spondylolisthesisreductionsystem(SRS)提拉复位系统加环锯取髂骨于椎体间行单侧或双侧植骨融合治疗峡部不连性腰椎滑脱症。

    Objective To assess SRS elevating-pull reduction system and intervertebral circular saw iliac bone graft fusion in single or double for surgical treatment of lumbar spinal spondylolisthesis associated with isthmic spondylolysis .

  25. 人类SRY基因在产前诊断及外周血造血干细胞移植后患者植活证据鉴定中的应用

    The human SRY gene for prenatal diagnosis and an evidence status after allogeneic blood stem cell transplantation

  26. 受体血清和Hanks液保存兔角膜植片的内皮细胞比较

    The properties of rabbit corneal endothelial cells after preservation in recipient serum and Hanks solution

  27. 结论:肿瘤切除自体髂骨翻转植骨+重建钢板重建骨盆环是一种较好的治疗髂骨肿瘤的保肢方法,但对于2B期髂骨肿瘤应慎用。

    Conclusion : Iliac tumor resection and pelvic reconstruction with reconstructive plate was a good treatment in pelvic tumor except 2B malignent tumor .

  28. 用Steffee钢板后占据植骨床面积的65%。

    The steffee plate covered 65 % of the graft bed .

  29. 钛网植骨与Z-plate内固定在胸腰椎结核治疗中的应用

    Application of titanium-net fusion and Z-plate fixation in treating tuberculosis of thoracic and lumbar spine

  30. 在对BGA全自动植球机进行运动仿真后,可以确定各个机构运动正常。

    After imitating the motion of the machine , can make sure that the movement of each organization can carry out normally .