
hé suì piàn
  • fragment;nuclear debris;chip;splinter
核碎片[hé suì piàn]
  1. 皮疹、鼻部组织及淋巴结组织病理示,肿瘤细胞核不规则,伴大片坏死,可见血管壁浸润,并见吞噬核碎片。

    The pathological findings of skin biopsy , nose tissue and lymph node showed irregular nuclei of the tumor cells , severe necrosis , vascular wall infiltration phagocytosis and nuclear debris .

  2. 淋巴细胞凋亡(apoptosis)及核碎片见于所有病例,17例出现不同程度的凝固性坏死;病变区不见或偶见中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和浆细胞。

    Histological features were focal involvement of lymph nodes , proliferation of lymphocytes and histiocytes with phagocytosis , apoptosis and nuclear debris in all cases and necrosis in some cases , no or rare infiltration of neutrophils , eosinophils and plasma cells .

  3. 结果:吲哚美辛诱导野生型p53转染的wtp53/SW480细胞凋亡,出现形态学改变:即细胞核固缩、裂解,核碎片及凋亡小体形成。

    RESULTS : Indomethacin induced apoptosis in wtp53 / SW480 cells .

  4. 本文第一次用原子分子反应静力学或微观过程原理阐明了核碎片激励HeNeH2激光体系的机理。

    In the present work , the so-called Atomic and Molecular Reaction Statics or called Microscopic Process Principle developed in 1985 has been successfully used to nuclear fragments excitation He-Ne-H2 laser system for the first time .

  5. 含有多量核碎片坏死灶的形成是HNL的主要病理学特征。

    Formation of necrosis focus with abundant karyorrhectic debris is main pathologic features of histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis .

  6. L615白血病小鼠的死亡原因主要是肺血管内广泛出现的由白血细胞、核碎片及纤维素组成的瘤栓形成。

    The immediate cause of the death of the transplanted animals might be due to the extensive thrombosis of the blood-vessels by leukemic cells , cellular debris and fibrinoid material seen in the lungs at the terminal stage .

  7. 对相对论性重核碎片动量分布宽度理论公式的改进

    Improvement on Momentum Distribution Formula of Relativistic Heavy Ion Fragments

  8. 核碎片激发下He&Ne-H2激光体系的原子分子机理

    The atomic and molecular mechanism of he-ne-h_2 laser system excited by nuclear fragments

  9. 55MeV/u~(40)Ar~(17+)离子在生物等效材料中产生的核碎片

    Preliminary studies on fragmentation in tissue-equivalent material produced by 55MeV / u ~ ( 40 ) Ar ~ ( 17 + ) ion beam

  10. 光镜观察结果发现,A549/T细胞及其亲代细胞的胞质内空泡均明显增多,出现细胞核固缩,或碎裂形成大小不等的核碎片,最后可见细胞死亡后的残骸。

    Meanwhile , necrosis increasing , cytoplasm vacuole increasing , formation of nucleus fragments were observed both in A549 / T and A549 cells by optical microscope .

  11. 结论:白内障超声乳化手术中,晶体核碎片引起角膜内皮损伤是首要因素,而其他因素在正常的手术过程中对角膜内皮细胞的损伤很小。

    Conclusion : The primary factor that causes corneal endothelial lesion during phacoemulsification and aspiration procedure is debris of lens nucleus , and the other factors cause the lesion of corneal endothelium in normal operations just in very small degree .

  12. 用U核裂变碎片径迹法研究PET薄膜的高分子聚集态结构

    Effect of the state of macromolecular aggregation on the uranium nuclear fission tracks in PET films

  13. 核裂变碎片角分布与鞍点核形状

    Angular distributions of fission fragments and the shapes of the saddle point of compound nuclei

  14. 与实验结果的比较验证了中能弹核碎裂碎片能量相对于束流能量的降低是由摩擦作用引起的。

    It has been verified by comparison with experimental results that reduction of mean energy of projectile-like fragments from beam energy is mainly caused by the action of friction .

  15. 200AGev硫核及其重碎片与铜核作用的电荷改变总截面的测量

    Measurement of Charge Changing Cross Sections of 200A GeV S and Fragments with Cu Target

  16. 对反应中的余核、裂变碎片以及类弹粒子在平行板雪崩计数器中的不同响应以及各自的几何探测效率进行了Monte-Carlo模拟。

    The different response and the geometric detecting efficiency of the PPACs to the residues , fission fragments and projectile like products are calculated by Monte Carlo simulation .

  17. 结果:Day3胚胎发育速度、卵裂球核数量和碎片类型在两组间差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Results : A statistical difference was observed in the rate of embryo development , blastomere nuclei quantity and the type of fragmentation between the two groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 一个大气层核试验放射性碎片长距离输送的三维欧拉模型

    A3-Dimension Euler Model for Long-Range Transportation of Atmospheric Nuclear Explosion Test Radioactive Debris

  19. 重离子与生物等效材料核反应产生的碎片剂量

    Fragment dose produced by the nuclear reaction of heavy ions interacted with tissue - equivalent biological material

  20. 他们还在考虑是否使用来自第一次核试验的放射性碎片痕迹来支持他们的主张。

    They are also considering whether to use traces of radioactive debris - originating from the first nuclear tests - in order to bolster their claim .

  21. 分布的高度(宽度)与射弹质量之间的关系,以及与靶核和射弹碎片的依赖性同时被观测到。

    The relationship between the height ( or width ) of the distribution and the mass of the incident projectile , as well as the dependence of projectile fragments on target groups , are investigated too .

  22. 本文利用T-矩法对290AMeV12C诱发乳胶重靶核反应靶核蒸发碎片在二维相空间发射过程中的非统计涨落进行了研究。

    The non-statistic fluctuation of target evaporated fragments produced in 12C interactions at 290 A MeV in two-dimensional phase space is investigated by using the T & moment methods in this paper .

  23. 高能核&核碰撞的靶核碎片研究

    On the Target Fragments in High Energy Nucleus - Nucleus Collisions

  24. 高能核-核碰撞的靶核黑碎片发射

    On the Emission of Target Black Fragments in High Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

  25. 对重离子与核乳胶相互作用产生的靶核碎片的鉴别

    The discrimination of target fragments from heavy ions interacting with nuclear emulsion

  26. 介绍了理想气体模型中麦克斯韦速度分量分布函数在高能核-核碰撞中的一些应用,得到了靶核和弹核碎片的分布规律以及相对论性单电荷粒子的赝快度分布。

    Some applications of maxwell 's velocity component distribution in the ideal gas model are introduced in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions . The distribution laws of target and projectile fragments and the pseudorapidity distribution of relativistic singly charged particles are obtained .

  27. 本文给出了3.7GeV/N~(16)O在核乳胶中碎裂的条件矩关联,对电磁离解事例和核反应事例,均观测到弹核碎片电荷分布的条件矩间呈对数关联。

    The correlations between the conditional moments of ~ ( 16 ) O fragmentation in nuclear emulsion at 3.7GeV/N are given . For electromagnetic dissociations and nuclear reac - tions the logarithmic correlations between the conditional moments of the charge distribu - tions of the projectile fragments are observed .