
qí pán
  • checkerboard;chessboard;draught board
棋盘 [qí pán]
  • (1) [checkerboard]∶下各种棋用的板

  • (2) [chessboard]∶下国际象棋用的板

棋盘[qí pán]
  1. 他们拿出棋盘把棋子摆好。

    They got out the chessboard and arranged the pieces .

  2. 稍一疏忽,我们就可能面临一场以现实世界为棋盘的全球性的国际象棋比赛,对手是意志坚定、智慧超群但与我们目标相冲突的机器。

    If we are not careful , then , we could face a kind of global chess match against very determined , super intelligent machines whose objectives conflict with our own , with the real world as the chessboard .

  3. 廷斯利博士在棋盘上还有5枚棋子,对手钦诺克还有4枚。

    Dr Tinsley had five pieces on the board against Chinook 's four .

  4. 在国际象棋中,一般来说从棋盘任何位置都可以移动大约36步。

    In chess there are typically about 36 legal moves from any given board position

  5. 不知道下一步该怎么走,我一只手在棋盘上举落不定。

    With no idea of what to do for my next move , my hand hovered over the board .

  6. 这些成千成百的绿方块,都由黑熔岩石墙划分出来,使得山岭就好像巨大的棋盘一样。

    These hundreds of green squares , marked by their black lava walls , make the hills look like vast chequerboards .

  7. 两个玩家在一块32格的棋盘上进行对局。

    Two players play it on a board with 32 pieces .

  8. 这也许是数百万中国人喜欢的棋盘游戏。

    It is perhaps the most popular board game played by millions of people in China .

  9. 跳棋ChineseCheckers跳棋的特点在于六边形的棋盘,最多可供6人游戏。

    Chinese checkers is characterized by its hexagram-shaped board , which can accommodate up to 6 players .

  10. 所以说,除了卖烤肉架和棋盘游戏外,沃尔玛还卖体验

    Wal-Mart wasn 't just selling barbecues and board games . It was selling experiences .

  11. 棋盘宛如世界:一个个棋子仿佛世间的种种现象;

    The chess-board is the world : the pieces are the phenomena of the universe ;

  12. 跳棋的主要游戏目标是把所有的弹珠从你的一端移到棋盘的另一端。

    The main goal of Chinese checkers is to move all your marbles from your end to the opposite point of the star .

  13. 胡先煦扮演的中国男孩时光发现了一个棋盘,棋盘里沉睡着古代围棋大师褚嬴的灵魂。

    Hu plays a Chinese boy named Shi Guang who discovers a Go board in which the spirit of an ancient master player named Chu Ying is imprisoned1 .

  14. 关于n×n棋盘填数问题的一个命题

    A proposition on filling the numbers in the squares of the n × n chessboard

  15. 介绍了棋盘构形中m×n棋盘r染色的同色矩形存在性的问题。

    The existence of a concolorous rectangle on m × n chessboard dyed by r-color is introduced .

  16. 通过对N皇后问题棋盘矩阵的旋转,改进了回溯算法,并通过计算机集群并行实现了N皇后的计数问题。

    Traditional backtracking algorithm has been improved by rotating the chessboard matrix and put into solving N-queens counting problem in computer cluster .

  17. 最后,“GOODBYE”指令就是将棋盘重置,用来进行下一场比赛。

    Finally the'GOODBYE'command simply resets the game board for another game .

  18. 方法:最低抑菌浓度(MIC)测定采用平皿二倍稀释法,联合敏感实验采用平皿二倍稀释棋盘法。

    METHODS : MICs were determined by the twofold agar dilution method .

  19. 方法:采用棋盘法设计,琼脂平板稀释法测定最低抑菌浓度(MIC)值;

    Methods : The protocol was designed by checkerboard method .

  20. Destiny创建了一个协作文档来展示这些组织如何合作来创建一个棋盘游戏。

    Destiny creates a collaboration document to show how the organizations work together to produce a board game .

  21. 以棋盘滴定法测定尼克霉素Z与氟康唑以及尼克霉素Z与特比萘芬的协同作用。

    A checkerboard synergy study was carried out to determine the synergistic action of nikkomycin Z with fluconazole or terbinafine .

  22. 由于整个棋盘是由X方向19格Y方向19格组成,这就在平面上形成了一个二维的矩阵方列。

    The whole I-go board is composed of 19 lines in x direction and 19 rows in y direction which forms a two dimensional matrix .

  23. 给出了角上有两个洞的4×n(n≥4)棋盘中的马步哈密顿圈的解。

    The solutions to the knight 's circuit problem in the 4 × n ( n ≥ 4 ) chessboard with two holes are given in this paper .

  24. 方法以对照法和棋盘滴定法确定ELISA方法测定尿液sIgA的最适实验条件。

    Methods The optimal experimental conditions of ELISA for sIgA were ascertained by comparison method and chessboard titration .

  25. 自适应的Harris棋盘格角点检测算法

    Adaptive Harris X-corner detection algorithm

  26. 对n×n棋盘上的骑士旅游问题进行了研究,证明了猜想:当n≥5且为偶数时,以任意点作为初始点都有解。

    In this paper , the knight-tour problem on n by n chessboard is further studied . The existence of Hamiltonian circuit is shown when n ≥ 5 and is even .

  27. 在进行棋盘法之前,先测定单独应用受试的MIC值。

    The checkerboard method before the application for the determination of the subject of separate MIC value .

  28. 方法采用棋盘格模式翻转(patternreversal,PR)刺激,在大脑皮层相应视觉区记录家兔全野模式翻转视觉诱发电位(PRVEP)。

    Methed The PRVEP induced by the chess-board model pattern reversal stimuli was recorded form the visual area of cortex .

  29. 他转到Documents视图,单击工具栏上的Vocabulary,为棋盘游戏和电子游戏等术语添加了公司的定义。

    He goes to the Documents view , clicks Vocabulary on the toolbar , and adds the company 's definitions for terms such as board game and video game .

  30. CreativeGenius发送一条消息(包含棋盘游戏规范)给Manufacturing,稍后接收到来自Manufacturing的打包游戏。

    CreativeGenius sends a message ( containing the board game specifications ) to Manufacturing and later receives the packaged games back from Manufacturing .