
  • 网络Rio Grande;Grande River;Grand River;the Rio Grande River
  1. 结果就出现了这样的情景:收容所、酒吧、店铺、街道,甚至格兰德河(theGrandRiver)的中央,都成了艺术品的展地。

    The result : Art in homeless shelters , bars , shops , on the streets , even sitting in the middle the Grand River .

  2. 格兰德河中下游地区径流量变化最大,等值线非常密集,越往上游变化越小,共有九个站点具有显著性趋势,整体无明显趋势变化。

    The intensive contour showed that discharge at Middle and Lower Grand River changed greatest . The total nine stations were significant trend , there was no significant entirety .

  3. 山地公园在墨西哥的Coahuila州国加入大弯国家公园在美方侧的格兰德河。

    The mountainous park in Mexico 's Coahuila State joins with Big Bend National Park on the U.

  4. 如果墨西哥同意将格兰德河作为德克萨斯和墨西哥的边界,Slidell愿为之出价。

    Slidell was to offer to pay these claims if Mexico would accept the Rio Grande River as the border between Texas and Mexico .

  5. 黄昏时,Murias的部队来到了格兰德河附近的一处牲口农场,他听说这儿是枪手们的一个藏匿点。

    At dusk , Murias'unit shows up at a cattle ranch near the Rio Grande that he hears is a hideout for gunmen .

  6. 这可能是你的生命之旅,以便更好地准备了“全国最好的浪潮”在Playa纳兰霍和质量的权利在波特雷罗格兰德河河口(Ollies点)点突破自己。

    This could be the trip of your life so better prepare yourself for the " country 's best waves " in Playa Naranjo and the quality right river mouth point break at Potrero Grande ( Ollies Point ) .

  7. 越过海洋和格兰德河的移民。

    Immigrants who crossed oceans and the Rio Grande .

  8. 边界线随格兰德河延伸。

    The boundary follows the Rio Grande river .

  9. 它也吸引着大批移民和难民越过大洋、越过格兰德河(位于美墨之间)来到这片土地,

    It 's what pulled immigrants and refugees across oceans and the Rio Grande .

  10. 格兰德河是美国和墨西哥之间的天然界河。

    The Rio Grande River forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States .

  11. 每天有3千万加仑未经处理的人类排泄物从华雷斯城排入格兰德河。

    Everyday , 30 million gallons of untreated human waste flow from Ciudad Juarez into the Rio grande .

  12. 今天,格兰德河与奔腾强劲的科罗拉多河在其入海口处都只剩一条缓缓流淌的细流。

    Neither the Rio Grande nor the mighty Colorado is more than a trickle at its mouth today .

  13. 美国新墨西哥州最大的城市;位于新墨西哥州中部格兰德河上。

    The largest city in New Mexico ; located in central New Mexico on the Rio Grande river .

  14. 本公司的芦荟农场和芦荟实验室坐落于富饶的德克萨斯州格兰德河流域。

    The Company 's Aloe Farms and Aloe Vera Laboratories are located in the fertile Texas Rio Grande Valley .

  15. 如果我们封锁港口,他们可以从格兰德河,或加拿大进入。

    If we seal our ports , they 're going to come across the Rio Grande , or from Canada .

  16. 以格兰德河主河上中下游三个代表站点的年均径流量序列为时间序列的研究对象。

    Take the annual discharge series of three typical stations in Grand watershed as time series ' object of study .

  17. 位于或关于美国密西西比和下游或东格兰德河流域诸州的。

    Being in or of a region of the United States including the states of the lower Mississippi valley and east of the Rio Grande .

  18. 泰勒的军队挺进格兰德河以南地区,1846年5月,分别在帕洛阿尔托战役和雷萨卡的拉帕尔瓦战役中取得了胜利。

    Taylor 's army advanced into the region south of the Rio Grande , winning victories at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma in May1846 .

  19. 在美国和加拿大,琳琅满目的宠物超市占了宠物产品销售量的五分之一以上,而在格兰德河以南却十分罕见。

    Glitzy pet superstores , which account for more than a fifth of pet-product sales in America and Canada , barely exist south of the Rio Grande .

  20. 美国声称德克萨斯与墨西哥应该以格兰德河为界,而墨西哥人认为边界线应该设在往北一些的纽埃西斯河。

    The United States claimed that the border between Texas and Mexico should be the Rio Grande River , while the Mexicans claimed the border was farther north at the Nueces River .

  21. 圣·伊西德罗是一个种豆子、辣椒的小农场的主人。他住在格兰德河附近,河的这边是他的房子,那一边就是他的农田了。

    San Ysidro was a small bean and chili-rancher and lived near the Rio Grande , on one side of which stood his house , while his fields lay on the other .

  22. 格兰德河沿岸的出口创汇占墨西哥国民生产总值20%,但在去年却下滑36个百分点,与此同时,国内外需求骤降。

    Exports across the Rio Grande are equivalent to a fifth of Mexico 's GDP , and have fallen by36 % in the past year as demand on the other side has collapsed .

  23. 它也吸引着大批移民和难民越过大洋、越过格兰德河来到这片土地,鼓动女性走向投票站,给工人们以团结的动力。

    It 's what pulled immigrants and refugees across oceans and the Rio Grande . It 's what pushed women to reach for the ballot . It 's what powered workers to organize .

  24. 墨西哥放弃了所有对德克萨斯的所有权,把格兰德河订为德克萨斯州的边界,并同意以15000000美元低价把加利福尼亚和新墨西哥割让与美国。

    Mexico agreed to give up all claims to Texas , establish the Texas border at the Rio Grande , and cede California and the New Mexico territory to the United States for $ 15 million .

  25. 墨西哥边界处格兰德河沿岸城市的市长和市议会的官员们正联合起来共同阻止边境围墙的建造。

    Mayors and city councils are all along the real grant Rio Grande river , which born forms the border with mexico , are bending banding together and in an effort to stop construction of the banks fence .