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  • 网络pier;bridge support
  1. 他们刚回到那边,桥梁和桥柱就塌了。

    They had hardly reached the other side when there was a crashing of beams and timbers .

  2. 以已成桥柱为基础的斜臂支撑的刚构支护结构,较好地解决了深水支护的困难。

    An oblique arm supporting rigid frame timbering based on the built bridge columns better to solve the difficult deep water timbering problem .

  3. 如果约束装置要设在桥柱或桥墩处,则每跨的约束装置可安装在该桥柱或桥墩上,而不是与相邻两跨互连。

    Where a restrainer is to be provided at columns or piers , the restrainer of each span may be attached to the column or pier rather than to interconnecting adjacent spans .

  4. 根据南京长江第二大桥195.41m高的斜拉桥索塔柱的实测变形值,研究了温度、日照和风速等因素作用对塔柱变形的量值。

    Based on the observed deformation of the cable tower of 195.41m in height on the second Nanjing Yangtze Bridge , the influences of temperature , sunshine , and wind pressure on the deformation of the cable tower are studied .

  5. 高速公路特大桥独柱墩预应力盖梁施工技术

    Construction Technology for Pre-stressed Copings of Single-pillar Piers of Super-large Highway Bridges

  6. 南京长江二桥南汊桥高塔柱施工测量

    The Construction Surveying of high tower pile in the second bridge of Nanjing

  7. 仅有一座立交桥桥柱进行了绿化,所占比例为0.76%。

    Posts of only one flyover have been afforested , accounted for 0.76 % .

  8. 基于上覆两层采空区的公路桥煤柱条带开采

    Mining practices on coal pillar and room mining under two goaf and highway bridge

  9. 自锚式悬索桥独柱桥塔结构设计及施工控制分析

    Structural Design and Construction Control Analysis of Single Column Tower of a Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge

  10. 兖石公路立交桥薄壁墩柱施工方法

    The Technology of Thin Wall Pier Column in Yanshi Highway Overpass

  11. 正交框构式地道桥计算的板柱组合模型

    Plate and Beam Composite Model for Computing Grade Separation Framed Tunnel Bridges

  12. 高架桥一桩一柱工程中的φ2500mm桩施工

    Construction of φ 2 500 mm Pile for Viaduct with One Pile One Column Engineering

  13. 刘桥一矿陷落柱沿主体构造陈集向斜轴发育,具有方向性、等距性,本文对未开采区进行预测,为煤矿设计,安全生产提供超前地质资料。

    The paper is intended to proffer geological foreseen information for the design of un-worked district and the safety in production .

  14. 主塔顺桥向为单柱式,横桥向为倒Y形结构。

    The pylons of the Bridge are in shape of columns when viewed along the Bridge deck and in shape of inverted Y structures in the direction transverse to the Bridge .