
  • 网络Calibration method;Standardization;NMMDS
  1. 同时,本文提出了一种非常简洁实用的标定法,以实现框架车运行一段时间后,可进行一次升降自调零。

    Furthermore , this paper creates a compact and effective standardization , to achieve the self-adjustment to zero after carrier-vehicle operating in some time .

  2. 维生素C标准溶液浓度的分光光度标定法

    The Spectrophotometric Determination of the Concentration of Vitamin C Standard Solution

  3. 最后通过与BP神经网络标定法的对比实验证明了本文提出的标定方法标定精度高,速度快,实时性好。

    And compare the results of this calibration with BP neural network method .

  4. 本文对体积排斥色谱(SEC)普适标定法的应用限度作了简要的评述。

    The applied limit of universal calibration in SEC is briefly reviewed .

  5. 对HDL、LDL腔内壁面浓度与体光源模拟标定法测量发光粒子绝对浓度

    Absolute Concentration Measurement of Illuminant Particles by Using the Piston Source Method

  6. FDS土壤水分传感器的两步标定法

    Two-step calibration of the FDS soil water content sensor

  7. 利用CCD摄像机和DLP投影仪组建测量系统,采用平面标定法对系统进行标定,对标定后的系统进行了测量实验。

    Using CCD camera and DLP projector established measurement system . The system is calibrated by using the method of flat calibration .

  8. 考虑透镜的径向一阶畸变,采用RAC两步标定法标定摄像机参数,并在线对该文的方法进行了验证。

    Based on the pin-hole camera model with one order radial lens distortion , two-step method of RAC is described to calibrate parameters of camera , and is validated on line .

  9. 本文以Tsai标定法为基础,加入了主点坐标及纵横比的标定,提出了一种平面标定的方法。

    On the basis of Tsai calibration , it puts forward a kind of method for planar calibrating , which is joined the calibrations of principal point coordinate and aspect ratio .

  10. 对Tsai标定法进行了改进和完善,提出了完整的标定步骤,编制了相应的标定程序,并用实例对标定方法和程序进行了验证。

    Under improving on Tsai method , it puts forward a perfect calibration steps , the whole calibration procedure showing the whole calibration process , and validates the arithmetic in the traffic accident field measuring with example .

  11. 该方法通过分析和改进模型的预计质量来选择模型进行预计,对模型预计质量的分析使用了U图、Y图和对数PLR图,再标定法和组合法被用于改进模型的预计质量。

    In this method , a model is selected by analyzing and improving models ' prediction quality . U plot , Y plot and logarithm PLR plot are used to analyze models ' prediction quality , recalibration method and combination method are used to improve it .

  12. 实验表明:改进型广义Hough变换对空间不同位姿、部分遮挡情况下目标的识别具有良好的效果。4根据针孔透视模型,采用了一种平面标定法,对摄像机模型进行分析和标定。

    The experiment demonstrated that it was feasible and effective to recognize different pose and partially occluded object by using Improved Generalized Hough Transform . 4 . The model of camera calibration was discussed and the calibration results of the left and right cameras were provided based on calibration method .

  13. 应用Monte-Carlo统计试验法分析了基于波长函数(PWF)的一点定标法的误差,给出了典型结论,为应用及推广此类先进的标定法作出了贡献。

    The Monte & Carlo method has been proposed for estimating the errors of the " One Point Calibration " based ' on the measurement of pyrometer wavelength function ( PWF ) . The typical results have been obtained for spread and practical applications of this advanced calibration technique .

  14. 用神经网络变易有效焦距的摄像机标定法

    A Camera Calibration Method of Varying Effective Focal Length by Neural Network

  15. 基于光电响应特性的激光粒度仪标定法

    Calibration Method of Laser Particle Sizer Based on its Photo-electric Response Characteristics

  16. 压痕标定法中弹塑性边界位置影响因素的研究

    Research on Influence Factors of Elastic-Plastic Boundary Area in the Indentation Demarcating Method

  17. 对微机化硬支承动平衡测试系统提出了一种矢量解算标定法。

    A vector calibration and calculation method is put forward in this paper .

  18. 视觉传感器中摄像机的虚拟三维靶标标定法

    Camera calibration method based on virtual 3 D target in the vision sensor

  19. 内燃机性能测量中的智能化实时标定法

    The Method of A Intelligent Real-time Demarcation in the Measurement of Engine Properties

  20. 含手性轴化合物的构型标定法

    A way to assign configuration in chiral axis compounds

  21. 基于误差补偿的虚拟网格二维映射标定法

    Virtual Net Space Mapping Calibration Method with Compensation of the Mechanical Systematic Error

  22. 采用一周标定法实现电子罗盘的自动校准。

    One-circle calibration method is adopted to realize auto-calibration .

  23. 高阶劳厄斑点指数快速标定法

    Rapid plotting of high - ordered Laue spot indices

  24. 载荷识别的等效点动标定法

    An Equivalent Point Calibration Method for Dynamic Load Identifications

  25. 配料系统中核子秤的实物标定法

    Actual Assessment Method of Nucleus Scale in Blending System

  26. 利用迭代标定法消除了标定误差,使标定结果趋近于理想值。

    By using this method the calibration result can converge to an ideal value .

  27. 普适标定法和聚砜的体积排斥色谱

    Universal calibration and size exclusion chromatography of polysulphone

  28. 热导式热量计冷却常数的化学标定法

    Chemical Calibration for Cooling Constants of Conduction Calorimeter

  29. 测量长脉宽的电流电压检测器的方波标定法

    Calibration Method of Current and Voltage Monitors for Measuring Long Pulses Using Rectangular Pulser

  30. 基于对电子皮带称挂码标定法的研究

    Research Based on the Hanging Weight Calibration Method of the Electronic Belt Scale Instrument