
zhí wù dú sù
  • plant toxin;phytotoxin
  1. 尤其是作为植物毒素,硫化物抑制了水生植物根部的生长,使根部发黑腐烂。

    As phytotoxin , sulfide makes the roots rot and aquatic plants wither .

  2. 运用植物毒素离体筛选水稻抗胡麻叶斑病种质的研究

    In vitro Screening of Rice Germplasm for Resistance to Brown Spot Disease Using Phytotoxin

  3. 他们快把蓖麻毒素——一种致命的植物毒素——研发为武器了。

    They were close to weaponizing ricin — a lethal plant toxin .

  4. BCA法测定新的植物毒素&蒜头果蛋白质量浓度

    Protein Concentration Determination of a Novel Plant Toxin from Malania oleifera by BCA Method

  5. 在昆虫中,已有大量研究表明细胞色素P450酶系对菊酯类杀虫剂以及植物毒素的解毒代谢方面起着非常重要的作用。

    In insects , a substantial amount of research has indicated that cytochrome P450 enzyme system plays pretty important roles in detoxifying metabolism of pyrethroid insecticides and plant toxins .

  6. 重组植物毒素gelonin的纯化及性质研究

    Studies on Purification and Properties of Recombinant Plant Toxin Gelonin

  7. 新的植物毒素蒜头果蛋白的荧光光谱研究

    Fluorescence Spectra Study of a New Toxic Protein from Malania Oleifera

  8. 某些杜鹃花科植物毒素的毒性与电子结构相关性研究

    Studies on Relationship between Toxicity and Electronic Structure of some Ericaceous Toxins

  9. 植物毒素免疫研究现状

    Current status of the study of plant toxin immunity

  10. 目的:研究某些杜鹃花科植物毒素的毒性与电子结构之间的关系。

    Aim To study the relationship between toxicity and electronic structure of some Ericaceous toxins .

  11. 植物毒素抑制,植物相克一种植物的生长因另一种植物所产生的化学物质而被抑制

    The inhibition of growth in one species of plants by chemicals produced by another species

  12. 蓖麻毒素是存在于蓖麻籽油中的植物毒素。

    Ricin is a kind of plant toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil .

  13. 以植物毒素为灭鼠主体成分,用聚丙烯酸树脂Ⅱ为肠溶材料,通过相分离法制成肠溶微球。

    Enteric coated microsphere rodenticide was made in our laboratory by acrylic resin ⅱ with the method of phase-seperation .

  14. 开初他和他的同事觉得这些感应感染器是来发现苦味道的植物毒素并经由过程缩短气道来呵护肺部的。

    At first he and his colleagues thought the receptors were there to detect bitter plant toxins and protect the lungs by constricting the airways .

  15. 植物毒素为植物产生的能引起人和动物致病的有毒物质,给人类和环境造成很大危害。

    Plant toxins are poisonous substances existing in plants which can cause illness to human and animal , also cause large harm to human and environment .

  16. 根据植物毒素的化学性质和化学结构,将其分为无机化合物类、多酚类化合物、生物碱类、毒甙类、毒性蛋白质及肽类、有毒氨基酸类、挥发油类和激素8大类;

    According to their chemical properties , and structures , plant toxins can be categorized into such eight main categories as inorganic compound , polyphenol compound , alkaloid , toxic glycoside .

  17. 就植物毒素免疫的免疫学基础、植物毒素人工抗原的研究和植物毒素免疫的临床研究及应用进行了综述。

    In the following essay , the immune basis of the immunity of plant toxin , artificial antigens of plant toxin , clinical research and application of the immunity of plant toxin were summarized .

  18. 本文概述了利用微生物及其代谢产物防治杂草的潜在优势和研究进展,介绍已商品化和具有开发潜力的微生物除草剂及具有除草活性的微生物天然植物毒素。

    This paper discussed the recent research progress of using microbes and its metabolic products to protect from weeds , introduced some commercial and potential microbial herbicides and microbial toxins which have the activities of protecting from weeds .

  19. 白藜芦醇(resveratrol,3,4′,5-三羟基二苯乙烯)为多酚类化合物,是一种存在于自然界的植物抗毒素。

    Resveratrol ( 3,4 ' , 5-trihydroxystilbene ) is a phytoalexin which is present in a number of plant species .

  20. 这些HSP加速了木质素的合成,并诱导植物抗毒素等产生,从而提高薯根的抗病性,保持耐贮不腐烂。

    Induced HSP enhances biosynthesis of lignins and phytoalexins in roots , thus increasing diseases resistance and storage tolerance in heat-shocked roots .

  21. 目的:白藜芦醇(resveratrol)是一种存在于葡萄皮及红酒中的多酚类植物抗毒素。

    Objective : Resveratrol ( trans-3 , 4 ' , 5-trihydroxystilbene ) is a phenolic phytoalexin present in grape skins and wines , especially red wines .

  22. 白藜芦醇(Resveratrol,简称Res)是一种植物抗毒素,是存在于数十种食物和药物中的一种具有保健功能的成份。

    Res ( resveratrol ) is a kind of plant endotoxin . It is a kind of composion with health care function existing on several dozen food and one of medicine .

  23. 综述了植物病原毒素的种类、致病机理;

    The category , toxic mechanism and applied study of phytopathogenic cotoxin were reviewed .

  24. 3&氨甲基吲哚是一种重要的药物合成中间体,也是合成植物抗毒素的重要原料。

    Indole-3-methylamine is an important pharmaceutical intermediate and a starting material for the syntheses of phytoalexins .

  25. 病因来自牛吃的一种叫荨麻叶佩兰的植物,毒素通过牛奶传入了人体中。

    The cause : White Snakeroot eaten by cattle , the deadly poison passed in milk to humans .

  26. 这两种用法都掩盖了一个事实,就是这种植物带有毒素:蓖麻毒素。

    Neither of these uses would clue you into the fact that this plant has deadly contents : ricin .

  27. 白藜芦醇是一种重要的植物抗毒素,具有多种医疗保健作用,因此其应用前景非常广泛,已引起多方关注。

    Resveratrol is a kind of important phytoalexin that has many functions for health and medical treatments , so its extensive application prospect has already caused attention in many ways .

  28. 转基因植物释放Bt毒素的土壤环境行为与生物学效应

    Environmental behavior and biological effects of Bt toxins released from Bt-transgenic plants in soil

  29. 鬼臼类植物产鬼臼毒素内生真菌的筛选

    Select of producing podophyllotoxin endophytic fungi from podophyllin plant

  30. 几种植物致病镰刀菌毒素滤液的生物测定

    Bioassay of toxin culture filtrate of several phytopathogenic strains