
  • 网络Retrieval process;The Search Process
  1. 根据联机检索过程的组成要素,将其视为人一机系统。

    The component factors of on-line search process can be approached as man-machine system .

  2. 在图像检索过程中提取与光照无关的、能够刻画物体表面物理反射特性的颜色特征,被称为颜色不变性描述。

    The color features which are irrespective to the light and can portray physical surface reflect properties that extracted in the image search process named Color Invariant Descriptor .

  3. 提高了在Web信息检索过程中系统随用户关注程度和关注领域不断变化而调整信息反馈的能力,并在此设计基础上实现了一个原型系统。

    The prototype system implemented promotes the capability of adjusting information feedback according to the changes of fields which the user pays attention to .

  4. 用户模型是在用户浏览Web信息和进行信息检索过程中动态生成的,如何计算用户对概念兴趣度的变化是算法的重点。

    User modeling is a dynamic process during user browsing the web and retrieving information . The computing of the interest changes of user to the concepts is the stress of the algorithm .

  5. 研究和探讨了Ontology的定义和内涵,介绍了Ontology的创建方法、Ontology描述语言以及Ontology的编辑工具,探讨了Ontology在信息检索过程中的作用机理。

    The definition and the meaning of Ontology are studied , the creation method , description language and editing tools of Ontology are introduced . Finally , the paper discusses the functional mechanism of Ontology in information retrieval .

  6. 论述了得出S-W型二阶矩阵快速乘法最少乘法运算次数为7这一结论的计算机检索过程和简化依据。

    Abstract The conclusion , which 7 is the least number of multiplication for the fast multiplication of S W type 2 × 2 matrix is drawn , and we indicate the search procedure of computer about it .

  7. 先是利用单类SVM的相关反馈技术来解决音乐检索过程中的语义鸿沟问题,然后再通过多样本选择策略的SVM分类来提高检索性能。

    First , the use of single-class SVM to solve the relevance feedback in the process of retrieving music semantic gap problem , and then through a variety of the SVM classifier selection strategy to improve retrieval performance .

  8. BN作为一种数据挖掘工具对案例库进行学习获得诊断属性间存在的潜在关联知识,将这些知识通过相似度评价函数反映到模型的案例检索过程中。

    BN as a data mining tool to study the knowledge of the potential relevance between the medicine properties about Patient , use this knowledge in the process of case retrieval through the Similarity Evaluation function .

  9. 通过对美国专利商标局(USPTO)专利数据库检索过程的实例说明,介绍该专利网络检索方法,供用户在检索美国专利文献时参考与使用。

    The methods for USPTO patent database searching were introduced by examples , so as to be used to search patents in United States .

  10. 本文据此设计了西南大学研究生用户在CNKI数字图书馆信息检索过程中的选择行为测试问卷,并进行了实证研究。

    In the following , the dissertation designs the testing questionnaire of the postgraduates ' selection behavior of southwest university in the process of information searching on CNKI based on foregoing ten analyzed parameters .

  11. 基于查询扩展和数据融合的检索过程优化

    Optimization of Retrieval Procedure Based on Query Expansion and Data Fusion

  12. 其检索过程实际是一个数据匹配的过程。

    The process in fact is one during which data are matched .

  13. 微机联锁控制系统体系结构与软件检索过程

    System structure of micro-computer interlocking control system and course of software retrieval

  14. 基于本体的农业信息资源语义检索过程研究

    Study on the Semantic Retrieval Process of Agricultural Information Resources Based on Ontology

  15. 因此索引加快了检索过程的速度,但减慢了修改的速度。

    So , indexes speed the process of retrieval but slow down modification .

  16. 情报检索过程中,对自然语言进行词汇控制是可行方法。

    In information retrieval , the vocabulary control over natural languages is feasible .

  17. 最后给出了工艺实例检索过程的算法实现。

    Finally , algorithms of case retrieval are presented .

  18. 信息检索过程中最重要的环节就是检索出与用户需求相关的内容。

    The most important part of information retrieval is finding relevant contents that user needs .

  19. 在文本检索过程中充分利用词语之间的上下文关系有助于提高检索性能。

    Fully utilizing the term context relations in text retrieval process helps to improve the retrieval performance .

  20. 另一方面,由于在检索过程中缺乏当前查询的相关文档信息,因而不可能进行有指导的参数学习。

    Moreover , supervised parameter learning approaches are not applicable for lacking of relevant information while retrieving .

  21. 数据融合和基于相关度反馈的查询扩展是两种有效的检索过程优化技术。

    Data fusion and relevance feedback based query expansion are two effective methods for information retrieval optimizing .

  22. 该方法有效结合了纹理信息和颜色信息,克服了以往方法将低层特征孤立起来的缺陷,同时,图像检索过程以渐进的方式进行。

    The approach effectively combines both the texture and color information and retrieve images in a progressive way .

  23. 最后讨论了基于模糊相似优先比的相似度量及实例检索过程。

    Finally the paper discusses similar metric based on fuzzy analogy preferred ratio and retrieval procedure of cases .

  24. 分类检索过程对应读者思维过程的误差分析及一卡多置的提出

    Analysis on Errors of Reader Thought Process in Sorting and Search Operation and Setting up the Card Retrieval Device

  25. 另外,图像检索过程中如何有效管理大容量的图像数据库,存储空间也是一个大问题。

    In addition , how to manage huge database during the retrieval process and the storage space are also crucial .

  26. 论述了基于事例的推理方法在组态软件设计中对事例库进行检索过程的应用。

    The similar case search method based on the case based reasoning technology in the configuration software design is discussed .

  27. 相关反馈技术通过把人的参与引入到检索过程中来克服上述困难,并成为提高检索性能的有效方法。

    Relevance feedback is a promising tool to improve retrieval performance , in which human is involved in the retrieval process .

  28. 互联网监管部门在对网络数据进行分析,检索过程大多只关注结构化文本数据。

    Internet supervision departments in the network data analysis , the retrieval process only concerned about the large structured text data .

  29. 在信息检索过程中,在选择相关信息结果时,摘要常被用来支持用户快速、准确得进行判断。

    Summaries are often used to support fast and accurate judgment when selecting relevant information from information retrieval ( IR ) results .

  30. 注册中心的数据可以在检索过程中改变(添加或删除),这会影响整体结果。

    Data in the registry could change during the retrieval process ( adds or deletes ), which could affect the overall results .