
  1. 世界森林能源现状与发展趋势

    The Current Situation and Trends of Forest Energy in the World

  2. 湖南省2000年森林能源需求预测

    Demand-supply forecast of forest energy in Hunan by the year 2000

  3. 森林能源是潜力巨大、可再生的清洁能源。

    The forest energy is the clean energy with enormous , renewable potentiality .

  4. 京郊森林能源现状及发展战略

    The present situation and development strategy of the forest in the suburbs of

  5. 论述了森林能源对人类文明进步发挥的重大作用。

    The paper has described the great function that the forest energy gives play to the progress of human civilization .

  6. 在我国营造薪炭林发展森林能源,对调整农业结构、增加农民收入、改善农村环境、促进新农村建设具有重大的现实意义。

    It has great realistic meanings to build the fuel forest in China for the development of forest energy , the new socialism countryside building , adjusting the agricultural structure , increasing peasant 's income , improving the rural environment etc.

  7. 我国是一个森林资源和能源短缺的国家,而竹材人造板是一种资源依赖性很强的企业,必须提高利用率、改进生产工艺和技术,从而节约能源,建设资源节约型工业。

    Shortage of forest resources and energy in our country , but the bamboo building board is a resource highly dependent enterprises , must improve utilization , improved production processes and techniques , thereby save energy , resources and build economic industry .

  8. 气候顺应试验方案是19亿美元的战略性气候基金(StrategicClimateFund)的一部分,后者管理着资助低收入国家的森林保护和可再生能源的方案。

    The climate resilience pilot program is part of the $ 1.9 billion Strategic Climate Fund , which administers programs financing forest preservation and renewable energy in low-income countries .

  9. 据世行测算,全球农田、森林、矿产和能源的经济价值总额超过了44万亿美元。

    Economic value of farmland , forests , minerals and energy worldwide exceeds $ 44 trillion , according to Bank estimates .

  10. 研究报告指出,巴西面临巨大减排机会,主要是土地利用(如农业和森林砍伐)、能源、交通运输和废物管理等领域的减排。

    The report states that Brazil has a great opportunity to mitigate and reduce emissions , mainly in land use ( like agriculture and deforestation ), energy , transportation and waste management .