
  • 网络Nutrient Element for Plant;N nitrogen P phosphorus
  1. 植物营养元素的含量和δ~(13)C值随海拔而变化的特征及营养元素相互作用对碳同位素分馏作用的影响

    Altitudinal variations of nutrient concentrations and carbon isotope compositions in a c_3 plant and the effects of nutrient interactions on carbon isotope discrimination in limestone areas of Southwest China

  2. KCl肥料中植物营养元素含量分析

    The Content of Nutrient Elements of Plant in KCl Fertilizer

  3. 本区主要湿地植物营养元素分布规律表现为:N、Ca和Mg主要集中在叶中:P、K和Mn主要集中在花穗中;

    The distribution of nutritional elements of marsh vegetation of this area shows : N , Ca and Mg mainly concentrated in leaves ; P 、 K and Mn mainly concentrated in spikes ;

  4. 在土壤肥效和植物营养元素研究中,常用13C、32P和15N及其化合物示踪定量评价土壤养分,追踪植物对养分的吸收、运转、分配和代谢过程。

    In fertility of soil and the distribution of nutrient in the soil-plant system , 13C , 32P , 15N and their compounds are applied in evaluating the soil nutrient quantitatively and tracing its adsorption , transfer , and distribution in plant .

  5. 粉煤灰中植物营养元素赋存状态及应用

    Vegetal Nutrition Elements in Fly Ash : Existing States and Application

  6. 山蚂蝗属13种热带绿肥植物营养元素含量及品质评价

    Contents and Quality Evaluation of Nutrition Elements of Desmodium Tropical Green Manure

  7. 铵态氮肥和尿素中植物营养元素含量比较分析

    Contents of Nutrient Elements in NH_4 ~ + - N Fertilizer and Urea

  8. 植物营养元素&Ni

    Nickel & A nutrition element for higher plant growth

  9. 植物营养元素及其化学计量学是当前生态学研究的热点领域之一。

    Plant nutrient and stoichiometry is one of the hot field in ecology at present .

  10. 3啤酒底泥也含有较高的有机质及部分植物营养元素,其施用对土壤及棉花重金属含量影响不大。

    Applying of beer plant sludge also cann 't effect the concentration of heavy metals in soils and plants .

  11. 大豆除需要石灰和主要的植物营养元素之外,还需要少量的铁、锰,锌。

    In addition to lime and major plant nutrients , soybeans require small amounts of Fe , Mn and Zn .

  12. 小兴安岭森林沼泽植物营养元素积累与分配规律的研究

    On the Distributive and Accumulative Laws of Nutrient Elements in Plants of Forestry Marsh in the Less Xing ' An Mountains

  13. 割草对典型草原植物营养元素贮量及分配的影响Ⅲ.刈割对植物营养元素含量变化的影响

    Influence of Mowing on storing amount and distribution of nutrient elements in typical steppe ⅲ . influence of Mowing on nutrient elements of content

  14. 长江重庆段河道植物营养元素、污染元素分布和古貌分析

    The distribution of nutritive elements and pollution elements in the Chongqing section river channel of the Yangtze River and an analysis of the paleogeomorphology

  15. 无机离子选择微电极的应用使人们更进一步了解植物营养元素的吸收、转运以及重新分配和生理功能。

    Application of inorganic ion-selective microelectrodes in plant nutrition helps us understand the uptake , transportation , redistribution , and physiological functions of plant nutrients .

  16. 菠菜硝铵营养特性及其与硝酸盐累积关系铵态氮肥和尿素中植物营养元素含量比较分析

    Characteristics of Nitrate and Ammonium Nutrition and Thier Effect on Nitrate Accumulation in Spinach Plants ; Contents of Nutrient Elements in NH_4 ~ + - N Fertilizer and Urea

  17. 重庆沿江段有毒元素和植物营养元素分布及名优特预测

    The distribution of toxic elements and nutritive elements for plants and the prediction of famous quality and special crops in Changshou Wushan sector of the Yangtze River Valley in Chongqing

  18. 通过对在黄土高原旱地进行了17年的连续施用锌肥的长期定位试验进行研究,分析了植物营养元素在土壤-植物系统中的分布特征。

    A long-term fixed experiment of application of zinc fertilizer on arid land was conducted to study the distribution of C , N , P , Zn in soil-crop system .

  19. 本研究的目的在于为含钛高炉渣的综合利用提供新的途径,同时满足现代农业生产对植物营养元素的需求。

    The aims of this research are to find some new ways for comprehensive utilization of titanium-bearing blast furnace slag , and at the same time to meet the demands of agricultural production as nutritional elements of plants .

  20. 自然和人工藓类结皮层对土壤及植物营养元素含量的影响初探川西亚高山针阔混交林与针叶纯林苔藓凋落物层持水性能研究

    Elementary Study on Influence of Biological Crust and Artificial Cultured Mosses Crust on Elemental Content of Soil and Plants Water Holding Capacities of Bryophyte and Litter Layer Under Mixed Forest and Coniferous Forest in Subalpine Region of Western Sichuan

  21. 以木质纤维素为主要成份的农林生物质是陆地上最丰富的可再生资源,它不仅是宝贵的天然高分子材料宝库,其中还蕴藏着丰富的化学能量以及比较齐全的植物营养元素。

    Wood cellulose as the main ingredient in agricultural and forestry biomass is the most abundant renewable resource in the land , it is not only the treasure of valuable natural polymer materials , but also the reserves of rich chemical energy and relatively complete plant nutrients .

  22. 内蒙古草原植物的营养元素特征

    The nutrient element features of steppe plants in Inner Mongolia

  23. 植物微量营养元素及配合施用效应

    The Plant Trace Nutrient Elements and Their Mixed Spray

  24. 矿化垃圾中植物大量营养元素含量的剖面分布特征

    Distribution of Plant Macro-elements in Profile of Aged Refuse

  25. 硫(S)素是植物必需营养元素之一。

    Sulfur ( S ) is one of the essential elements for plant growth .

  26. 草原植物种群营养元素生殖分配规律研究(Ⅰ)

    A Study on the Reproductive Allocation of Six Nutrient Elements in Steppe Plant Populations (ⅰ)

  27. 适量的稀土元素能够促进植物对营养元素的吸收、转化和利用。

    When an appropriate amount of rare earth elements was applied , the uptake of nutrients by plant and their transformation and utilization were promoted .

  28. 不管是氮、磷植物性营养元素还是有毒的重金属、有机物,它们在表生环境中的迁移转化与归趋受到矿物、腐殖质及其复合体的表面活性和迁移性的调控。

    The movement , transport and fate of either nutrient elements of nitrogen and phosphorus or heavy metals as well as toxic organic chemicals in the environment are regulated by the surface reactivity and movement of minerals , humic substances and their complexes .

  29. 磷(P)是植物必需的营养元素,在作物的生长发育、新陈代谢中起着不可替代的作用。

    Phosphorus ( Pi ) is one of essential nutrient elements , which plays an irreplaceable role in the growth and metabolism of the crops .

  30. 长期施锌土壤&植物系统植物营养元素分布特征

    Distribution of Nutrient Elements in Soil-Crop System After Long-term Application of Zinc Fertilizer