
  • 网络radical ideal
  1. 套代数中根理想的w~闭包

    The w ~ closure of the radical of nest algebras

  2. 极大实理想与A-根理想

    Maximally Real Ideal and A-radical Ideal

  3. 然后定义了理想的素根准分解,进一步讨论提出了素根准分解式在某种程度上的唯一性,即第一唯一性定理;最后讨论了一下根理想的素分解的问题。

    First , we have defined the radically prime ideal based on the pre-prime ideal and then the radically prime decompositions of ideals are studied .

  4. 在环中引入T模糊准素理想,T模糊强(弱)准素理想及T模糊理想的根理想的概念,研究了它们的主要性质及其关系。

    The aim of this paper is to give definitions of the T fuzzy primary ideal , the T fuzzy strongly ( weakly ) primary ideal and the fuzzy radical of a T fuzzy ideal of a ring . Some properties and the relationship of these concepts are discussed .

  5. 关于根右理想

    About Radical Right Ideal

  6. 完备代数正规类的根与右理想

    Radicals in Normal Classes of Complete Algebras and Right Ideals

  7. 根与右理想

    Radicals and Right Ideals

  8. 非洲复兴的理想已在我们大陆扎下根,这理想实现的时刻已经到来,这想法引起大家的共鸣。

    The idea of an African renaissance has taken hold in our continent with all the resonance of an idea whose time has come .

  9. 两个复参数和它们的共轭复数为源于变形协调条件的特征方程的四个根。对于理想正交各向异性弹性材料,该特征方程只有纯虚根和复根两种形式。

    The two parameters and their conjugates being four roots of a characteristic equation emanating from the compatibility condition could be purely imaginary numbers or complex numbers for any ideal orthotropic elastic material .

  10. BCI-代数正关联零根的同态及理想

    Homomorphisms and Ideals of Positive Incident Nil - Radical in BCI - ALgebras