
  1. 基于景观理念的大学校园规划探析&对桂林旅游学院(筹)规划设计的初步思考

    Landscape-Oriented Campus Planning & Thingking on Planning of Guilin Tourism College

  2. 旅游管理专业课程体系现状调查及创新研究&以桂林工学院旅游管理专业为例

    An Investigation and Innovation of Curriculum System for Tourism Management

  3. 桂林工学院雁山校区校园景观满意度测评

    Evaluation of Campus Landscape Satisfaction Index of Yanshan Campus in Guilin University of Technology

  4. 本文以桂林工学院为例,分析了本科经济管理类专业双语教学的现状及困难,并提出了相应的对策。

    Taking Guilin University of Technology as an example , this article analyzes the problems of bilinguals teaching in economy and management majors and puts up the corresponding solutions .

  5. 以桂林旅游学院(筹)正在建设中的新校园为例,试图探析基于景观规划理念的中小尺度空间的大学校园规划设计的基本原则和景观元素设计。

    This paper takes the new campus of Guilin Tourism College ( under construction ) as an example , tries to explore landscape-oriented and basic campus planning principles of middle-or-small scales and analyze landscape element designing .

  6. 桂林中国画学院花鸟画专业课程教学研究一瞥

    Teaching Study of Special Courses

  7. 1999~2004年桂林电子工业学院体育科研状况的调查分析

    The Analysis on the Present Situation of the Sports Scientific Research in Guilin University of Electronic Technology from 1999 to 2004

  8. 利用比较学和多元统计方法,分析桂林电子工业学院信息与计算科学专业1999级和2000级学生的成绩,建立主成分模型,对两级学生的主成分模型进行分析和比较。

    The students'scores of two classes in Guilin Institute of Elec. Tech. are analyzed by employing comparison theory and multivariate statistical analysis .

  9. 我在桂林电子科技工程学院培训过,熟练地掌握了在工商界广为使用的许多程序。

    As a result of my training at the Guilin Electronic Science and Engineering College , I am highly proficient in using a number of the computer programs most widely used in business and industry .