
  1. 氡及其子体的测量是涉及到核辐射探测技术、电子技术、计算机技术等多门学科的复杂问题。

    It is very complexity to measure radon and its daughter .

  2. 核辐射探测信号波形的数字化采集与处理方法是目前核信息获取与处理领域中的重要研究课题之一。

    Surveying the digitization of the signal wave form gathering with processing method in nuclear radiation is one of the most important subjects in the nuclear information obtained and dealt with search field at present .

  3. 星载核爆光辐射探测可行性分析

    Analysis of feasibility for satellite-based nuclear explosion detection by light radiation

  4. 超导体核辐射探测器的探测原理

    Detection principle of superconducting nuclear radiation detector

  5. 闪烁晶体广泛应用于高能物理、核医学成像和辐射探测等领域。

    Scintillation crystals have been extensively used in high energy physics , nuclear medical image and radiation detectors .

  6. 核辐射探测器阵列的探测下限是判断其是否符合探测要求的重要技术指标。

    The minimum detectable limit of the nuclear radiation detector array is an important technic criteria to judge whether the detector satisfies the detecting requirements or not .

  7. 通过核物理实验,学生能够更深刻地掌握核辐射实验原理、核辐射的探测方法及核辐射探测器的内部结构。

    Through the nuclear physics experiments , students can gain a deeper understanding of the principles of nuclear radiation experiments , nuclear radiation detection method and the internal structure of nuclear radiation detectors .