• do not
  • 副词,不,不要:请~动手。~谓言之不预(不要说没有预先说过)。


(表示禁止或劝阻) do not:

  • 勿放顶上

    do not stake on top;

  • 勿放湿处

    do not stow in a damp place;

  • 勿近锅炉

    stow away from the boiler;

  • 请勿入内!

    No entry!

  1. 勿使用其它金属成份接触锡膏。

    Do not use the other metal components contact solder paste .

  2. 勿与其他人仕发生争执。

    Do not enter into a dispute with other hall users .

  3. 欲购从速,勿失良机。

    Buy now before it 's too late .

  4. 勿践踏草地。

    Don 't walk on the grass .

  5. 勿踏花草!

    Don 't trample on the flowers !

  6. 单一账户存款勿超过两万英镑。

    Avoid deposits in excess of £ 20,000 in any one account

  7. 勿谈政治。

    Keep off the subject of politics

  8. 蛋尚未孵出,勿先数鸡。

    Don 't count your chickens before they are hatched .

  9. 机会难得,幸勿失之交臂。

    Don 't let slip such a golden opportunity .

  10. 良机勿失。

    Don 't let the good chance slip .

  11. 幸勿推却。

    I hope that you will not refuse . ; Pray do not refuse .

  12. 勿与此辈来往。

    Don 't associate with such people .

  13. 宁早勿晚。

    Better be early than late .

  14. 牧师规戒人们勿起邪念。

    The minister preached against evil .

  15. 勿使亲者痛仇者快。

    Don 't sadden your friends and gladden your enemies .

  16. 勿踩草坪。

    Keep off the grass .

  17. 叨在知己,幸勿见怪。

    Having the honour , though I am unworthy of it , to be counted among your intimate friends , I hope that you will not take offence . ( an apology in a classical-style letter )

  18. 稍安勿躁,按照剧本来。

    Just hang on . Stick to the script . 4 .

  19. 勿因一次失败而气馁。

    Don 't let one failure discourage you .

  20. 勿踏草地。

    Don 't trample on the grass .

  21. 勿嗟旧岁别,行与新岁辞。

    So that the lean year may not be grieved at . Do not sigh for the departing old year ! Soon we shall say goodbye to New Year 's Day .

  22. 勿需测量坍缩假定的N能级量子态的隐形传递方案

    Quantum Teleportation Scheme of N-level States Without the Collapse of Postulation

  23. 事实上,Square早在2011年就开始尝试这样的无勿手动的支付方式,但最终又停止了类似功能的应用。

    Square tried hands free payments way back in 2011 , but ended up shutting down the app that offered it .

  24. JustinBieber苟富贵勿相忘

    Justin Biber do not forget us Bro Don 't forget us

  25. 特别是在转速信号装置接通电源的情况下,勿断开PT与转速信号装置间的连接。

    Especially in the condition that the speed signal device is connected to the power , don 't disconnect the connection between PT and the speed signal device .

  26. 细胞内多种机制都执行着宁死勿错(betterdeadthanwrong)这一规则,这就意味着那些基因组受损或失调的细胞将会通过细胞凋亡的方式被剔除,以维持机体的正常功能。

    Numerous cellular mechanism enforce the rule " better dead than wrong ", which means that cells that have a damaged genome or are afflicted by many disorders will be aborted by apoptosis-thereby maintaining normal economy functions .

  27. 这种控制策略很好地解决了逆变器输出『F弦电流的快速准确跟踪问题,并且勿需坐标变换,具有谐波补偿容易、计算简单等优点。

    This control strategy is a good solution to the problem of fast and accurate tracking the inverter output sinusoidal current . It does not require coordinate transformation , and has the advantages of harmonic compensation easy and simple calculation .

  28. 他们称之为勿需营销:JK罗琳新书内容的写作过程,在今天的出版市场上就像皇冠上的宝石。

    They call it denial marketing : the process whereby the contents of JK Rowling 's books are guarded like the crown jewels until publication day .

  29. 与现在流行的求取压裂气井无阻流量的方法相比,BP人工神经网络方法具有极大的优越性和适用性,它勿需考虑压裂后气井的复杂渗流规律,也不需数值模拟。

    In comparison with the traditional methods , the BP artificial nerve network method possesses considerable superiority and applicability and it isn 't in need of various steady percolation model based on the percolation theory of gas reservoirs after fracturing or numerical value simulation .

  30. 他们称之为“勿需营销”:JK罗琳新书内容的写作过程,在今天的出版市场上就像皇冠上的宝石。

    They call it " denial marketing " : the process whereby the contents of JK Rowling 's books are guarded like the crown jewels until publication day .