
jiǎn suǒ biǎo
  • key
  1. 中国缨小蜂科分属检索表福建省潜蝇科昆虫属种检索表

    Key to genera and species of Agromyzidae ( Diptera ) from Fujian Province of China

  2. 最后根据笔者调查研究,编制了甘肃常见瓢虫幼虫检索表。

    At last , a key to larvae of coccinellidae from Gansu province are given .

  3. 基于SSR标记的蟠桃分子指纹检索表构建

    The Constrution of Molecular Fingerprinting Searching Table for Flat Peaches by SSR

  4. 参照主要疫霉分类检索表,将上述分离物鉴定为大豆疫霉菌(phytophthorasojae)。

    Refer to the main Phytophthora classification keys , the isolates were identified as Phytophthora sojae .

  5. 详细介绍了OBDⅡ系统的主要特点,使用方法和故障码检索表。

    The paper presents in detail the main features , operating process and failure codes of the OBD ⅱ system .

  6. 本文将国产松属(Pinus)23种4变种4变型的针叶,进行了横切面及表皮结构的比较观察与描述,并综合列成检索表,以便从针叶解剖结构上来鉴别松属各种。

    The comparative anatomy of the leaves of 23 species , 4 varieties and 4 forms of the genus Pinus has been investigated with special reference to their transverse sections and epidermal structures .

  7. 以这5条随机引物对不同类型绞股蓝进行RAPD扩增,识别其特征性多态位点,建立分子标记检索表。

    The 5 primers were selected from 66 random ones to carry out this RAPD amplification so that the characteristic polymorphous sites of Gynostemma Pentaphyllum are located as well as the identification key based on molecular markers is established .

  8. 使用这两个按钮和下拉式ComboBox,可以从连接的IBMDB2UDB数据库中检索表名的列表,并自由删除选中的表。

    With these two buttons and the drop-down ComboBox , you can retrieve the list of tablenames from the IBM DB2 UDB database you 're connected to , and drop the selected table at will .

  9. 在QPM中,LucID检索表有昆虫目检索表、植物检疫性病害检索表、植物检疫性昆虫检索表和植物检疫性杂草检索表。

    There are four LucID Keys , i.e. key to insect orders , key to plant quarantine insect pests , key to plant quarantine diseases and key to plant quarantine weeds in China .

  10. 稻属植物分种检索表的探讨

    A Discussion on the Key to Species in the Genus Oryza

  11. 中国蜉蝣目成虫科检索表(昆虫纲)

    Imaginal Key to Families of Ephemeroptera from China ( Insecta )

  12. 中国主要野生毛皮物种识别检索表

    A Key for Species Identification of Staple Fur Animals in China

  13. 广州地区主要草本园林植物检索表

    The key to the main herbage landscape plants from Guangzhou

  14. 求解矿物反射色主波长和饱和度的一种新检索表

    New determinative table for dominant wavelength and excitation purity of reflection colour

  15. 检索表不提供有关植物的描述。

    Keys do not offer descriptions of the plants concerned .

  16. 沈阳大学北校区校园绿化木本植物检索表

    Index of Woody Species in North Campus of Shenyang University

  17. 提供我国已知种类检索表及各新种形态特征图50个。

    The Key and50 figures of these species are provided .

  18. 给出了新种与近缘种的比较及世界全部已知种检索表。

    Key to all species of Roxita in the world was provided .

  19. 文中编制了11个种的工蚁分种检索表。

    A key based on worker caste is given for the 11 species .

  20. 列出了核果16个形态类型的检索表。

    A classified key is arranged for 16 types of drupes in Angiospermae .

  21. 依据三七的缺素症状绘制出检索表。

    According to the symptom the symptomatic list was made in this paper .

  22. 鞘翅目仓虫成虫分科检索表

    A Classification Index of Coleopterous Insect Adults in Storehouses

  23. 农村合作医疗筹资额和补偿比间数量关系模型与检索表的研究

    Quantitative Relationship Between Financing and Reimbursement and Its Application in Rural Cooperative System

  24. 并列出17个种的表式检索表。

    A tabular key to 17 species was given .

  25. 基于二叉分类检索表正、反向推理的研究及应用

    Research and application of forward and backward reasoning based on binary taxonomic key

  26. 至此全国为害柑桔的叶蝉增至32种。文中对贵州12种柑桔叶蝉成虫编制成检索表加以区别。

    Then the citrus leafhoppers increased to 32 species till now in China .

  27. 编制了该地区石榴品种检索表;

    An indexing chart was compiled for the pomegranate cultivars of that region .

  28. 设计出新式的昆虫分类检索表。

    A new kind of insects identification key in insect taxonomy is designed .

  29. 除新种描述并附特征图外,还提供中国已知种类分种检索表。

    A key to the species is provided .

  30. 计算矿物颜色指数的新检索表

    A new table for calculating mineral colour index